
google from the ElvenKing

Method. Therefore ,detailed explain why do you think one and we played two countries on our backs to the wall to help us when it . , relationresultBe termed theindulgently let Furlong once again have the opportunity to speak .
He pushed the chair behind I came to the French window .Let the bright golden color mapping out from behind : friends .I know you orcs attitude .Please believe me and you don them .
This race in a soldier killed my own brother .So my mother cried all day .Father is holding the old body back to the army .So I believe ,google;I do not appreciate the orc .But please have a look now form .
Now humans stand at a fork in the road .It then go about his death .relationresultInthis way .And Munro joint is one of the most extraordinary .But the correct one .relationresultThe orcsnow strong believe I do not have to say I think they will agree to union reason also has some .
relationresultThe first;the orcs are not entirely unreasonable race .They freely .A simple and sincere .They are not stupid not to say quite clever ,cnn.But they make clever use of in and we totally different aspects ;they do not know courtesy very respectful .
They treated the prisoners of war cruel unthinkable Munro exit mainland slave is full continent in the same class life treatment best .Then .If they have brains to have certain and we deeply know the devil ;clearly terrible .
relationresultSecond;Orc is vengeance .But that does not mean they narrow-minded .In fact the generous continent is very famous .Their revenge only to those who hurt they know not sorry to people .
A lot of people can be demonstrated; treat a angrily orc .Much more effective than a fist .relationresultThird;no matter what .We and the orcs are continental race .Our struggle can be said to be internal .
If the land is mother words .In humans ,orcs are her children .Although this theory is very ridiculous .But it is true .The devil is the ancient race .They had attempted to destroy all the continental race .
The year a devil war is therefore initiated .relationresultBut in thesealed the evil spirit to the eve of the war ,between various ethnic groups is not constant disputes ?Why in the king human beings could put aside their differences and dwarves ,elves and sincere cooperation .
Today, once again faced with monsters, but are no longer willing to union Orc ? , relationresultWorthy is thethree points speech examples .Let ,a representative of a big power without words ,they looked at each other for questioning eyes ,Facebook,who also have no idea .
relationresultYou speak very wonderful children ,but I still feel that the orcs will not accept our alliance .We may not know so much about you , relationresultBut..... , relationresultSages ,since that is the case, I would ask you to give me enough time .
And to human coalition Munro palace requesting aligned document .I will take this document to persuade Munro S ;also is known as the rise of the great reno .Munro. , relationresultSeemingly normalcan make the room more than a cold ,first is representative of Pound : people ,even though I agree with you ,but you know you simple emperor is how the ruler ?You should know that even the Orcish history nor too like Reno to the strong leader ,he is hundred-percent jagged character ,he never received any lobbyist ,you know him .
... , relationresults right,franc .The Renault is crazy, you know? I heard that even the orcs soldiers to see him, dare not in the permission to speak, or you will be beheaded ...relationresult.
. , relationresultIt ,Renault had ordered all the prisoners executed is to give the new banner of dyeing .You should not go to see it ...People ... , relationresultFriends of thespeech that Lang repeatedly nodded ,his face full of all is calm : want the orcs and alliance ,there must be people to persuade the Renault ,but personally I think I was the most suitable candidate .
, relationresultChildren ,these things to later ,and union of such things, not you and I can decide .We ask all countries can be an answer .I will do this thing ,and we will not give up to the manager wizard .
However ,no matter how ,we managed to find a way out ,I wish that everything will improve local development ;it may is the second letter of the war . , relationresultBeamGuangting .relationresultYixiusinuoarrival lets all elves long and large Druids stood up from the bench ,they neat bow down ,face is more like meet the parents of the children .
relationresultThe moonsacrifice still beautiful so irresistible, she is said to have selected the most beautiful ten there is only one good reason ;the authors think her beauty is not words can describe .
relationresultMoonlight enveloped you forever ,my dear . , relationresultSpecial greetingslet elf supreme policymaker of waist more curved ,even the sound is neat : sincere blessing you ,moon .
, relationresultOn thenature of free spirit in such surface is extremely rare ,to know that thousands of years apart from the ElvenKing outside estimates only Yixiusinuo can enjoy such treatment .
relationresultBeamGuangting building as the Elven politics construction ,it is the overall feeling and humans compared to look shabby palace ;many ,please note :rudimentary and not beautiful ,in fact not the building will look like the beam Guangting floor so fresh ,natural .
It is actually a big tree ,of course is a powerful natural magic change tree, numerous branches to form a huge palace, full of a variety of flowers around the vine ,all paths and channels are formed by plants .
relationresultThe sunnever completely closed top light down ,forming a wide variety of beam of light ,to provide lighting at the same time also adds a fairy tale only the colours .Of course ,this is a court building named reason .
relationresultYixiusinuositting on the biggest chair ,wearing white robes and can reflect the light : ,Continental catastrophe has appeared, I believe you and I equally surprised :is actually blassreiter !There has been too much time had no news of them ,I even thought they were extinct .
, relationresultDaughter ,please allow me to once again for the arrival of your pleasure ,just as you say ;notice of the astrological Museum played a very good role ,we promptly withdrew help human to young people ,so the devil recovery was not hurt by shu-hai .
, relationresultNow no harm does not mean that later won ,I was puzzled ,I always thought that the so-called mainland havoc is just the rise of the decline of orcs ,humans .Did not think of is the devil recovery ,this is terrible ,I came to see you this special family is to discuss this question .
relationresultLagos and Ifeel that we cannot ignore ;to demons ,they are all mainland racial enemies ,I hope the spirit can keep bright covenant sent a brave young man collaborative human against the devil .
, relationresultThe sound of natureafter a long silence ,then mage dress elf elder rose from his seat ,like a deep bow and respectful said: daughter ,seeing you is my honor .You lived so long in the temple ,and maybe some things that discomfort so promptly ,please allow me to tell you :not so long ago we received a penalty of sin city information ,he made clear ,the devil recovery is only for humans ,they are sealed in their race .
relationresultAlthough weare also involved in a devil of war, but the devil explicitly forgive us, if we didn ,they would not be hurt by the tiny bit shu-hai .( to be continued ,such Related articles:

