
http://feeds.feedburner.com/CUZM The thief bile TXT complete works _472

The young man boss ,as the word ,Xiao Royal psychological still can not accept .relationresultWith thesun together woman pretty and coquettish eyes and tears, to Shaw Yupao several winks .
relationresultXiao Yuto ignore .relationresultYanghas been resurrected ,gray from the arena ,see sports video ,he realized ,the gap between themselves and Xiao Yu much ,two people completely not comparable .
relationresultYangis not too stupid to head start ,you have a bayonet ,and now the oath a Xiao Yu ,think about all know wind field to do, Xiao Yu goal is obviously a bayonet ,oneself and others to play, but is practice .
Like the ancient Sergeant went before the battle, will find a few pheasant hare hand .And he ,and the pheasant hare is .relationresultYangquietly paid the money ,the wind field forces is not inferior to him, although some meat ache ,but there is no way out .
relationresultYour rear is also arranged a few games ? Yang said see wind field .relationresultYes . Wind wild nodded .relationresultI can here to watch ? Yang asked .relationresultJust don video that can be .
Funo said .relationresultI still believe in you but ? Yang smiled and punched the wind field in the chest, and said .Outsiders look ,Yang behaves like a wind field is good friends ,but actually two people know his name ,Yang is trying to curry favor with the wind field ,but the wind field on such a day just idle away in seeking pleasure of rich men no interest in, keep a certain distance .
So make a wishful thinking ,but yang .relationresultWindwild smile ,nor right ,said: the next few people some fame ,tooth blade ,orange and Ye Sheng will come to the .Estimated to be very exciting .
, relationresultWindwild words whether there is a layer of meaning ,just fight is not what to look at ?Yang can only laugh awkwardly ,on one side ,to the side of Xiao Yu glanced, Funo said that a few people he knew ,in the entire league of evil is famous ,ranked in the top ten, than he do not know how many ,do not know what they Yuhe Shaw who is better ,he vaguely look .
relationresultTo the tooth edge . , relationresultYang Chaoresident door look ,a row of six men, a familiar figure greeted ,go right to the thief is tooth blade ,Yang was known ,he challenges the tooth edge ,the result is very obvious, he defeated, because the opponent is tooth blade ,his failure was no psychological burden ,tooth blade reputation in front ,Yang defeated when barely resisted it ,is to earn back face ,unlike today ,polished was done, my bad to said, subconscious hope tooth edge can find a little place ,but he knew ,the hope is frail, Xiao Yu ratio the tooth edge to be much more difficult .
relationresultThe three seven four chapter two Greek , relationresultAhand down ,Xiao Yu only revealed several skills ,Yang somewhat odd .He can ,Xiao Yu how strong ,whether to the bayonet that level ?relationresultIfXiao Yuneng beat tooth blade et al ,that his strength is enough to challenge the bayonet .
Yang would like to see the outcome of .relationresultXiaoYu glanced to come ,tooth blade 30 years old, cheek a centipede shaped scar, added a bit grim and terror .Now the surgery is so high, not to spend money can be scarred face removed, tooth blade did not ,he may be on the scar bitter as if it were malt sugar .
relationresultAgain, old friend . The wind field and a stature somewhat plump thirty greet game player said ,he is a tooth blade .relationresultThe windfield and the people greeting each other .
relationresultNowind field ,Xiao Yuye can know ,this also is at least a level ,if not a hand tens of billions ,all feel shy in the black race that circle .relationresultTheseare able to join the black race are rich ,identity and status ,outsiders have no way to enter the circle .
The rich set of black race rules ,all within the framework of black game .And those who play the game ,such as the bayonet ,tooth blade ,http://feeds.feedburner.com/CUZM,Xiao Yu and so on ,want to be someone wing ,is a simple thing .
The game players of the first game to be self-financing ,help home win the next game ,but also to pay a deposit, only really into this circle .At the same time the game is absolutely not allow cheating if man appeared ,that men did not play the game hard ,have the right to confiscate the deposit ,and it never ejected from the black race .
And once one hand to players ,black race to its registration ,players played a after the absolute cannot switch to other people ,also cannot pass to play home .relationresultXiao Yusuan is a special case,the wind field for Xiao Royal trust ,ignoring the first link .
Xiao Yu thus smoothly into the black race .relationresultThe last timeZhao Lanxin wager that it is not consistent with the rules ,but the wind field is not investigated .relationresultIn the twocase, Xiao Yusuan is owed to the wind wild one ,but he for the wind wild win so much ,this time have also had .
If you can win all the time ,two people have benefited ,nature is to the satisfaction of all things .relationresultThattooth blade thieves eyes glanced at Xiao yu .Xiao Yu unwittingly touched the waist to dagger .
He was such a watch .It was the Hawk Eye on general .Uncomfortable .relationresultYou are my adversary ? The tooth edge asked .Voice is hoarse ,deep .relationresultIs . Xiao Yu boldly staring eyes tooth blade .
Said drily .relationresultVerynice. Come up . The tooth edge jump arena .Say. , relationresultAnd thewind field the game player chat some curious glance tooth blade .It is rare to see the tooth edge has some excitement .
relationresultXiaoYuye arena .The master level game player mostly withdrawn ,continuing to do that .Not too much nonsense .A lot of people .Often the half barrels of water .Be opinionated guy .
relationresultThe most practicalmethod or by the result of the game .relationresultXiaoYuye turn over the arena .relationresultTooth blade and bayonets after playing two ? Wind wild casually look to the next game player .
relationresultWell . , relationresultAnd whatresult .relationresultLost . The game player smiled wryly and said ,it seems to be no suspense .relationresultBayonet shadow yet? , relationresultOut of the .
, relationresultWindwild that nod ,bayonet shadow warrior skills are really strong ,a lot of master level game player is defeated in the trick skills ,Xiao Yu if can not summon ghost Beamon circumstances kill tooth blade ,perhaps with a bayonet to fight the last fight ,and if you do not, it will be very difficult .
The ghost of Xiao Yu Beamon may not be able to spell over the bayonet to shadow warrior .relationresultBegin . Xiao Yu said ,accelerated toward the tooth blade flutter up ,right hand dagger in tooth blade face severely the bar down .
relationresultToothblade body a right hand backhand ,dagger cross baffle .relationresultStingwith a loud crash together ,two dagger .relationresultStaggering figure,suddenly two people have played several times, figure suddenly leave .
Two people with no skills will have played several times, all without the use of skills ,more as two fighting the war between the master .Who also did not account for cheap ,this is just the prophase trial ,two people leave adequate leeway .
relationresultLooking at theShaw Royal ,tooth blade in a daze, just when he played ,almost thought the opponent is the bayonet ,it feels too much like !But there is a difference ,a bayonet attack more hard hard ,one hand is the hard way, often cause destruction to both sides ,chilling ,and Xiao Yudi attack but pay attention to advance and retreat has according to ,give yourself with bridges ,enhanced defense ,attack down .
You can see ,Xiao Yuyou in imitation of bayonet .relationresultIn addition tothat encounter a bayonet ,wind field gave Xiao imperial many bayonet on the video ,let Xiao Yu research

cnn n swords send two

They are also not necessarily useful Edgeworth launch .Otherwise the village outside the get-away brother in the early the sword killed .relationresultJiBietian listening is the Ge Nan poetry low pit sound didn lattice .
Ge Nanshi secretly smile quietly back after Fang Hongwei hall was in the fog blurred .relationresultPeople in theDing Yuan led out of two courtyards around is always die previously can still hear hill outside of battle cry do not know at what time suddenly disappear .
relationresultEverybodyhas learned all held their breath in the body at the whole body blood red leather living mist exposure to their own .relationresultTibetanpeople hold one to hire the inner condense true element removing toxic both self-study for the restoration of earlier peace out of village life more .
relationresultStopTao reality see for a long time without movement cannot help frowning whispered : strange ghost fairy door where are all the people do what the hell ? , relationresultSuddenly Ding Yuansneered : come ! Said body standing snow immortal sword behind Abstract Ming warning .
relationresultAsorrowful sense of the wind blowing from the depths of everyone by feel slightly cold around the empty night came from far and near uniform thump footsteps as hundreds of people are from all sides as the tide coming to here .
relationresultJiBietian remember Ding Yuan said burst out laughing : little devil with are evil far like desolate ghost to also do not see an early get the professor to hold back bad ! Lithium strange immortal sword taken on such as mountain Wei hl .
relationresultTheysee the enemy force .Originally some hearts .Hear the farewell day bold joke couldn courage immortal sword unsheathed the adequacy of the sound can be heard without end but looking forward to all the demons and ghosts appear sooner just let everybody happy hacking a heart divided with discharge of anger .
relationresultShe heardhim and behind the light ,Luo ravioli : miniature look what it is ? , relationresultOnly fivefeet away very slowly in the fog loomed lined up in a row Lezi to take the gold knife of plastination .
Shake the yellow withered face only a pair of eyes !If it can make eyes flashing red light it at a glance like countless strange jack-o shining .relationresultBitiger hide in the array of warble said: ,you are a ghost is a villa called ghosts to ask our trouble ! , relationresultThe rockyempress Department eyebrow : go head less nonsense !Disturbing ! , relationresultLuoand gasped : not even the ghost is dead ! , relationresultLuoravioli stunned asked: can the dead dead is where to come from ? , relationresultWeeklong smoke forced smile: we are met the ghost fairy door gold knife devils !.
The mummies are all ghosts fairy door dead disciples now manipulated revived have no soul no soul but still should not underestimate the sound quality .Did not think of ghosts ,so vicious even lost with out .
, relationresultThe masterasked : strange without these dry corpse why suddenly stop ? , relationresultAsthe gold knife devils phalanx in the distance and three yards place stopped if holding knife stand empty Sen cold eyes dull stare ahead as if suddenly he survived when doing something .
relationresultFarewell todeath : for what reason play tricks ,cnn! Figure Feizong should greet never hit to kill the past .relationresultDing Yuandisaid : come back ! After the first to in mid-air grab Ji Bietian shoulder will he abruptly pulled back in the array .
relationresultJiBietian one now is Ding Yuan not be thundered : Ding you stopped me dance ? , relationresultDing Yuan coldly: Ji beard since here is a total of thirty-six people is thirty-six lives is not a person you play the hero of time .
You separate out no matter once distress .But all people ! , relationresultJiBietian in so many relatives and friends before Ding Yuan was a fellow through lessons face up to blood red gown sleeve hunting tremor should be .
relationresultHiseyes suddenly exposed to Ding Yuan eyes to the other eyes no mock contempt against hidden at an almost imperceptible concern .relationresultJiBietian was stupefied nasal in heavy humming sound shaking off Ding Yuan asked : say how to do ? , relationresultDingalready do evil by Ji Bietian a roar for preparation and Ji beard was to bear down and have a genuine and sincere desire to their plans .
his face also ease smiled: Ji our people is in when to pull together in times of trouble with the advance and retreat is a total retreat to seek life in the midst of death ! , relationresultFlexorJiannanchun see this case does not become aware of mouth smile secretly wondered : if her sister to see the scene will sincerely pleased .
, relationresultAlthough Ding Yuanand Ji Bietian between grievances could not resolve but no matter how Xi said two people had frozen to the pole end park is beginning to loosen the relationship .
relationresultLuoand current :Ding Yuan is right regardless of the enemy force to change us to not be arbitrary rules do not fight the enemy separately make good ideas .Tonight, this array of factions elite I need a lot of brought it back or for what day then back to ? , relationresultThesilent collar Ding and Luo and the words being said in the color of the heart .
relationresultJustd raw yourselves know last night in the dungeon and flexor arrow South words before he really realized that many .Sometimes give others a chance to actually also give yourself a chance .
But the reason he learned too late .Otherwise perhaps many things would be different .relationresultHesounded the distance is V dry rasping whistle that gold bamboo knife devils eyes Qi discoloration emited green luminescence .
Stand in front of a circle of thirty-six devils mouth out a short sharp scream came flying .relationresultDing Yuansaid : the immortal sword Feizong and follows its position based kill ! , relationresultHe is standing inthe front of the formation of the impact is certainly the most violent .
But a sword in hand match Liuhe eight with demon Babao boisterous in the whole country as mainstay the wave was one crazy ho stand ,knife Shadow Mountain is still won take a pie .
relationresultThesegold knife devils although urban soul by others but her work without losing the singles control not lose to seven swords send two generation disciple .relationresultAnd allthe skill quickly recovered to six into a more just like him and that Cui Xia sent top master strength now also only then God crow people flow .
With eyes of plastination is afraid of pain more defying death sword into his chest with blood also do not see half a drop not to back a half step is difficult very .relationresultJiBietian exhibition power HL immortal sword wave cut gold knife devils head does not prevent other gold knife still head whirl down action did not seem affected nearly let him wounded .
relationresultJiBietian agitated too angry left palm with volley hit before the devils devils heart bray a non-stop flight to seven or eight yards chest bone tendon breaking fracture caves in but dangling back and back to the queue .
relationresultJiBietian see scalp ma he was the battle-scarred tonight so ghosts around death scene was the first time they met .relationresultIt isthe original ghost house experience and Yang Channel : everybody careful these devils kill die not to an unusual means of dealing with .
They are best flesh all destroyed leaving rebirth opportunity .The battle fight at outrance don love tonight ! , relationresultYunlin monkwithout master is ferial seclusion experience to his mercy temple herbs .
He was the two gold knife devils .But has to solve the crisis again and again that signs of danger appearing everywhere .Listen to Ding Yuan said well suddenly up pocket transported onwards ten into the diamond knot is printed in a knife devils mouth .
relationresultBang the devils be reduced to fragments .Ashes to ashes. , relationresultLuoand will stand beside him she couldn exclaim: King Kong but have a well-deserved reputation good practice ! , relationresultMasterport and without forced smile: sin but this I first kill .
, relationresultLuoravioli cannot bear laughs: these guys are saying people dead I do not know how many years to pull . , relationresultTheyhave warned Ding Yuan immortal sword and all objects flying .

http://feeds.feedburner.com/yQUu eyes seemed to turn

In the not live ?To tell you the truth ,you not only three five days will not die three ,fifty days are not die ! , relationresultDing Yuanstartled asked : what is the reason ? , relationresultFarminggrass : why don ask the East China Sea nine really old nun ?Well thanks to you was Cui Xia six cents back to Liuhe wash the Tianxin method marrow in vivo veins and the viscera is far better than the ordinary people is strong .
Faerie Guo Zhu burn though badly can be a little while still burning death you . , relationresultDing Yuanjoy mingled with surprise. Like Yama commuted the death to think if he can ever live three ,fifty only managed to escape from the monastery in Yunlin will have plenty of time to find out who did it expose a little master plot cunning planning is considered a there is a way out .
relationresultD: so that is what it is. Just do not know the original after three ,fifty on the next still can live how long ? , relationresultAgriculturaleffect : it depends on your good luck maybe two months or three months but but most of the hundred days .
, relationresultDing Yuansongmouth airway : just enough have more than the expected good too much . , relationresultAgriculturalhundred Road : Ding you only 100 days of life .Why not ask old if there was a way to save you ? , relationresultDingRoad : agricultural medical cents if can save the natural will save .
If not in the next why do you ask? , relationresultAgriculturalhundred a silence slowly : to be honest it may not come up with any remedies .But both have ten day old will do everything we can to save your life .
relationresultThat old saying second strange refers to your body of vitality exuberant than old beyond this to a terminally ill person is crucial . , relationresultDing Yuan said: in the next right now is also reluctant to die too many things need to wait to do .
Don agricultural medicine immortal first sound strange refers to what? , relationresultAgriculturalBaicao face angry : your body in addition to burn and a strong cold air should be ten days with .
relationresultI think it is good to the Yin Yang harmony ,http://feeds.feedburner.com/yQUu,and heal your poison .Not knowing how much burn Faerie Zhu fruit which is unusual drug restraint live ? , relationresultHe says more andmore gas to be overcome by one takes a table : so run counter to one but increased the disease also let old treatment more difficult .
relationresultI really do not know which asshole be opinionated so casually to heal old if you see him ,pumping two ear scratching . , relationresultDing Yuan smiled and said: I know who is she is reluctant to start .
Because it was agricultural medical cents granddaughter my girl . , relationresultAgriculturalBaicao face stiff gradually emerging out feel helpless look sighed : quack by accident person .
, relationresultDing Yuancouldn smiling : my kindness and also in the mortal man more so little was nothing . , relationresultAgriculturalBaicao jaw : you look so old rare open here is a bottle of pills you daily take a can lead blood reduced the frequency of fire .
Also can slightly relieve some of the pain .relationresultBut now you should not static dynamic is the most taboo blood line of .Or with increasing fire as the number of your body is too much of a day .
, relationresultDing Yuan received: thanks for agricultural medicine bottle fairy to me every day there to the activities of the body bone is difficult . , relationresultAgriculturalplants through eye white : you are comfortable with the outside already falling out of the sky .
In recent days Yunlin temple has diabolism people cloud but fortunately not dead .In addition ,they also flexor mark Shaw Huanchen in monastery in Yunlin for days waiting for the day after tomorrow trial .
relationresultDing boy you really not general ah let is the two leading figures together to worry about you . , relationresultDing Yuanzao neverblame master office know the news to start out in the form of agricultural Baicao so : agricultural medical cents in and another thing to trouble you .
relationresultPlease go out for the releases said they offer Ding heart but instigate or intercession or Ding will decline .A normal person when Ding Ding since it will try to solve the labor is not everybody adventure .
, relationresultAgriculturalBaicao terrified terrified slowly nods: good kid enough .You too must give out . , relationresultDing Yuansaid with a smile : thanks for Baoquan agricultural medicine immortal .
, relationresultAgriculturalBaicao condensate less white than black eyes looked at the Ding Yuan sink a track : too old to save your life you have never uttered a word of thanks .Old promised only outgoing one sentence to you to thank old .
relationresultDing light made reality no white teaches you a may not come this time ! , relationresultDing Yuan heart ofa excited: agricultural medical cents .Everything has its own days Ding dead Why trouble friend ?Besides Ding didn his own ability would not go out from Yunlin .
, relationresultFarminggrass : Ding old to previously in Cui Xia see Zeng shan .He also asked the old to bring you a word to you think about . , relationresultDing Yuan isa strange old man asked: have to have something to tell me ? , relationresultFarminggrass : said that the so-called six refers to the Greek ,micro ,Yi ,false ,no ,Kongcui Xia six-pulse resulting .
If you can understand this six characters only really be six Excalibur enlightenment . , relationresultDing Yuanmurmur will be six words repeated although at first a strange why once hill at this point also to penetrate six Excalibur but fine Mo under suddenly felt eyes seemed to turn by turn a unlocked door outside the boundless world straight people feel excited hates not to immediately begin to sit ,wu .
relationresultAfter amatrix array light from the original is just an hour has come to no resentment master came to back to farming grass .relationresultHe looked at Ding Yuanwhispered : agricultural donor D donor injury can also be saved? , relationresultAgriculturalBaicao left sleeve : joke the old hand treatment patients haven heard of any cure .
If not today a few days will there is a way .No resentment master you don . , relationresultNo resentmentmaster wondering just farming grass also said that if he couldn a time when they no longer can cure medical .
How suddenly the wind changed ?relationresultHe isa monk natural feel shy direct questioning can face it with a confused .relationresultDing Yuan smiled and said: master assured agricultural medical cents in under this poison at least one thirty will not hurt .
, relationresultNo resentmentmaster is unknown truth like : this is the day you worthy of good agricultural land the first doctor chushoubufan . , relationresultAgriculturalBaicao embarrassed cough : master old throat thirsty we go out of your temple the quiet place let old drink is tea ? , relationresultMaster: without blame is agricultural .
We will get it . , relationresultHe hadto quit : ding ding the donor you rest I had free will come to see you . , relationresultDing Yuanthought about meditation Enlightenment has mountain pass six words then : master might come back tomorrow .
Today in no need . , relationresultFarminggrass look at Ding turned into the method of matrix .relationresultThe houseimmediately quiet down .relationresultDing Yuan took outa farming grass to their Dan pills and water swallow the lower abdomen in a warm up in the systemic spread of warm is very comfortable .
relationresultHe sat cross-leggedback to bed know a good people do not disturb slowly close binocular tranquil mind .relationresultHismeridians have been monastery in Yunlin to cut through the sealing system was really not move like everywhere with heavy lock .
relationresultButShenwu Zeng Shan message six characters only care about in the heart of it and it can walk without too much .relationresultThe so-calledgas as repairs heart he knew Soyama seemingly laughing but there have a sense of propriety will never be without any cause or reason Tuonong Baicao pass six words .

cnn sister your body

One sentence .relationresultSu Zhiyu sees that theChong Ding waved sat on his bed holding Jasper don sad ink sister center is it right? What changes to let you all embarrassed ?You might as well tell us to think of ways might be able to help you share one or two .
, relationresultSu Zhiyuthen see morion still closed eyes without trial - and asked: ink sister you back in after seeing your master ?He visited the island Sheng Ping ?He is it right? What happened? , relationresultSmoky Quartzcould not help tears stream warble said: I sorry Sheng Shixiong to keep flat island reputation I only that he is the murderer .
.. ... Sheng Shixiong in order to show that the innocent even in his own body with nine blade penalty by soldiers wearing body pain also provoked anger ,light pale words two live together for him to share the .
, relationresultDing Yuan grabbed thebed column : what did you say ?You should set a brother? Does your conscience tells lard with ! , relationresultSmoky Quartzslowly open absence of eyes looked at zenith to oneself : I was in this world the most no cardiopulmonary woman you killed my brother revenge for Sheng ! , relationresultDing Yuan sneered: since you to save Gunn as the animal sacrifice Sheng Shixiong should become the island savior to how will the body toxic adrift at sea? , relationresultSmoky Quartzshook his head : do not ask all my own because no wonder people you kill me .
, relationresultDing Yuangrunted coldly in the world for him close to people is a old monk and prime is one of the few .relationresultSu Zhiyu looked atthe Ding eyes flashing gently persuades: Ding brother Zhi jade like there must be something ink sister is not the kind of person you see her now devoid of gratitude is regret .
If you hurt her not only it doesn A brother know will not agree . , relationresultSuZhenhan : jade to say good .I view this female baby face surface is actually the cold turkey is Shangyi people will not make the return kindness with ingratitude evil for good .
No need to ask to be the flat island that help fish for fame old undead are forced to come to that ! , relationresultWateris also advised: if you want to revenge for his brother Ding elution grievances could find is main is the Mexican girl is just a poor man .
, relationresultDing Yuantook a deep breath and have a look lying in bed with eyes closed die morion thought : if I killed her. Maybe exactly the island the brutes .The water horse aunt said bad debt has the main account also the count in the island .
, relationresultReadso far he coldly looking at Jasper : desperate and I had nothing to do but one thing if you have more conscience should try to wash you to a brother grievances to die since he in Xifeng valley you find him to be .
And turned to go outside .relationresultSu Zhiyusaid : Ding brother behind what you gonna do ? , relationresultDing Yuanhey sneered : you say ?The island is so mean and having no sense of shame my master happy senior nine edge is white to large I don raise a big stink how to have to rise the people? , relationresultSu Zhiyuhurried to the side of Ding Yuan : Ding brother you calm down and then make a decision too late !The island is known as the day Luqi big sword sends one of talented men still remained in concealment of it and do not say today Sheng brother has been wronged you argue again alone in a row can only increase their attacks Cui Xia pretext .
Zhi jade thought the most sensible approach is to matter to announce that their crimes completely unmasked . , relationresultSureally Fuzhang : good love when it comes to the heart .
I have a look at the help they Geng Southern hypocrite and that is how a pair of face ? ,cnn, relationresultSuddenly heard themorion faint voice : I will not be sorry master ! , relationresultThe first sixth partsin Chapter seventh tiger fall back , relationresultThe novelBus update: 2010-7-31 16:09:17 chapter number :10570 , relationresultDing Yuan Wenyansuddenly turned to stare coldly : don morion Pingsha faction are vicious heart you were let Sheng Shixiong bear life infamy more no reentry Cui Xia door wall !? , relationresultHestarted the first thing is to be old Taoist forced the door gauge back pat certainly knows nine blade penalty means what .
relationresultBecause of thishe more than others in a rage !Although only a few days and prime intersection Dante yuan Zhao for prime heroic chivalrous admiration of indomitable spirit is admired him for the way .
relationresultPerhapsbecause of own personality never as prime so Xinhuai magnanimous generous selfless but in the heart did not feel that a brother is really good things pile .relationresultSmoky Quartzto still want to hide the truth to his grievances hopeless and how to make Ding Yuan not angry ?relationresultSmoky Quartzjust close my eyes slowly : this is all because of me but Sheng Shixiong grievances more is what I hurt but I can not betray the master .
If you hate will kill me as your brother out Sheng . , relationresultDing Yuan cold sing: I kill you are afraid of dirty his hands but in order to fill senior person even if you kill him he is not willing to kill you out .
relationresultYou are not welcome hereyou go ! , relationresultJasperheart grieved more do not know day landing longitudinal large and can where to go ?She tried to prop up a pair of warm hands from by stretching to hold her eyes look is Su Zhiyu black lacquer show at looking at her .
relationresultJust listen tothe voice of Su Zhiyu said : my sister ,brother also ink for brotherhood really Sheng Shixiong concern can say the things .Whether you are going to have to the body is now in good condition .
, relationresultRenZheng stood aside and shook his head and said : love others who also don be unyielding . It is also about to move a cough quietly turned out to .relationresultSu Zhen sees thatalso pulled out of the house after the water light heel .
relationresultJasperheart warm gently sighed : Miss sue you and brother and Ding Shidi, they are rare . , relationresultThere Ding Yuandidn answer a low hum .relationresultSmoky quartzwith a talking lips had said: but I did was to go in any case I also go Lingzui Sheng Shixiong let him do is supposed .
, relationresultSu Zhiyuworries : but the ink sister your body now which can withstand miles Edgeworth ? , relationresultSmoky Quartzdid not know what I was thinking Yurong smile : can a moment hate not immediately flew to fill senior to him confess admit before finished this thing in this world I no longer care .
, relationresultSu Zhiyu listen to thewords of her death heart sighs: ink sister you why so ?Maybe a big brother did not really hate for you no matter what is difficult and there will always be the solution .
, relationresultSmoky Quartzshook his head : the fear is a knot untied the but I will eventually see Sheng Shixiong side ! , relationresultDing Yuan suddenlysaid : I take you to see a brother .
, relationresultHewas going to ask her mother things to think about civilian masters with smoky quartz may also wish to say to each other to change the idea for his washing clean is not necessarily say no matter what better than her back to the island .
relationresultSmoky Quartzstartled and didn was willing to accompany her to Xifeng Valley heart slightly moved jaw : thank you ,bro . , relationresultDing Yuan coldlythe eyes a tract : ink girl I don your thanks ! , relationresultSmoky Quartzknow Ding Yuan to his being ill feelings it also can not blame others for all pain can only themselves .
She pretended not to hear Su Zhiyu helped her to stand to the ground .relationresultSuZhiyu see morion haggard helpless appearance in the heart with a sigh gently asked softly: ink sister you can bear it or Zhi Yu also give you a lift ? , relationresultJaspermanaged a smile: no thank you .

http://feeds.feedburner.com/CUZM r kick out Lin Q

Living to project one gun is walked alone to cleverly move out of the way.

Love the Lin Nuo arrestment Yan to fly to continue to shoot, she doesn't believe that the real strenght that come to with she's the sky still beats however one walk alone.

What she used is a long knife, engage in fisticuffs a way to only have monotonous few kinds, mainly with split to chop down for lord, that is to put together with wild beast the Dou gets of technique.

Walk alone although has no Cu to can do for the energy,his technique is very good, the speed evading confrontation with is the quickest, at overwhelming majority time in, the lance in the his hand just uses to a space to block, almost could not sees him to take the offensive and seems to seem to be very passive.

Love the facial expression of Lin Nuo more and more difficult see, she consumes to use a great deal of Cu to attackstone, but can not harm and the opponent is a milli- hair.She suddenly accepts knife backward on jumping, didn't wait she to talk, that person suddenly came close to love Lin Nuo.

Lin Qi Yu shouts loudly a way:"Military instructor caution!"He drew out to carry on the back the last long knife and fiercely rushed toward up.

Walk alone one shot urgently back, he didn't use lance, but the left shoulder shot to love Lin Nuo with the fist.The huge momentum makes to love Lin Nuo to turned over to go out backward.

Loved Lin Nuo to in the sky turn over a somersault, steadily fell in.

She suddenly the disillusion come over, this person just shows but F, because the strength of this one punch although big, but can not offend the Cu of breaking oneself ability protection.

The one knife of Lin Qi Yu splits.

Walk alone face up peep out a silk taunt, a feet are abrupt however kick out.

Lin Qi Yu feels a whole body as if get an electric shock generally, violently shiver.He is like to hit a wall up, bump to pass by how fast, fall back how fast, in the hand of grow knife to also fall in that hand.

Walk alone to wink to kick out more than ten feet, strange because of speed quick, have a liking for he kick out one feet.Lin Qi Yu ifing not that having three color Cus can protect a body and make it a point to suffer from severely wounded.

That person sneers at a way:"Super evolution how also not, hum, I overestimated you."

Love Lin Nuo to also sneer at a way:"Walk alone also have no fantastic of ……" she returns to put long knife on the ground, the step is forward tiny tiny a slippery, two hands quickly and alternately swing and say at the same time:"Light rain, you stay back!"

The air that walks alone seriously gets up, he throws down Lin Qi Yu's long knife and chases right-hand lance wrist department in left hand and lightly says:"Finally want to extremely recruit."

Lin Qi Yu understand he or she basically isn't the opponent that walks alone, he calms down to say:"We stay back, don't let the military instructor divide attention."

Love Lin Nuo Jiao to drink a way:"Silver thunder arrows!"Two hands send out the glory of stabbing the eye, innumerable of silvery light the arrows is from her center of palm of hand the inside project.

Walk alone a body tiny song, as if a shrimp sort backward and fiercely play to open.The silvery light arrows bombs however explodes, square circle ten meters in, tree branch piece of stone the mud be shaken smash, raise one dust.

Walk alone have never thought to love the Lin Nuo attack scope such of big, carelessly be shot two arrowses, he sends out a rant of exasperation.

Loved Lin Nuo, this shot to cost half Cu ability, incredibly didn't can let the opponent lose attack ability.She flies a body to start to jump, the together silvery sword light brushes past from her foot.Walk alone to suddenly discover opponent to be missing a trace and shadow.

Love Lin Nuo to jump the height of air 78 meters, suddenly drop to turn round a form, two hand Shans wear glory, from top to bottom the one who keep to rush toward to walk alone.

Walk alone this just discovers to love Lin Nuo in the sky, he flees to go quickly and forward, several short forests that rise and fall and then disappear in the distance in.He didn't fight but back.

The acclaim way of Lin Qi Yu:", He ran!He ran!"

Took charge of good snow of Tu to wait a person to also jump.

Love Lin Nuo to fall on the ground, have a lingering fear ground to say:"Walk alone unexpectedly and thus badly ……we return to fort at once, you several the opponent that all aren't him, in case of he want to plot secretly against us, I can not protection your safety."

The Yan flies to full of bellicositily say:"We use a kinetic energy gun ……the disorderly gun kill him!"

Love Lin Nuo to shake head a way:"Walk alone to contain specialized organization, one by one of brawl, be kill him also unimportant, but want to use other meanses not to go, their organizations will make reprisals of, have never thought Han Bai Yuan will ask for him."She takes out a communication machine and calls fort to send to fly a car.

In fact this the conflict for being just a commonness, the love Lin Nuo is to fear that these prepare member of team to suffer a los, just hasty return to fort.But this brawl makes Lin Qi Yu excited difficult to express, he walked alone to produce strong interest to that bushy beard.

This person need not Cu ability, need not assistance equipments, can exist here, and can come to with the sky Dou become draw, Lin Qi Yu really thinks this person of impassability to is how to attain, he searches a free net after deciding return to and looks for the data of this aspect.

After an hour, one flies a car from the air landings, the love Lin Nuo takes everyone to put baggage up, Lin Qi Yu especially the idea the one who pick up to walk alone leave behind next of the skin coat.

Love Lin Nuo to declare to prepare the training of squad completion first stage.Fee the pure Ping and Yan fly all dark to wear a face, they this training didn't attain the purpose that the beginning comes to.

Lin Qi Yu sits in flying a car and cautiously turns over to see that skin coat.The skin coat doesn't know is use what wild beast made of leather make, spread all over a small scale on the leather of deep brown.

Love Lin Nuo to beside say with smile:"The taste of light rain is quite good, ha ha, that walks alone to love, this is from thorn soil dragon of made of leather make of coat, see the appearance is that person's do-it-yourself of ……regrettable good skin, his handicraft how really not."

Take charge of good snow of Tu to sit at Lin Qi Yu nearby, she stretched hand to once take fur-lined jacket, cautiously tooked a look and said with smile:"Light rain, the elder sister returns to for you modify for a while ……military instructor, the skin of the thorn soil dragon has what geezer place?"

Love Lin Nuo to say:"Thorn soil the dragon is fierce, even I the very difficult Dou lead him, have to several personal division of labours just go and have the soil Long Zhu in the vertebrate bone of thorn soil dragon, to super evolution, that is to is a real baby, soil Long Zhu can store a great deal of Cu ability, his leather also great use."

Lin Qi Yu is also curious, ask a way:"What use?"

Love Lin Nuo to say:"The heat insulation separates cold effective, and this kind of leather is very pliant and tough, can arrive a shot of general wild beast to beat, even can arrive the injury that a cancellation kinetic energy gun energy plays.

She ground to a stop for a while, and then said:"This use of leather to super evolution is larger, because the Cu can form of the energy can stop over on the leather, this equals many 1 F protection ……"

Take charge of good snow of Tu to say:", So good, we when also hunt to catch a thorn soil dragon."

Love Lin Nuo to shake head to say:"Is very difficult, thorn soil dragon mainly life at soil desert dragon, its sex is pleased to live together but be good at to run, oneself again fierce, excel a group of Dous, generally few someones dare to ask for them.

"This kind of soil Long Pi can sell big price in the free alliance ……this person is really severe, all soil all over today Long Pi stitches of clothes, the coat threw to lose, he musted be very angry."

Take charge of good snow of Tu to say with smile:"Anyway he hurts in the military instructor hand, not not bashful come to beg for to want?"

Love Lin Nuo to say:"He didn't hurt ……I get mixed up why does he want to back to walk."This is exactly the place that she thinks impassability, the silver thunder arrows has never made him harm Jin to move a bone, with real strenght he completely can keep on going back and forth with himself, want ~only exhaustion oneself's Cu ability, he wins settle, strange is him but back to walk."

She shakes, don't understand to walk alone why exactly want to escape.

Take charge of good snow of Tu to say:"He should not dare to catch up with fort, Xi Xi, light rain, wait I to modify good to you."She finishes saying and fills a skin coat to carry on Li Li.

Lin Qi Yu returned to fort F through three days, he effort prepare an advanced evolution in the room, that is fly to prepare with Han Bai Yuan for the fee pure Ping and Yan, although haven't succeeded, F find out some regulations.

In the personal space, each time conjecture's preparing is all examined by a little love, he failed the foot have several ten times.

A return to fort he gets into a free net and wants to seek grandpa and grandmother and at the right moment meet Gao uncle and eldest brother, immediately after the whole families all get into a free net and listen to Lin Qi Yu speaking to be fond of recent career.

He concealed the danger that the not in power affairs arrives intentionally, how anyway smooth how say.The clock Bei Mei trusts down, just again and again give repeated advice to him have to notice a safety.

Lin Jun Bao tells a light rain, their combat forts arrived a fort to come together area and had more than 70s various fort of each kind there, the overwhelming majority were what each star of federal moves into comes, and they formed the small area of a freedom.

That is a very beautiful plain, there are a lot of wild beasts and bird,http://feeds.feedburner.com/CUZM, because is a fort type to live, have no dangerous, they F through completely stabilize bottom


http://feeds.feedburner.com/yQUu very weak otherwis

He climbs, the opponent kicks out one feet again.Lin Qi Yu forces to by hand block, he F through was beaten to cherish, it is with the instinct to impede completely.

"Lane Ca" a frailty rings, Lin Qi Yu's right hand arm broke, 'hospital in disorder medium, the serial Nu of left hand arm projects a white long grass.That person last body suddenly behind Yang.

Lin Qi Yu takes advantage of an opportunity backward on fleeing, a bottom sits to inside in the grove."Split mile Pa" is a burst of to ring indiscriminately, the tree branch of originally withered frailty is pressed ground crack, red of the dust get empty but rise along with disorderly leaf Teng of deadwood.

Lin Qi Yu knows to sit motionless, while falling to sit, he makes an effort a Ning waist to turn over toward the left side.Almost at the same time, he feels that strength dint falls the place that originally falls in at he, the speed of the other party is really too quick.

Lin Qi Yu is painful overwhelmed with work, in the mind the only awake viewpoint is to want to escape.

He in a row constantly vacillating on the ground.

Make him painful BE, connect opponent till now long what appearances haven't seen pure.

Being very not easy won't much of the Cu can compress into serial Nu, he raises to shot into to continuously attackstone his own opponent.

Projected in a row this time three white light, force the opponent have to avoid to let backward.Give the Cu the arrows Shi that can form to shoot, even if wear light A to also can not stand, opponent can evade confrontation with.

Lin Qi Yu is finally steady live body form, he this just has opportunity to see the pure other party is long of what shape.

That is one inside year man, the statures isn't high, strong as if actually must an iron Dun, the width of shoulder soon caught up a height.

His Chang wears a bosom and peeps out an emollient muscle of a piece of piece of burliness and wears a thorn soil Long Pi's coat, Gao Gao sticks out of the collar of dress cover back of the head, a head of Huang Ba Ba's book hair sticks on the head, eyes outwardly drum, as if the copper bell is general, light eyebrow very breadth, spread all over on the garlic nose a little bit red, black of fall Sai Zong to bomb to cover up lips, a pair of big hand of coarsenesses shows people tremble with fear.

What about him wear a mouth, can also resist to express one to Lin Qi Yu silk surprise.

Lin Qi Yu is still experience shortage, with his existing Cu ability, if immediately give out sound cry for help, be good enough to let person Jing in the fort to come to.So for an instant of hesitant, he after death not enough one meter place come out one personal shadow again, the speed is strange to quickly fall he, close behind, that inside year big fellow also flees to come up, a Zhang splits in his neck side.

Lin Qi Yu after all is three color the sky spoil, he spared no effort an one punch to bomb with all strength past, the middle age man is cold to hum a , also to top one punch.Listens to 1 explode to ring, that man repeatedly retreats.

Lin Qi Yu F through Be getting more utterly exhausted, the strength of this one punch is very weak, otherwise the opponent is about to eat heavy Kui.Three kinds of different Cu abilities of impact strength no trivial matter.

The person who falls Lin Qi Yu takes out a piece of black skin and raises hand Wu in Lin Qi Yu's nose place, a foul smell flavor dashes forward to come over, and Lin Qi Yu immediately holds breath.

Unexpectedly that inside year man re- comes forward, the boxing of a burst of storm sort beats Lin Qi Yu in the moment to deliver black, he held not to live to breathe any further.Soon, the flavor of black skin is inhaled, he is gradually collapsed and fainted pass by.

When Lin Qi Yu waked up first eye, what to see was the gold color of the ground Huang Sha, there are also the feet that is next to take a stroll of the bottom to wriggle.

He feels the whole body has no dint, particularly suffered is the whole sceneries all is pouring.Lead several seconds he just respond to come over, oneself is carried on the shoulder on the shoulder.

He slowly fists a fist and thinks malicious sneak attack opponent, the didn't expect a burst of acute pain leads long to pull neck and immediately after feels the pain that the right hand drills heart.He this just realizes his own two hands drive tie~upping of prison prison together, more exorbitant is to still have a skin Suo to connect two hands on the Bo neck, just of the impulse pulled skin Suo and almost broke neck Lei.

He cans not helps in mind denouncing openly, this recruits moon Sun also.

Lin Qi Yu's flounder is immediately realized by the opponent.


Lin Qi Yu's a head of is heavy to enter a sand heap, he makes great effort inside out body the head is from the sand heap in pull out, put out strength to vomit the fine sand of mouthful, scold a way:"Bastard, thousand what?Pei my Pei"

He can not by hand wipe, like in the Cu can resume some, he with the Cu can be tiny tiny in the face on flapping, fall a sand earthquake, this just open eyes.

After seeing the environment of pure surroundings, his in the mind not from get a cool.

This is the desolate big one desert, quiet Mi get terrible, occasionally brush past a burst of breeze, the fine sand in gold yellow is curled up Yang to arrive air, be like a burst of and aureate smoke, reflect Chen to wear the sky in dark red and seem to be very uncanny.

A sand dune continues long boundless, lie waste of the big desert give people a kind of desolate.The Qi oozes of felling.

Those 2 people stand at Lin Qi Yu nearby, the noodles has no facial expression ground to look at him.

Lin Qi Yu is impressed with middle age man, he turns a head to see toward another person, in the mind again is a surprised.

This person knows, be walk alone with the the that the love Lin Nuo military instructor fight, originally he not only[one] person, there is unexpectedly also companion.Just is that he is after death assaulting, and use a piece of smelly black skin smoked fainted himself/herself.

2 people all silently looking at Lin Qi Yu and see he the whole body is uneasiness.A long time, Lin Qi Yu says:"Feed, do you why grasp me?"

His in the mind feels feel suspicious, for the sake of the skin coat of that thorn soil dragon?

Although a thorn soil Long Pi's coat is very worth money, also unworthy especially the idea is in the outside ambush good wait oneself.He has a little not understand they this is why.

The middle age man seems to talk, that walks alone to peep out one silk smiling face and says:"The small guy don't be strange, I not for the sake of that skin coat, I is is that you is since then of."He hit the nail on the head the viewpoint of Lin Qi Yu's in the mind.

Lin Qi Yu could not help beating a cold Ca, this guy was barf city, could guess that oneself was just thinking what.

He says:"I am just a common run of people, how Be worth walking alone to take care of thus?For am I since then?Why?"

Walk alone to shake head a way:"You aren't the common run of people, you are invisible three color the sky spoil, seldom seen super evolution ……you if the common run of people, that we didn't calculate a person."

That inside year man suddenly interrupts conversation a way:"We want to walk faster, now not is talk of time, let him follow us, say again on the road."Say to turn round to go straight up.

Walk alone a catch Lin Qi Yu, say:"Stand good, follow us!Hum, you are an intelligent person, don't play what pattern, otherwise what to suffer a los is yourself, understand?"

Lin Qi Yu says:"You untie the skin Suo of my neck!"

He struggled several times and discovered this kind of rope very strong to the holdout of Cu ability, oneself can not flounce at all and see appearance the other party early get ready.

Walk alone to also be not afraid of him to make ghost, stretch hand to untie a set in the skin Suo of his neck, say:"Small guy, I have no malice, however, if you isn't obedient, don't blame me to suffer loss for you."

Lin Qi Yu feels the arm ache is unbearable,http://feeds.feedburner.com/yQUu, he groans a way:"My arm broke ……"

Walk alone to lightly say:"I F through give you positive bone, had better not move indiscriminately, hum, with the most 45 days of your physical endowment the ability Quan is shriveled."Say, pushed Lin Qi Yu for a while, again way:"Leave quickly, here not is stay a long while of ground, if the sandstorm come over, that bother."

The north bound in desert walks to consume physical strength very much, Lin Qi Yu after silently taking out an assistance to inject, he feels the wound of arm is a burst of and fresh and cool, Cu ability rapid A to break bone place, ache of feel immediately ease a lot.

His in the mind secretly rejoices and if not that at the beginning hitting upon a sudden idea to create the assistance that the instauration is used, the wound of forearm still have to much painful several days.

Lin Qi Yu's discovering serial Nu and bayonets is all walked alone to accept to walk, only a still is putting the boundary knife in taking small of the back.

His long knife didn't be taken out and by this time also could not found what weapon can use, and he knows it in heart, oneself completely isn't these 2 people's opponents, although oneself owns three color Cu ability, usage of the technique didn't°yet control like.

This desert is a free star famous place, the name calls soil desert dragon, and then call to die desert.

Here is a free star most well-known soil habitat dragon, die desert not terrible, terrible of is thorn soil dragon, that is on one's own initiative 1 kind to form into groups the wild beast that will attackstone.

Also ever and anon break out a red sandstorm in desert, even if is an ambulation type the fort don't dare as well to easily get into, here of the dangerous degree compare general wilderness greatly get many.

Lin Qi Yu out of spirits walks at 2 people in the center.

At evolve of world in, he this can force to be regarded as a youth, because he is evolve in advance, therefore intelligence ratio together age the person is a little bit a little bit more mature.

The common run of people from 18 years old start evolving, after evolving 3 F just probably the beginning came to, while Lin Qi Yu used

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50,000,000 don't arrive, take the offensive have already lost till now about 10,000,000 many, but hang up an ancient star person several 100000000 people fight, also have the hanging up of innumerable ancient star person is rushing through.Once the heavy hangs up an ancient star person to arrive battlefield, with those troopses of Lin Qi Yu, can not the anti- resist thus numerous enemies.

"Hang up an increasing of ancient star person to aid troops, and will arrive indentation for more than 10 minutes, land a ground from the living creature outer shell ……according to calculate for only three hours, don't expel to have quickly descendent tool, descend speed so will sooner."11 Langs again remind Lin Qi Yu.

The cannons are machine warriors structure but become of, consequently move very easily and forward.

After receiving an order, the cannons start ambulation.

The person whom the gunfire is sparse to come down, hang up an ancient star takes advantage of an opportunity to flow out into drive gunfire pure empty place, afresh and the intelligence warrior put together Dou.

Hang up the most ferocious E Mu in the ancient star person, just loss miserably heavy, be overalied several times by the gunfire, fully death and harm millions, but the real strenght of the E Mu was after all extraordinary, list the machine warrior of war capability as many as simple version of, hurtle at most the simple warrior of front was quick to reduce.

One by one of the depletion is what Lin Qi Yu can not receive, immediately have an intelligence warrior to add to come forward.

The ground of cannons place suddenly fell to plunge to go and gushed a hanging up of innumerable ancient star person in hole from the ground and had never waited until them to climb an entrance to cave at first, intensive of the gun voice rang out, Gao exploded hand thunder as if raindrop sort downfall.

That is the near war weapon that just spread to deliver, made use of gourmand wood grain to keep the crystal hand that could form thunder, exploded power very considerable, attackstoning the dint is more even severe than kinetic energy gun.

A group of brigadeses intelligence warrior roves around between each entrance to cave, will hang up an ancient star person the dead dead inhibit hole at the ground in.Crawls along in the underground of hang up an ancient star person to go it blind one regiment, they have never thought opponent to early have preparation.

Under the help of seismic wave locator, several ten sets of ice Long Wei self-make of offend ground to play into an underground.

So-calledly offend a ground of bomb, be let a simple warrior embrace a high explosion to play, strong line of drill into an underground to set off under ice Long Wei's help.

The combat is very quick and then gets into white-knuckle, the machine warrior stands in no fear of life and death, as long as still needing to move and then fighting isn't only.

Hang up an ancient star person to equally also get into crary status.

This base is the basic place that hangs up an ancient star person, they try very hard to the impact of impeding the machine battalion and assault to assault again at all costs, didn't take a rest, didn't grind to a stop, there is no cleft, an immediately after an always have no Xie, try to expel machine battalion base scope.

Lin Qi Yu all over the body defends the tightest place, he issues order to is two star doors since rain, a great deal of of the energy clip to spread to deliver with weapon ammunition, also have 200,000 ant machinists be also spread to deliver, they the intelligence warrior and machine warrior that the repair damage.

Pass the information feedback of the warriors, discover the function of bomb had better, under 11 Langs and old seven helpses, various bomb of each kind is spread to deliver, and immediately the devotion use.

No matter hang up how ancient star person is stubborn, the huge machine a battalion still a little ground presses a near base.Lin Qi Yu takes ice Long Wei also a little ground follow forward.

The speed of now equal to common run of people jogs, Lin Qi Yu's in the mind is very worried, several times all want to take ice Long Wei pounds at in person, he still settles to come to and knows the deployment that oneself rushes out to will disrupt 11 Langs, always strong endure to follow behind heavy troops of headway.

The base inside that hangs up an ancient star person starts coming out body to hugely hang up an ancient star person, their responsibilities are to guard a base, more than 1,000s are up to six meters to or soly hang up an ancient star person to appear, they hold a huge metal hammer, and the diameter foot of hammer head contains two meters and just appeared and then killed to harm several hundreds of warriors.

The huge hammer hits bottom, in spite of is intelligence a warrior still a machine the warrior can not resist, they line up into a stray troops line and push forward slowly and forward and attackstone means very simple, be pulverize at present everything with the huge hammer son.

Lin Qi Yu doesn't hestitate ground to send a several thousands of ice Long Wei, he knows that the real combat will start, affirmation in the base contains more severe guard.

Ice Long Wei's real strenght is the most violent in the intelligence warrior, the amount is the also minimal, be ice after Long Wei come forward attack, those hugely hang up an ancient star person to soon arrive to can not hold up against, in several minutes be killed light.The battalion continues to in push forward, the cannons developed new battlefield, the gunfire facing base Zong deeply extended.

11 Langs remind a way:"Hanging up the ancient star person has already arrived indentation and large numbers ofly hangs up an ancient star person into indentation, host, carefully land of hang up an ancient star person!"

Lin Qi Yu says:"11 Langs, you moderate for a while, my preparation attackstones in person!"

11 Langs say:"BE!Host, old seven request you nearby!"

Lin Qi Yu says:"Like, let him come over from the star door, hurry!".

Suddenly, 11 Langs in astonishment call a way:"Host …… oddness ……"

Lin Qi Yu's in the mind a surprised:"What?"
Chapter 3 is strong line of to break

Wander about the command module of number battleship inside, 11 Langs dumbstruckly looking at to scan a picture.Several ten large battleship emitted out from the unreal and immediately after appeared several hundreds of medium-sized battleship again.He cannot help but shouting loudly a way:"Is our battleship!Have several hundreds of......E still and just and continuously increases!"

Lin Qi Yu asks a way:"What?What battleship?"

11 Langs loudly way:"I contact right away, should be......Our battleship!"

More battleship continuously appear and line up into a tidy brigade form in the space.11 Langs were very quick and then knewed answer, he passed a signal Lin Qi Yu.

Altogether is three fleets, has Lin Shi's household that Lin Jun Bao leads private fleet, fairy Ling and six fleets that kid leads, also have is several hundreds of from work properly emperor city of the volunteer constitute of fleet.

All communication channels of battleship are unified, the straightforward laughter of Lin Jun Bao spreads to everyone's ear first inside.Lin Qi Yu's in the mind a hot, know that person in the home finally cans not help worrying himself/herself and came together all strength to support.He calls a way:"Grandpa, you......You how come?"

"Old daddy also has us!"That is Lin Jia Xue's voice.

Lin Jia rushes to rob to say:"Ah, old daddy, your a person rushes out and has fun and fights and casts away the home to us, too not enough meaning......"

"The Xi Xi, the elder brother, can forbid to rush through us to walk."The fairy Ling slightly takes a sarcastic voice.

"Light rain tells me......Where is the fairy maiden ?"

"The man of Lu Di?Did you also come?E......Fairy maiden......"Lin Qi Yu's in the mind is dark to scold a Chuang to fly in the void, seduce the man of Lu Di heart in torment, don't have any explaination to escape.

Lin Qi Yu doesn't know how to answer as well, always can not tell the man of Lu Di, he falls in love with of fairy maiden, F through become a young tiger form big fellow.

The voice of cold diagram rings out:"Light rain, we can the battleship coming over all came over and how fought......Listen to whose?"

Lin Jun Bao says:"Light rain, where is your current position ?"

Lin Qi Yu says:"Grandpa, don't take care of I where......You listen to 11 conductors first and help my star person who leads long to make to hang up a thou in the outside!"

Time, Lin Qi Yu lacks most now of is time.

Is several hundred million hang up the ancient star person's forward F is reached indentation by 扺 , if this huge strength is from the sky but decline, Lin Qi Yu probably can not attack and occupy very much will soon the base of successful.

Is several must the strength of the machine warrior again strong, can not also the 扺 resist several hundred million even ten several hundred million Buddha thou the star person's impact, therefore have to impede increase to aid from the periphery of hang up an ancient star person.

There was Lin Jun Bao's fleeted to support, situation originally and soon lost control, immediately got a turning point.

Because of the base that constucts in the well world with all strength pluses the large-scale use of star door and construct battleship have been point, all of greatly parts of battleship is construct before decade, the amounts are also few.The battleship that can come over this time is a lot of refit at the time, increase the space jump up of technique,http://feeds.feedburner.com/CUZM, therefore procrastinated a period of time, fleet just arrive to destination.

Biggest fleet belongs to Lin Jia to rush, he inheritted the inheritance that the Chuang flies in the void and got a lot of half living creatures battleship;It is all fleets to secondly is a fairy Ling, that is the fleet that Lin Qi Yu stays in the yin and yang star;Amount's minimal is Lin Jun Bao and volunteer;Belong to of fleet, their battleship in spite of on the function and the fighting strength ascend all smaller and weak.

Three fleets put together to totally have 1,837 battleship, this is the biggest fleet that Lin Shi's household can put together, big medium-sized battleship, although the real strenght isn't enough strong,the fairy Ling and six kids still prepared nearly 7,000,000 intelligence warriors, with 10,000,000

http://feeds.feedburner.com/yQUu ords from have some

Can lose not to rise these hands.

His low voice ordered severals, an under charge noded to promise to turn round to leave.

Deprave the king's fat face up full is oil sweat, he stands on the stairs and says to Lin Qi Yu:"How do you want?"

Lin Qi Yu receives the wine shop owner's way:"Put a few tables over there, let these friends sit, ha ha, I pay to have a meal."

He is placed in exciting status and thinks that the other party has already canned not succeed in escaping.If he immediately begins, degenerative king's returning is really hard to cope with, regrettable, an extremely good the opportunity lost like this.

Degenerative dark king wears a face and no longer says more and take to begin next walk to an empty table of side, in the center but sit, hello way:"Now that someone pay, everyone doesn't be polite."

Then small voice order way:"Small demon prepares to break through siege."

In a little bit free and unfettered nod, public immediately the cent how many tables sit down.

The local food flowing water sort of various each kind sends to come up.Wine shop owner for fawning on Lin Qi Yu, putting all of last foods is the best in the wine shops.

Lin Qi Yu hasn't had a meal for many days, he also ignores degenerative those people of Wang, attends to oneself to head in work, the heavy heavy ground eats meal, as for the good wine on the table, he even see all attend to not and up see.

This meal, only Lin Qi Yu is a to greatly eat, the others just symbolically ate 1:00.Degenerative Wang Deng Ren eats not to know flavor and always measures at the little voice company what.

Lin Qi Yu exactly experience shortage, he feels so many temple of the gods superiors at, the degenerative king is affirmative to can not escape, but he forgot, degenerative those people of Wang are similar to him, to control an advanced technological person, and they have the means of native son inconceivability.Waited until him to have a meal, depraved a king to also get ready.

In free and unfettered is invisible double of colorses the sky spoil, the real strenght is very violent, he slowly the station start to say:"Small guy, stays human feelings at, everything hereafter say so much and hum ……"

Up his body beginning gleams a red and blue double of colors glories.

Lin Qi Yu eats fully satisfiedly, he claps to say with smile:"Think that at the beginning you send a person to catch me ……at present, you are to be seized without putting up a fight, still a confused conflict a ,http://feeds.feedburner.com/yQUu, this ……BE chosen by you, ha ha."He feels that he ate to settle these guys.

The degenerative king suddenly drinks a way:"Begin!Hold tight this little bastard!"

Capture a thief to capture a king first, as long as holding tight Lin Qi Yu, can get away from an at present predicament, to this, he is all very good at 1:00.

In free and unfettered fly body but at the same time with Wu Yao Feng, didn't lead long to face with boring 2 people around cent up.

The plump body of degenerative king as if move a fort sort to press up, Lin Qi Yu sees power far from good, a bring about the dining table of in front.

Have never led long a five fingers round to shoot, light Chi 1:"Ning!"Wu Yao Feng as if encounter electric shock, whole body play Zhan write pour to turn over to return to.Have never led long a lightning flash sort to hurtle up, flick Zhang to hit.

"Bomb!"The road lifts second hard pick him up one Zhang.

Have never led long earthquake connect back 3.

Wu Yao Feng this is just strange to call to make a noise:"Mama of, very fierce guy!"

The road lifts second mouth a smile.

In free and unfettered have never thought boring real strenght is also thus violent, on making moves, he knows to meet a strong enemy.

Is boring to bind one regiment purple aureate glory, keep to pretty stand ground to bump.He was suppressed by Lin Qi Yu to bend too longly, the filled with fury hurtled in free and unfettered go into action.

Should also in free and unfettered pour lintel, his real strenght originally and boring mutually about, 2 people half catty and eight ounces, but sparing no effort was boring with all strength, he then stayed enoughly, hard put together under, naturally is that he suffered a los.

Degenerative Wang Shen Qian is abrupt however upsurges red glory, that is strong and tough big table of suddenly ground fission to come.Lin Qi Yu greatly drinks a way:"Begin together!"Have no shadow, have no Zong, have no several people, such as voice and card Sen...etc., make moves at the same time, Lin Qi Yu also spares no effort to tee off one Zhang.

Degenerative king surprisingly Lin Qi Yu will come to this skill, in of is all superior who attains certain level, public 1 makes moves to offend toward oneself, does that return how to beat?

Sharply roar and shout a voice to mix up with each color Cu ability, as if avalanche a sort to fly to shoot since then.The degenerative king sees far from good, shout loudly a , fat of the body rise upward, strength dint that has no is forward billowing.

The road lifts second see a form strange to call 1:"Shan …… mama of ……" hurriedly rushes toward to the flank.

That strength the dint is really some abnormal condition, a connect deep-fried ground several open widely table, and then bomb to open together together with the window a wall, in a flash, the houseful is full of smog.

Depraved the king's body to in the sky and cleverly turn a turn, drank a way:"Walk!"He knows hard keep on putting together to have no some advantage, big hole be blasted open on the wall, let him have the way out to escape, his a head of flees wine shop.

Lin Qi Yu shouts loudly a way:"Hold tight them!"

The violent explosion voice connects a string to ring out, miserably the Hao voice continues to continuously spread.

Degenerative king at the down stairs also arranged many hands, they used Gao Bao to play to open a new road, those temple of the gods escort arrives to can not hold up against and wink fall flop a big slice of, overwhelming majority person drive bomb shocked.Take their at a loss what to do of, the degenerative king leads public quickly escape.

Degenerative what king brought isn't a general superior, all is at life and death on-line dozen the person who roll, fight experience very abundant.Compare under, Lin Qi Yu is a little bit delicate.

Lin Qi Yu's eye sees a depravity Wang Yi Huo unexpectedly can break several depths besieged to escape, not from get a foolish, he suddenly thinks of, the degenerative king owns modern weapon, let temple of the gods warrior and their Dou, the real strenght still kept differing 1.Although the celestial spirits warrior isn't afraid they, those are common of the temple of the gods escort, can not with modern the weapon match.

Lin Qi Yu self-effacingly says:"Let them walk!"

Anne works properly a bacterium to see his facial expression some to fall low and concerns ground to ask a way:"Light rain, they all made track for to go out ……you, unimportant?"

If two blue dress warriors have been standing at after death, Lin Qi Yu listenned to Lin Qi Yu, an among those jump a window and immediately inform his order under go to.The courageous private's words can represent oracle and have no anyone to dare to defy oracle.

The boring etc. person fumingly returns to upstairs, Lin Qi Yu's order makes them very angry, boring ask on going upstairs a way:"Why to make them walk?"He was to spoil private in Ta-wu and spoke of words, from have some kind of different generosity of spirits.

Lin Qi Yu lightly asks a way:"How many persons get hurt?"He didn't realize boring interrogation.

Doing not lead long is metal gray face, the Wu wears a chest and sees the appearance eating point Kui.He says:"Do not know that they use of what weapon, the guard death and harm of the temple of the gods is miserably heavy, the house tumbled down several ten ……alas, is us inability."

Lin Qi Yu's in the mind secretly wry smile, knowing by this time can in no way show unintentionally upset facial expression.

He stays calm and collecteds ground to say:"Send a person to follow them, report their movementses at any time."Say, the station is started, again way:"Wine shop and those houses for tumbling down ……BE been responsible for indemnification by the temple of the gods."Finish saying, turn round to come downstairs to leave.

The under charge that depraves a king died 17, another 5 people disappear, most make him angry of BE, die a program teacher, that is a best program teacher, master in various ancient electronics instrument.

The degenerative king has never eaten thus big Kui.The degenerative star is what he gives up on his own initiative, although is unwilling,have a larger advantage, he also endured.This program teacher dead drops, can go crazy his spirit, there is no this program teacher, after getting the host of temple of the gods, have to the great fee is some kind of complicated.

The degenerative king sits on a cake of in the forest to lie a stone up, shout that Chi shouts that the Chi ground breathes heavily thick spirit, the big big hand keeps kneading a tight fist.No one dare talk at degenerative in front king.

In free and unfettered lift toward the road second make an expression of eyes, the road lifts second Song shrug and says:"Wang Ye, we still have a program teacher, similar can use, although the technique is almost, …… the curio host can still deal with of ……"

The degenerative king is after all a superior, he suppresses a filled with fury and asks a way:"What background is that boy ?Who tell me?"

The pole regretted at the free and unfettered in the mind, he how can anyone know Lin Qi Yu will arrive a celestial spirits star and early know, the slap clapped to die him.He speaks hesitatingly ground to say:"Because …… because he is one to go together with a teacher, will prepare an advanced evolution, so ……"

The fatty face that depraves a king had muscular spasms for a while, small eyes stared in free and unfettered, say:"Advanced evolution?Do you say that he will prepare an advanced evolution?You ……small demon ……your bastard!"The words sound didn't fall, at free and unfettered feel one hemp of face, "Pa" of a , he drive malicious took out one box on the ear of recording.

Degenerative king from lie stone up leap, rant way:"That is he how to run to the celestial spirits star to come?"

One silk is fierce at flash across in the free and unfettered eye light, Wu write the face lower the head to say:"I …… don't know as well ……"

Degenerative king

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Lun, the bayonet points to sew at him in turned a turn.He is abrupt however acceleration, straightly hurtled up.

Lin Qi Yu feels that the at present purple color twinkles, he the subconscious ground start to flick Laser sword.

"Ding!"The Laser sword is concussed by the bayonet to open.

Lin Qi Yu gets a shock, he knows that the bayonet point of opponent beats on the sword ridge of Laser sword.The together cold breeze keeps stabbing larynx, the speed is strange quickly matchless, Lin Qi Yu's eyes basically see not pure and leave on his retina of just purple dress remnants shadow.

The Cu ability that toughens in blizzard, another time life that saved him, that has already become his instinct.His body as if the gold snake dance indiscriminately, continuous flash across three attacks after, he finally flicks one sword.

"Chi!", " Tinkling!"

Purple dress warrior as if a shrimp for frightenning, the Gong body pours to jump and returns to flee backward.He foolishly looking at the bayonet that the hand interruption drops, surprised whole body cold sweat.

