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Also have never thought a Lai gram the Er incredibly will be shameless to use to let the condition that the fleet stations to threaten himself/herself!

Although he thinks now and then wants to excite to want to immediately polishes off in front this guys and make the him and that dividing the fleet British Pacific Ocean fill into sewer,this tone all anyway has to keep on enduring!

"Oneself is still small and weak!"

Li Mo close lightly close lightly suddenly some very thirsty lips, the sword eyebrow is tiny tiny on picking, just urged tone to say:"Dear minister adult, I feel that I have ability to protect this nation, completely don't need your country to Pacific Ocean divide the help of fleet."

"Certainly."Li Mo intentionally ground to a stop for a while, the vision shot an Er face at the Lai gram up, continue to say:"I also feel that the necessity purchases two battleships."

"Is two, that is too good!"The Lai gram Er just ignores whether Li Mo got angry, the task that he gets this time is to promote warship and fight for contract!Help British businessman to earn the benefits that should have, so hurriedly from the briefcase in take out a warship design diagram, pass to Li Mo,dr dre cheap.

"This is the our country's latest model export type war row warship, load down displacement ……."Lai gram the Er part development paper, simultaneously explain.

"Do something to hold!The preparation is pretty whole of!"Li Mo once connects diagram paper and spread a to see to almost need to smile, isn't this the pole-star class that oneself lets the Chile order to build?British guy of blast it, incredibly even change have never changed and then gone fetch to promote.

At the same time, Li Mo's at heart also cans not helps a silk puzzling,Beats By Dre Diamond, this diagram suddenly appears here, whether represent British the secret agreement of of knowing he or she and Chile, intentionally come to sound out oneself?Can't their meeting realize that the Chile, those two war row warships in fact is own if oneself just wanted to refuse to expose some breeze?

Thought of here, Li Mo immediately the spine deliver cool, not from lift an eye to hope to watch from a distance is explaining the Lai gram of function Er, the dark way is by luck.Just pretend to see have diagram paper, very quickly then dissatisfied Rang way:"Minister adult, you is taking wrong?This isn't the war row that the Chile orders to build warship?"

"?"The Lai gram Er is really the order that is taken diagram paper to sound out Li Mo, mainly is because Chile this time sell the plan of battleship too suddenly, so can hardly believe that they before didn't lead a contact and heard Li Mo's words at this time, not from wonder:"Are those two war row warships really this guy?"

However Li Mo's words canceled a Lai gram later on the doubt of the Er."Minister adult, although I don't really understand warship, you also need not take this paste to make me!If I need this kind of battleship, I completely can purchase to the Chile, do you feel that they will refuse a costliness alienation?And their ordering to build twoly has been already entered water, I buy now, can also help my navy to as early as possible form fighting strength, need not again wait several years."

The Lai gram Er felt suspicious, those war row is the warship really an oneself of Chile navy?But suggest according to the empire navy's intelligence report, the Chile don't construct the demand of three war row warships at all,say is have another others?

No matter, oneself receives of the order is to detect and persuade this fool to order to build battleship, even if all of three war row warships of Chile give he, also is not likely to threaten empire's benefits in far east, still keep robbing order down first!

Thought of here, the Lai gram Er hurriedly says:"Dear Lee, this was outward the empire to sell the medium best war row warship currently!Chile navy ordered to build three, two among those have already entered water sea to try currently and see very perfect according to the performance, so my individual feels, this should be the war row that matches you most currently warship!"

"Don't !Is too small!"Li Mo Tou shakes with stir the wave drum similar.

"This is still small!All 13,000 tons!"The Lai gram Er intimidates a face and keep absorbing nose.

"I hear your country of dignity next year will enter water, rather build for me two, how?!"Li Mo Jian smiles and stare at a Lai gram Er that opens widely a round flat cake face.

"Is dignity!"Lai gram the Er at heart Be fierce to jump, does this Ya want why?That is the big guy of 16,000 tons!Hurriedly shake head:"Dear Lee, you want so big war row is the warship why?Want to know even if is an American still is designing the dress of diagram China class, load down displacement also can't more than 14,000 tons!"

"Big warship!Looking at great!"

"Lookinging at is great ……" Lai gram Er a head of black line.

"To!"Li Mo Shuang is over, just past make helpless:"Ah!Minister adult, since you also know that I have already become enemies with with American, I also the truth actually say!Hawaii has already become their eyesores at present, new dress China class already spread next main beam of boat, and 1 time is 4, before plusing right away will 3 undergoing military service print Anne the Na class war row warship, you feel if want to resist American navy, I need how many this,beats by dre?"

Li Mo Yi the diagram paper sighed tone:"This kind of war row warship only Related articles:

