
cheap beats by dre need to be studied

 Chapter 118 Xing building and dying testament
On long street in quiet Suzhou, it is clear to ring out of wagon car wheel voice covered up car in of one Be surprised to shout.
Three emperor son a surprised say after:"Can this lawsuit also beat?"
"Why can not beat?"Fan Jian smile way:"The dozen doesn't beat win one more to say, but beat to must beat."
Three emperor the son after all only have 9 years old, is still a kid's son, listen to this matter son coming right away interest and saying:"Sir, we go to lo when the time comes noisy, hear the own mother staying to fly summer ……be now clearly old too the gentleman live to kill."
Fan Jian sighed tone:"What to beat is a patrimony lawsuit, not to murder an old case again, pull of just celebrate the ruling of the Lyu clerk's top, nothing important meaning."
Three emperor son curious about way:"Sir has never become to calculate?"
"Have no."Fan Jian's wry smile writes to shake:"If this all has results to show to calculate ……does that why on earth still do those hand and foots?Begs to trail time and drag along more longly more good."
Three emperor the son depressed and not talking muchly sit to return to chair up, looking at on all sides hereafter the Lue go to of unfamiliar street view, the subconscious asks a way:"By this time don't return to China park, is go where?"
Fan Jian hopes him to say:"The his majesty lets the his highness with my study, the his highness has been working hard as well, since the his highness also came out with the minister today …… while on the way learn for a while you in the future definitely need to be studied of thing."
Three emperor the son is one Zheng, don't know what what Fan Jian said is.
Wagon from the west city go to north city, but don't get into those men year often the place of the dish 崌 is silently on the contrary a voice interest ground along a lane son change direction west noodles, lend covering of night view.With after death Qi year group the members ground is secretly warnning.Getting away from may have ground follow tail, disappear at city in Suzhou in.
The wagon stopped down outside a private house, the geography was quiet and out-of-the-way, hardest be noticed here.Be up to from drove top and bottom, the palm grasped the handle of after death long knife, inhospitality but delicately observe a burst of after, clench fist to signal hint a safety, Fan Jian just lead long the under charge of three emperor sons car.
At present stay at Fan Jian nearby of six assassins be all keeping wound.Unique intact 2 people, Fan Jian also not is willing to give up let their birth go into dead again.So the current Human body is safe, all handed over to tiger Wei and the Qi year group to be responsible for, started to do matter to seem to be caution that delivers more.
Along quiet hole in the door goes toward in walk, three emperor the sub- in the mind feel some to be afraid, the one is dark on all sides, nose inside but can smell the flavor of one silk fire smoke.This felling makes people some greatly terrified.
Held firmly Fan in child subconscious the palm is carefreely.
Go into a house, turn to another room, but is a bedroom, in the building all tools and implements all at, big bed dressing table ……even there are still a rightness of husband and wife on the bed is going to bed!
Three emperor the son opened widely a mouth, the along while didn't be produced a sound.Wish this to play yes which?Fan Jian Wei tiny one Zheng, turned head to see lead the way ground to inspect officials in the hospital's one eye.
That officials' complexion is constant, the path goes straight bedside, on pulling the hook of bedstead, listens to the Luo La is 1.Bed above that noodles cloth Wei slowly draw back and peep out a road of inclined declivity.Then compared to row an action for pleasing.
Do the process of all these at him in, that just goes toward to the husband and wife on the bed in moved to move, have no reaction, see also didn't see bedside ground person's one eye, is like blind deaf sort, and then is like Fan Jian's this a group of people all be like phantom similar.
Fan Jian looking at this acts, isn't got up by wry smile, the head of Nao Nao, always feel to is like very much the previous incarnation read of a certain novel, didn't thought of at present but be actually being ownly and in the moment come settling a dispute.
This private house, the nature is a dark Yu that inspects a hospital to put in city in Suzhou everywhere.
Arrived at this time, three emperor son naturally know today come of is where, lead long Fan Jian's hand, gingerly go toward to walk in underground passage to, the in the mind plays the drum, the quivering voice says:"Teacher, although the student is emperor's son, depend on rules in dynasty, the student has never entitled to know to inspect dark Yu ground in the hospital."
Fan Jian says with smile:"Each state city inside contains 3-5 dark Yus, again be not what surprising business, as for the rules has me here, the nobody can say what."
He is to inspect a hospital to lift a department, after Chen Ping Ping's that hand-written, he then owned the power that inspect absolute supremacy in the hospital.
Hear Fan Jian like this say, three emperor the son slightly put some hearts and reflected in the Chen of those gloomy light under, march forward before continuing into.In fact inspect a hospital isn't the biggest in the dwelling of city in Suzhou everywhere, but is most hiddenly, under go not much long, then got to a secret room.
The indoor light is quite to move Ning of fire, dusk shine upon some force the room of Ze, living a heat of Tan fire in room, two hot ironses, a few medicine, a few long Dengs, more than ten or long or short, each foreign land of shape metal sharp thing.
Is exactly the standard extracting confession to prepare, particularly is go together with a Xing top those twos are on the brink of death, the person of flesh and blood faintness, more clearly matchless.
Fan Jian smells this acquaint with close breathing and cannot help but taking out to take out a nose, feel three emperor sons hands hold more tightly, in the mind not from smiled to smile, this child does in Kyoto in the temple cunning, but after all still kid's son, where truely once saw this waiting a slaughter general scene.
BE extracting confession of everywhere officials, because the hot cause has been already taken off clothes, the bareness wears the last body and works and sees the superior of the superior's superior suddenly arrive at dark Yu and intimidate an and jump and hurriedly and in a hurry seeks clothes and wears everywhere.
Fan Jian waves hand live their actions, say:"Continue to work ……ask of how?"
An officials are wearing a sleeves, in most distressedly walk to in the table of corner of the room, gingerly took a few papers to come over, extracting confession income.
Fan Jian took to see one eye, not from wrinkled up eyebrows, oneself has been recording the affair of the meeting of gentleman mountain, so see the circumstance for interrogating in person today for holding firmly time, it is already to several days pass by to don't expect, still had no to make progress too greatly.
Be inspected a hospital to arrest, and have been starting two people of segment ……is exactly the nighttime of March 22, it is such as the barn swallow to assassinate a summer to stay to fly twoly before Chiang-Nan resides general assassin!
On that day, in these two assassins six sword hand ground poison.Observe circumstances very and quickly.Then want to escape, but don't expect on the way drive begonia to beat to faint, after the event Fan Jian this place the natural milli- Don't mention it answered to come over, and hid a dark Yu in, the strict Xing extracts confession, be want to know some gentleman mountain will ground inside story-for inspect hospital to say, the gentleman mountain would be really a bit mysterious, but connect to inspect hospitals all don't can control of influence.From don't get Fan Jian to worry.
A lax organization?But can celebrate temple of two offer sacrifices to be pawn?
Fan Jian knits the brows to looking at the achievement that the inferiorities extract confession, these two assassins are Chiang-Nan a take out the cutthroat of .The fighting skill is high strong, the behaviour Yin is hot, however seem to gentleman mountain will of understand is few, be just drive clearly the household-use silver buy behaviour.
"Awake them."He is some to helplessly shake.
An officials took a small bottle to gather together the 2 people's nose on the Xing to carry and let them smelt to smell, saw those 2 people a burst of feebly flounder.The muscle is a burst of to distort, again oozed out on the blood in the wound of body, the person was also awake to come over.
Two strong lines to assassin open eyes and confusingly deeply wear to fear in the look in the eyes and no longer reply most the beginning is captured of hard spirit, see to these several days drive inspect a hospital cool Lis torment everywhere not kind.
Fan Jian with three emperor the son sit at that how don't cleanly grow Deng up.Fan Jian turns over to begin medium paper and in a soft voice asks a way:"Say a ground of Mr. Zhou in your mouth ……and what relation will the gentleman mountain have?"
Two assassins know the means that inspects a hospital, now that prohibit to fully be martyr and certainly need to rob an answer, the Si wears voice to roar a way:"Adult.Mr. Zhou is the cashier of gentleman mountain meeting, as for at in concretely do what.The mean person really doesn't know."
Fan Jian slightly the feeling surprisedly raise head:"Mr. Zhou isn't the big servant of clear house?"
An assassin shivers voice to say:"The mean person also just occasionally once heard of, concerning gentleman mountain meeting, I really knew this for."
"Cook several day, two still pretty have spirit, see to don't be subjected to too many suffering."Fan Jian shook to shake head.
In two assassin's eyeses all flash across a put on despairing air.
The officials who inspect a hospital start using Xing again and carry on thus have no pleasant impression but again repeat boring work, Xing building in miserably the voice of Hao this that Fu, sad and shrill and matchless, but have no way to spread to a ground up.
Fan Jian has never hidden three emperor son ground double eye.
Three emperor the son looking at this act, facial expression deadly pale, but the skull of strong line of control oneself didn't change direction a part and just looking at this bloodily one act, suddenly feel oneself food within stomach, have some to be free from control ground to think into the larynx outside flows out to go, the chest doesn't already is depressed.
Fan Jian took a box ointment from the bosom and picked a to put on with the index finger point, small and soft wipe under the nose of three emperor sons, in a soft voice say:"The affair of gentleman mountain meeting, have already reported to report his majesty ……the courage of the other party unexpectedly such of big, the his highness then can understand, the other party owns how the courage of kind, for the present enemy, the enemy in future, some meanses we have to learn, but ……absolutely can not infatuate with among them."
Three emperor the son know what Fan Jian is teaching he or she.
There Xiang, the fresh meat of the chest of the assassins has already mixed blood and turn to make the sheet iron makes to ring on the Zi Zi of burnt paste meat regiment.
"Not the ability will be used Xing and cool Li ……see maintenance imperial government rule of highest good method, can not can produce dependence to this kind of means.Widely knitting Luo's net is escape from punishment, the strict Xing extracts confession, but still can not acquire all the required informations."Fan Jian's equanimity says:"Resist the way of bottom, the breadth is strict mutually benefit, the letter then doubts not, Yi then resolute need not, take breadth as origin, rest of, just have spreads to help a function of ……trick."
Drill into the freshest and cool flavor in three emperor's sub- noses, slightly go to malice, also listenned to understand Fan Jian's meaning, for clearly green reach stay and fly 2 people and distinguish a tremendous attitude with summer, explained Fan Jian very clearly, the letter then doubts not, the Yi then is resolute need not of work a method, now then the night comes view Xing, is to want to make oneself understand, not all strong dint meanses to show results.
"Canning ask a clear house is also fairly good."Fan Jian is to the inferiorities consolation way:" Provide a paper processing good, have these two people's wounds kept, useful in the future."
After leaving the dark Yu that inspects a hospital to tie in city in Suzhou everywhere, Fan Jian's mood is a bit heavy, his inception is to expect to make track for gentleman mountain a meeting of trace, don't expect these two assassins but is could not ask what, had to while on the way teach three emperor the son is some affairs, in fact be just for covering up himself a certain helpless embarrassed just.
Sit in returning to the wagon of the park of China, he is small and soft to think.Inspect a hospital after all is the spy organization of his majesty.There are a lot of affairs that can not above boardly do, so come up and say from the organization organization, there is inborn ground limiting sex, for example the number is impossibly too many ……with as for is far at present in Chiang-Nan key figure, although always everywhere of the importance inspect a region,the hand still keeps seeming to be very not enough.
Wanting to want to investigate gentleman mountain will such a mysterious organization that float on cloud, inspect hospital's strength in Chiang-Nan at present, far far not enough.
In this a moment.Fan Jian really hopes small speech can at Be just he ownly and nearby also understand.Talking ice cloud to administer everywhere at present is impossibly and easily city, and oneself keeps belonging to of a big part work and also need to talk ice cloud to help Deng Zi to more take idea.
Which afraid Wang Qi Nian at, probably the affairs will be easily many.
He sighed tone.
After beautiful not only China the park hands send to imperial envoy adult Fan Jian, also garden inside of next person servant Fu the cook all stayed down.Has been confirmed these people ground after inspecting the check of hospital the stem is pure, Fan Jian then didn't refuse this good intentions.
Thus, think in addition to personal the whole affairs, start enjoying young daughter-in-law ground treatment, although herself is some the orientation is not.But also have no a way.And Fan Jian at under those bond maids of wretchednesses bought on road of Chiang-Nan, also have no opportunity to do what heavy manual labor, real such as the big door family's big Ya wreath generally kept.
That cook that is particularly worth to call a way, is to leave ground after the United States, Gao of the level.Absolutely can let temple in of resist kitchen deelpy ashamed.Three meals turn over pattern ground everyday lane, unexpectedly make Fan Jian all loathe to give up to go out one article Chiang-Nan delicacies.But is pleased to stay in the park.
Think is to like this cook most , three emperor the son nature hate bitterly this cook most .
In the morning this day, Fan Jian, begonia and three emperor the son is rounding small table of drink old corn and mix and catch fire leg D and add the gruel that the watercress cook comes out, this gruel color how really not beautiful, but several sorts completely don't match each other of the flavor mix at a , is extremely fresh the United States weird, Fan Jian connect drank 3 bowls, with as for the thinking of flank prosperous gruels all had some too late.
Just at this time, beat hospital amateur to come to several people, is accompanied by a tiger Wei to go toward in walk.That several people arrive at a court and looking at to round a table but sit of Fan Jian with three emperor son, and then saw one eye begonia, not from a surprised.
Fan Jian looking at this to exceed Kan but goes into ground several people, more surprised in the heart, the comer is more a mulberry text and Deng Zi, mulberry text miss originally already next Chiang-Nan to help himself/herself, just does Deng Zi more don't guard in 1 in the city and run Chiang-Nan to do what?The person treating Fan Jian to see clear 2 people to in the center stand, is also stood in the subconscious of Hai, surprised shout a way:"Big treasure!How did you come?"
Is quite good, that is more located on mulberry text and Deng Zi of the Man don't care stand, the facial expression is stupid, some cringes looking at everywhere of big fatty ……is not a big treasure or who?
Fan Jian intimidates ground to hurriedly walk to come forward to go to and grasps oneself's big elder brother Jiu's hand all alone, a side asks Deng Zi more:"What is the row?What about Wan son?"
Deng Zi more the complexion is exhausted, the wry smile says:"The madam's recent body isn't very good, so temporarily slowly some bottom Chiang-Nan, just ……this Jiu young master listen to want to see you, so in the home
Have been making, still the book adult sent an officer to bring Chiang-Nan this Jiu young master."
"Commit tomfoolery."Fan Jian sighs a way, close behind but is an at heart a tight, get excited ask a way:"Wan son isn't the body very good?"
"Oh, Be free."One face moderate smiling face ground mulberry text miss, the meat meat of two cheeks still so can kiss and return to way:"The princess was about subjected to breeze and had some to lack and kept on the twoth good."
She takes out two letters to pass to Fan Jian from the bosom and says:"This is the letter for adult."
Fan Jian connects to come over a to see, is what father is a Wan son to write and also comes and sees, put first at bosom, angry say:"Father is this what mean?Chiang-Nan is just disorderly at present and how sent big treasure to come over?"
By this time, big treasure suddenly once the mouth smile and clench Fan Jian's ear to say:"Is small carefree, this plays hide-and-seek, you hid so long ……really severe."
Hold a gruel bowl, curious stare at doorway of three emperor son, detection always terrible Fan Jian, incredibly such in this big fool in front ……cannot helped but any further, bursting the Chi was a , would have been containing in the gruel in the mouth to spray out.
Deng Zi more and embarrassedly smiled to smile, hurriedly and the mulberry text come forward to salute for three his highnesses and see don't dare as well the distress shape of seeing Fan Jian, think that necessarily these two roads ascending be also made Teng by this big elder brother Bao of not kind.The big treasure since came, this all the way affirmative necessary serve of person, think clear matter son, hustle along park to settle those hands,cheap beats by dre.And Fan Jian also finally pacified a big treasure down and settled him to the empress first park to live bottom.Let those small Ya wreaths that have no matter son all day to do accompany his Ke dried melon seeds son again.By this time front hall just calmness come down.
The begonia starts tiny tiny one gift, then before leaving hall, she knows that Fan Jian's affirmation and Deng Zi more wants to speak many words.
Deng Zi more after going into hall, then don't see this village Gu general, but the other party salutes to him on one's own initiative, he still must hurriedly make gift in return.
Sit to in the table, Fan Jian knits the brows to say:"Last night I am just thinking, nearby is really a little person at present.You come also good, just city in how do?"
"The little speech childe from inside in city looking at.Receive you to send back city ground hospital report after, director's adult sent me to take some people to come over a help."Deng Zi more explanation way:"Say that you have to prepare ground, that thing again, two and three favour just work well for a few months, I was simply and then whiled on the way sented to come over."
Fan Jian shakes head a way:"I think the other people delivered, it was you to have never thought."
He saw an eye be nearby drinking gruel eavesdropping of three emperor son, coughed 2.Please go out.
Three emperor after son is some to depressed and not talking muchly leave, Fan Jian knits the brows to say:"The time come in in times before, why is the facial expression so strange?"
Deng Zi more went toward to hope one eye on all sides, the bitterness said with a smile:"The time that leaves a city, spread too fiercely in Kyoto ……all say you with that north together saint female begonia miss then go together and sit together seat.Lie ……discuss in dynasty unbearable, and the adult persists inside the database at present and always needs to avoid some enmities, toward winning those officials is just preparing to lend this matter attack adult ……belong to next have never thought on entering a China park today, then see that miss.Just know that the hearsay is true, unavoidably have some to worry."
"Lie together bed?"Fan Jian sneer way:"Also Kui those what people thought comes out.This matter doesn't talk let it be and give°s the thing that you take me to see."
Deng Zi takes out a flat box from the bosom more and very carefully and passed inside in Fan Jian's hand.
Fan Jian uncovers a box of cover and small and softly scrutinize calmness to lie on the box in the center the ground is that paper, that paper is slightly suffused with a white yellow color, paper edge tiny book, see come out some years, but the record of writing of paper is a bit slanting to twist, sees to write of person, it already near oil to the utmost the light is withered of.
"Do a ground of quite good."Fan Jian knits the brows a way:"Although this dying testament still can not have what function, this patrimony lawsuit wants to take away, be want to depend this."
Deng Zi more reports back a way:"The adult trusts, two three cooperations, made reference to first main record of writing in the clear house of numerous those early years, use of is also hardest find out at present of in those early years old paper, plused to do an old craft, and paying attention to of detail, should no one can see out is leave ground."
"The clear family certainly know to is false, true of that early ruined."Fan Jian says with a smile:"Pass imitation for genuine article, we the professional of this yard inside is indeed as expected many, do curio business in the days to come, think come also ability the Zheng is many silvers."
"After a while stay for summer to fly to send over there.The tomorrow opens a case that the hall review, this dying testament a throw there ……mansion in Suzhou only afraid also want a silly eye be."
The survey that aims at a clear house has been being continuing, but has been having no result, on the other hand is the effort that puts on even trace in the clear house too deeply, on the other hand is Chiang-Nan officialdom in have thousand silk ten thousand wisps of ground relations is protecting the other party, and mansion in Suzhou, one wreath is also among them naturally, Fan Jian although there is no way lifting mansion in Suzhou directly, make the officials of Chiang-Nan road nerve-racking with a "is airtight to make Chen Pi's dying testament", or accomplish very easily of affair.
The time treated to spend inside the hall to leave alone, Fan Jian just take out bosom ground two letters, was first thick to sweep 1 time, then cautiously looking at, the letter of the Wan son inside basically said ground is a carefree Kyoto matter, occasionally also mention the circumstance in the temple, just terminology comparison unclear in meaning.
In Kyoto, the wife has the advantage of one biggest Chun, be help in momentary, Fan Jian's understanding the direction of wind in the temple will go toward where the side blow.
The long princess returns to wide letter temple, two his highnesses in quiet returned to satge on, the prince's trend is the hidden, the old queen mother seems to be to Fan Jian in Chiang-Nan of overbearing some dissatisfaction.
Most strange of BE, the emperor still keeps being calm, this ……the emperor for killing in the sky, make world so in disorder, have to him what advantage?His confidence exactly comes from where?
Fan Jian sighs, the finger lightly rubs Mo to take the letter paper of one silk flavor, the sudden flowed out to come up to the thinking of of Wan son and disappeared for few months, he knew the wife is in Kyoto, also is worrying about oneself and raises to strive for.
Wait after finishing seeing the father's letter, Fan Jian finally understood the purpose of the big treasure bottom Chiang-Nan.
Fan still the book give repeated advice to Fan Jian in the letter, should seek for a time and send a big treasure Wu state, after resigning of mutually Ye wood if avoid to reside Wu state just, is also for a long time have never seen own son, and Fan Jian send a big treasure Wu state, the nature can also comply with the surrounding to visit oneself for a while that old father-in-law who is old to strive for to deeply calculate.
This lends very good, the emperors all have no way objection.
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