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A member of the clan, still little kill some better."
The blood wolf hears his words don't answer criticism, "elder generation, do you know my parents?"Do not know this old exactly is what person, if know own parents' words, that at the right moment pulls him together, oneself wants to deal with of isn't three big demon kings, also have spread demon alliance of superior, wanted in those early years they began of but the bewitching clan superior of top boundary, they affirmed will for trying to please boundary but killing oneself.
That old at will puts a way:"The understanding talks not up, just we all know mutually be, what to kill your parents is up the superior of boundary, revenge the superior whom your main target still ascends boundary, as for these common of bewitching clan you still didn't want to be malicious too much be."Finish saying directly and looking at only the Gu flies, " boy can roast a little meat for me?"
Only the Gu flies one Leng, didn't thought of that a so strong superior will like so his/her own meat, however O.K. he to two people of he have no
There is malice, otherwise they dangerous, part of blood wolf just still wanted ask what, only the Gu flies but spreads a sound say:"The blood wolf stop asking, if he means to say to have already said, you asked to perhaps ask for fire him now, superior like this who know what strange temper the meeting can't have."
Hear only the Gu fly of words blood the wolf just gave up to continue to ask to descend of plan, only the Gu flies to continuously take to begin medium meat to start roasting, the expectation of that old one face, suddenly seem think of again what similar of, "boy, hear that you have one fierce sword of chasing and take out and see."
If the other people say that only this sentence Gu flies to definitely and directly take out evil sword and he isn't a general superior towards ascending, but this old basically, if he wants to rob sword direct of killed them two still a little more convenient.
Evil sword direct emergence at only the Gu fly of in the hand, that flickering thunder light however the old is a burst of astonishment, he unexpectedly also sees not and deeply not chase sword of severe, but suddenly of a burst of and eager for action inside his body, the old a surprised, a thing with similar walking stick appears on the hand,cnn, that walking stick has already appeared and then peeped out violent breathing, only the Gu flies and blood wolf momentary unexpectedly breath don't come over, is that they have never felt so strong breathing, but send out so strong breathing unexpectedly to is a pair of walking sticks on the body of kid sky.
Absolute being machine, two words appear in 2 people's brain, in addition to absolute being machine their unexpectatively having what things can have so strong breathing, is a current evil sword also not as after all as, the evil sword was sealed to print now two.
The astonishment of the old one face, his walking stick unexpectedly felt fear, this sword exactly is what background, knowing this walking stick of his is equal severe, this the grade of sword more even high than own weapon?
"Boy take back your sword quickly."The old hurriedly calls way, he unexpectedly feels that his own weapon medicine escapes from he to leave here similar of, only the Gu flew the words of hearing the old to just trust a lot, originally he thought that the old sees evil sword of strong will want to rob after of, but see to this old basically have no this meaning now.
The old one face surprisingly looking at only Gu to fly, "the absolute being of the blood emperor crystal estimate also on you?"This words more of is ask of only the Gu fly shocked, at fix true boundary to know that he has absolute being crystal of only have himself and blood wolf, absolutely there are no other persons knowing, this old how can knows the absolute being is crystal,is he it the mysterious old of that ordinary mortal field that comes from the same place?But this viewpoint immediately be vetoed by him, if he is mysterious old a place with that of is not likely to don't know evil sword.
"The absolute being is crystal is in my hand,Facebook, however is that I can not also control by myself, the elder generation is seeing and then canning not see."Only the Gu flies to directly say, he has already didn't wariness to the old now, knew these two kind baby but have never begun to loot of, can say that the somebody else basically has no interest, or is don't want to rob.
The facial expression that the old also laid up to live dangerously this time tightly stares at only Gu to fly to say:"Your blessing source isn't shallows!There are these two babies, estimate that later your achievement is limitless, however want still up the body heart in the sky, don't build to too manily kill, fixed the affair of true boundary now I am also lazy to take care of, your boy as long as don't make too greatly be."
The words of the old are very strange, only Gu's flying all don't understand him to say what mean, however he said to build to too manily kill him or understand of, oneself anyway also prepared to leave 100,000 Tashans of, at the right moment leave here.
Only Gu's flying is roasting his/her own meat, the blood wolf doesn't know as well in the part to think what, that old directly walked after talking this a few words and conveniently still took only Gu to fly to roast good a piece of meat, only the Gu flies tiny tiny on smiling, also is really an eccentric.
"Blood wolf,
We also leave and let them seek in 100,000 Tashan, we go to a southern mainland, is also should go home and see."Finish saying only the Gu flies and blood wolf the direct Teng gets empty and rises, for covering up an identity, only Gu's flying has already changed his/her own shape now, now of only the Gu fly to look 30 how old appearances, the beard of one face looks very crude and uncivilized, part of blood wolf also yes, become a 20 how old youths, also no longer is at the beginning of the whole body of red of attire, however they are two black dresses that are all whole bodies, 2 people with brothers of the identities appear and disappear at everyplace of.
The area of 100,000 Tashans is very big, generally seldom would someone appear here, but after only Gu fly and the affairs of blood wolf,google, the person of 100,000 Tashans also gradual of many get up, fix for the very low person no matter it is superior or some, all take advantage of an opportunity of gain an advantage in 100,000 Tashans, this time demon the clan hardly ignore mankind into here, a lot of pupils of groups all came in experience and training, certainly they also have search only the Gu flies them of task.
Only the Gu flies and the speed of the blood wolf and quick, continuously shuttle between the mountain peak, but on a sudden he suddenly stopped between two mountain peaks, part of the blood wolf puzzlingly looking at him, don't know how he suddenly comes to a stop, "eldest brother, what matter?"
Only the Gu flew to point to point an underneath to say:"You see, below have two to help a person
Seem to have to fight."They two flights are very high, afraid that someone sees they arouse otiose bother, at this time only the Gu fly to pay no attention to see underneath someone is fighting, this is still them the first sight is in 100,000 Tashans, and both parties, who fight, are all obviously mankind, their fly sword magic weapon continuously, and the demon isn't likely to have to so gorgeously fight a condition in the clan.
The blood wolf raises eyes to hope to indeed as expected see two help a person is fighting, but this light they are two what affair?The eldest brother isn't hasty to arrive to a southern mainland go to, how can noticed these people, "eldest brother, we still quickly walk faster, these people come in not just for the sake of us, let them fight!"
Only the Gu flew to shake to shake head, "we are to get to southern mainland to also want an identity, I see us or see underneath of fight again say, perhaps can with them walk to arrive together, our identities are getting more perfectly deserved when the time comes!"Just saw they fight only Gu to flew and then thought of this way, he estimated be at south boulevard also and someone had never given up to look for them, if appear an identity is in that mainland that good.
Two individuals are direct of the Shan get to a corner of underneath and below fight of none of real strenght in a group of persons how, tallest superior who is also a diverted period doesn't basically and impossibly discover by his real strenght only the Gu flies with the existence of the blood wolf
Only the Gu flies to looking at an underneath of two help the person the horse to suddenly feel very interesting, unexpectedly even divide weapons particularly clearly in these people, the parts all take Related articles:

