
Artist Series e words of one step

Ascend at heart!What about old elder brother?Where is this ?Saw an old elder brother is his/her own despair under the illusion produced by autohypnosis last night?......Oneself have already been given by those bastards......
Is fierce on arousing to work properly, night vapor trail feels in the moment a burst of hair black, he again how optimistic and bright also return just a 17-year-old and pure youth, meet this kind of matter to is taken by surprise have no Cuo, fear despair is the all the most normal!The night vapor trail of one iciness in heart tightly embraces himself/herself, the tears cannot helps but beating wet cheeks!
Just at this time, voice heard open the door, the night vapor trail frightenedly raises head and reflects to go into a figure for acquainting with in the misty wet eye!The Ying government sees on coming in the vapor trail Quan in night shrink the body is crying, a surprised urgently tread to come forward to let go of the clothes in the hand to ask a way under the favour:"Small cloud, how?What matter?"
See him, the night vapor trail imitates a Buddha for a while from the hell rise last heaven, the surprise hands over to gather under the tears but is getting more more, an embraced the elder brother of in front, feared this and is own illusion!The frightened discomfort that realizes him, the Ying government taps his back Wen Yan to comfort:"Small cloud don't fear!Be free!Be free!"
Feel a that one that slowly extends before the chest wet scar, in the eyes of Ying government cold long grass suddenly now, that person's residue should be enjoying to enjoy dinner very much?This just begs for some interest for small cloud first and dares to move his family, will have everlasting perdition of awakening!

Volume 3 squelches six countries chapter 27s to comfort
Renew time:2008-12-2917:02:11 chapter word numbers:2379

At his next night of consolation the vapor trail was finally calm down and put on tears, he asks a way:"Old elder brother,Artist Series, where is this ?I......Didn't I how can wear clothes?"
"This is my villa, last night you is that appearance, I how dared take you return to?If show two uncles and two Shens, doing not know will worry what kind, so have to come here to stay overnight.As for you that body originally don't remain how much of ragged clothes, while curing wound for you all took off to throw, haded harmed to move not and very indiscriminately on your body, so also have no again wear for you."
"."The night vapor trail thoroughly let go of heart, but suddenly one shout loudly:"Encounter!"
The Ying government doesn't know again which wrong, ask a way:"How?A surprised a suddenly of!"
Night vapor trail hasty way:"We didn't return to for a night, old Mom and Dad will definitely urgently bad......"
The Ying government shakes head a way:"Stop worrying, I have already beaten to conduct electricity words to two uncles and say that you participate in the friend's dancing party together with me, play till morning, so don't return to in the evening.Still making him invite along while for you is false, you need not be worried that the companies seek you, either."
The night vapor trail loosenned tone, way:"Indeed as expected not the Kui is an old elder brother, think is thoughtful!However just invited an along while leave how enough?I am injured member, how of also get to allow me to take a rest one for ten days and eight days of?"
"Good, I am to have no an opinion, however the good elephant leads again are that you opened a day for singing for 34 days?Don't know that your companies will not agree cancel or postpone?"
Night vapor trail this just thinks of his/her own singing performance to arrive, the admission tickets all have already sold about, cancel or postpone all is will never realistic matter, but how to should do oneself's this whole body wound?
Harm?At this time he just feels have a little not to, how have never felt body up have where painful?That bastard started last night so poisonous, oneself in reason should still lie on the bed now can not move just right!Is interrogative that the ground examines his/her own body, but discover the scars on the body all already thin must almost see be missing, the of course not probably felt again painful.Just not for the night up, so heavy of wound how can get so quick?Tongue-tiedly point at own body, the night vapor trail asks a way:"This......Is this what is the row?How to all like my wound?"
"Harm good not good?"
"Be not, am I to say that my wound is how can well so quick?"
The Ying government picked up to put to pass inside in the hand of night vapor trail in the dress trousers on the bedstand, way:"Harm well and quickly naturally is the medicine for using good,http://www.beatsbydrinus.com.Went, got up to wear dress to wash face then had breakfast quickly."
Once connected brand-new dress trousers, night vapor trail's uncovering a quilt was just preparing to descend a bed, but be fallen to a piece of jade by the Ying government to wear at his neck up.This jade falls to and a dollar coin of the same size, Ying white such as snow, form like flame, in the middle present a dark aureate absolute being dragon, have a liking for go to the elephant is a jade to fall to oneself nature formation of wood grain, scales and shell as if, lifelike, that image with night before last at Ying government left arm up see of that dragon form tattoo look exactly alike!The night vapor trail of exultation doesn't want to put it away tunnel:"Thank old elder brother, this jade is really beautiful!"
"This is the amulet, again big of dangerous it can protect you well.So, no matter you do don't the anything let it leaves your body, so, the matter like that absolutely couldn't take place again last night!"
"True leave of?"Night vapor trail how obviously don't believe, amulet?This thing can can deal with ten how many young tigers form big fellow?This also pulled too much!
The Ying government dipped down to him for the first time face:"Whether you believe, the in short from now on forbids to take down again!Have been already heard?"
He once this face sink, the Wei that have been making greatest efforts to refrain from rash action certainly and then paid no attention ground to show unintentionally, and the night vapor trail breathes one Zhi, involuntarily ordered to nod and basically even livinged the minds that the least bit resist not to come out!The facial expression of Ying government this just mollified down and saw the vapor trail of the night foolishly looking at himself/herself, strange tunnel:"How?"
Night vapor trail from see the Ying government rise, see of all is he softhearted friendly one side, this suddenly of the variety makes him can not adapt to!Have a lingering fear the ground clapped to clap a chest, he way:"Old elder brother, you know not to know that your plank rises a face come will be cool must frighten to death a person?It is very satisfactory, but really and personally experience personally this felling to see the Qin Shi huang whom you play Wei Lin matchless not very wonderful!I really sympathize with those persons who play an opponent drama with you now, difficult is that they are how to bear the terrible Wei power that you get mads!"
Ying government this just the province feel the Wei power that oneself just and carelessly revealed to have been embeding, the favour branch opens words:"Still wear clothes not and quickly, feel own shape very good, naked dazzle to let me see?"
Took a look own body up, night vapor trail this just discovers the body of oneself's bareness hasing no so to hide have no the Yan ground completely expose up in the air, fluster ground to wear clothes trousers while ascending!Simultaneously wear part the unwilling nature whisper:"Make reference to shape to still have very much who does the ability peter ascend you?At that time I how didn't take camera to clap down, otherwise can definitely sell an exorbitant price!"
Thought of the evening before last is a Ying government round a bath towel is from the bathroom in come out come give his sense of vision impact, the perfect shape of that gold proportion makes him envy of pole!See oneself again, finally know what be called the ratio bright moon of Ying fire, little more than man,Beats Solo HD, oneself toughens at ordinary times also very efficient, how will be so many bad?
Hear his whisper, the shadow line of Ying government full face, this boy returns be really do everything, at that time unexpectedly and really took out camera have to take photo for oneself, if not that oneself's eye clearly quick moving an once robbed the digital camera in the his hand, one a life time wased good name and then ruined at his hand in!Hear him and lift this matter at this time, cannot help but a chestnut to ruthlessly knock at his head up!
The "oh" is a , night the vapor trail Wu wear own head and put blame on a way:"Old elder brother, you how like so to knock my head, again intelligent persons be all beaten by you stupid!"
Ying government white his one eye, way:"You are still a little bit more stupid of well, none of that clevernesses puts in the serious place!"
The night vapor trail vomited to stick out tongue and continued his wear a dress big industry and unintentionally touch the amulet on the neck, let him think of a problem that had been neglecting:"To, old elder brother, are you how to find out mine?That bastard looked for person the time that I bound to walk at that time flank basic no one, have you already how can known that I had an accident?"
Think of the insurance condition last night, he not from get whole body one Zhan, if Ying government again late come to the words of one step, that he was disreally graced to be a person!Clapped to clap his shoulder, Ying government way:"I from have my way, like, stop thinking the matter last night, that was just an evil-foreboding dream and forgot it, the matter like this in no case will have second time again!"
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