A double-edged sword of opponent is incredibly thus sharp, only and lightly touch for a while, bayonet together the waist split.The skill that Lin Qi Yu's display comes out makes him cut and polish more not and deeply, he can hold up own serial three shotses.

Lin Qi Yu's in the mind is also very frightened, the other party once attackstoning, oneself connects to strike back of leeway all have no.

Just that sword he just along with Cu ability of the reaction by instinct flick, who know at the right moment a bayonet of chopping in two the other party, otherwise he still really has never had confidence to once hide the attack of the other party.

The soldier in the alert is also very surprised, feel unclear discomfort at the same time.The warrior of ability and temple of the gods begins and has a liking for to still visit blade enough to spare, this person is severe.

The purple dress warrior is an almost invincible symbol on this mainland, few someone ability the Dou once got them, at present this young man, have a liking for to have no astonishing place, can be as equal strength as purple dress warrior, all show unintentionally to admire in food for powder eyes of facial expression.

One of purple dress warrior shouts Shao, a silver dress warrior by leap and bound runs to him nearby, the purple dress warrior stretched hand to once take his weapon.That is a metal alloy maul, thigh thick thin mallet head, up spread all over the wood grain of cave convex gravamen.

His Dian Dian, sneer way:"I see your sword have much sharp ……" he is still not understand, Laser sword not because is sharp to just chop in two his bayonet.

Lin Qi Yu is cool on smiling, totally unconcerned ground of say:"You come to try!"

Chapter 4 fights to kill

The metal alloy maul is very heavy, as a result influences the purple dress warrior's speed.He greatly drinks a way:"Connect my one mallet!"Maul's splitting a cranium face ground is failed to come down.

Lin Qi Yu's temper is also very obstinate, his confidence to the Laser sword is hundred percent, shout at top of voice:"Answer and then answer!"Body to left tiny tiny one Shan, the left hand protects right hand wrist, one sword is inclined to pare, immediately after the wrist trembles, continuous seven swordses fly.

"Chi!Chi!Chi ……"seven continuous ring, purple dress long-handled maul within warrior's hand leaves a metal alloy stick.He is caught unprepared, helplessly looking at Laser sword to slice toward own Bo neck, momentary unexpectedly the Leng is over there.

The Laser sword long grass winks to approach, he in the mind flash across a mind:"The gist."A bow string rings, a long arrows goes straight to Lin Qi Yu's forehead since then, and that purple dress miss made moves.

All of Lin Qi Yu's activity like this has never learned person who fight the shot technical ability to him to say with the responding of Cu ability, the Cu ability is everything that protects a life.

He is almost a subconscious ground to stretch hand to grasp that long arrows, the huge impact dint forces him to connect to back several steps, and another Laser sword on hand immediately ends up in nothing.

He sneers at a way:"BE so ……shameless!Is mean!"The palm that grasps arrows, irritable painful.

This recruits to with bare hands grasp arrows, owner all the town lived.

Purple dress warrior to flank hasty Shan, just if not that the purple dress miss projects an arrows to break siege, he almost will one sword is dead.

He has his face raddens all over and becomes angry from embarrassment ground to call a way:"The battle wears weapon to calculate what skill ……hum, have skill and then don't use!"Lin Qi Yu not from must have a fit, this guy talks impervious to reason.He denounces openly a way:"The warrior of the temple of the gods the so that's why is mean, you round so many people, I haven't said what, you have skill ……Hey Hey, make them all spread ……

"The warrior of temple of the gods originally likes few with many deceits, mean!Is shameless!Is mean!Taking to put on the neck to the knife and calculate is a pig also stronger than you!"Temple of the gods the position in this mainland highest dignity and honor, Lin Qi Yu this scolds mercilessly and chase owners all surprised Be getting more foolish.

Lin Qi Yu feels that this is a good opportunity, he shouts at top of voice and turns round to make a pounce upon to live the soldier of road.While turning round, the his anti- hand draws out a kinetic energy gun, a chain of kinetic energies play like raindrop projection.

The mode that he uses is the kinetic energy of power's least to play, beat on the body is not enough die, but moment of the impact dint can make people fall down.

Gleams three color glories on Lin Qi Yu's body, this is the hair dint that he goes all out.Block up in the passive ability gun of front row soldier of street to knock down one.

Purple dress warrior Nu pole, he is scolded mercilessly to haven't come yet and counter-attack, the opponent escaped.He greatly drinks a way:"Block him ……killed him!"Immediately rushed toward to go out.

Those silver dress the warrior dash up.

Lin Qi Yu's in the mind keeps emitting algidity, if this rounds Long to get up, oneself is to put wings also difficult fly.

The silver dress warrior's real strenght also not bad, than warrior badly get many.

His a head of is firm into the soldiers inside, with the Laser sword chop in two to stab come of long pike, disregard ground to outwardly rush.

The food for powder has never seen a kinetic energy gun this kind of terrible weapon, can with the running fire.The armors on their body are all shot lousy,http://www.feedage.com/feeds/22517288/beats-by-dre-cheap, the place flesh and blood shooting is misty, have a liking for to touch eyes shocking, a scare thousand times draws off to the side.

See have already hoped to rush out to go to, dark pleased in the heart of Lin Qi Yu.With his current speed, even if is that it is can hardly for purple dress warrior to also catch up.

Sudden, he hears the bow string ring, and is a connect 3.

When the first bow string rings, the Cu can respond one silk the sharp breeze inherit thigh, the his anti- hand is used once the kinetic energy gun clap, one earthquake in hand, a shoot come of long the arrows be clapped to fly.

Is close behind is two arrows breezes to be inheritted again, Lin Qi Yu fiercely the rock body form avoid, two long arrowses from nearby once wore.

"Burst!", " Burst!"Two poles that soldier is hard to believe ground to looking at arrows on his/her own chest shout loudly to pour on the ground.

Lin Qi Yu speaks an irony way:"Shoot really quasi-ly ……ha ha, continue to shoot!Ha ha!"Serial three arrowseses of the purple dress miss completely end up in nothing, spirit she point voice the Jiao drink:"Connect miss three arrowses again!"The bow string voice hurriedly rings out.Lin Qi Yu sways body Shan to arrive the body side of a soldier, a feet return to Chuai, that soldier makes a pounce upon his after death and at the right moment answer to fly of three long arrowses.

That soldier connects to win three arrowses, a head of falls down on the ground, food for powder immediately one Hua however.

Delayed so in a short while an effort, the purple dress warrior had already approached a body.

Lin Qi Yu spares no effort to flee to go forward, the helpless front still has one heavy cluster of soldier.He suddenly discovers those silver dress warrior, step the soldier's head and shoulder to hurtle, not from get dark scold oneself is an idiot.

He jumps to start, technique use to step wave but go, equally trample the soldier's head and shoulder to outwardly hurtle.

The food for powder bellows a voice to immediately ring into one.The each strength of feet of Lin Qi Yu is all heavy astonishing, be trampled medium soldier even if is deathless severely wounded to also fall on the ground.

Wink, he rushed out a ring of encirclement.

Looking at in the moment empty street, Lin Qi Yu's exultation, he one give a long whistle and deliver dint to run about wildly.

Purple dress warrior's eyes are all red, round can also escape so, let how he deliver personally to generation upward?He sends out a sharp strange roar and imitate Buddha Be invoking what.

Lin Qi Yu runs about wildly all the way, the in the mind is still very satisfied, can break through siege even he all feels surprised by himself.Suddenly, the purple dress warrior's strange roar voice spreads, he involuntarily gives a tremble, and this voice is too unpleasant to hear.

Still have tenth, a rice, can see the countryside out of the small town, Lin Qi Yu knows, as long as escaping an outside, temple of the gods the warrior can hardly catch he or she.He makes an effort some toe on the ground, as if does the body leave the arrows of Xian to fly to project.

Just thinking at him will be out of the woods of time, the shadow in a blue right against the face rushes toward.

Lin Qi Yu's speed, he can not do to serve as what avoid action, he by instinct splits a Laser sword and tries to open thoroughfare.

Blue falsely shadow suddenly, the one sword of Lin Qi Yu ends up in nothing, the body is quickly and forward flying Lue.His Cu can respond foot to contain thing countercheck, but he too late does to serve as what reaction.The ankle is fiercely hanged up, just a little strength, make him lose balance, a head of falls off forward.

Lin Qi Yu spares no effort to transfer a Cu ability with all strength, at fall to the ground of split second, he is successfully inside out to lead body.But that huge impact dint, shake he

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, Release own life energy to go out, in a flash, everythings of surroundings all reflect into brain.

Rush is hanging up an ancient star person most before, be apart from him to there are also several 100 meters far, but Lin Qi Yu can clearly feel his everything.

Across an one step each time, hang up the energy that the ancient star person sends forth, violently motion for a while, particularly positive central in his chest, the motion sending forth is more violent.

Lin Qi Yu suddenly realize, every motion the violent place is the place that the opponent defendoofs the strongest dint.He is more immediately clear than chest, the steel arrows immediately shot to go out.

Imitate Buddha several nonexistent distances of 100 meters, almost while projecting, the steel arrows is up to the Bo neck that hangs up an ancient star person, that is his energy to undulate a weakest place.

The arrowhead that is full of life energy with ease shot to wear the Bo neck that hangs up an ancient star person, the affair of close behind occurrence, let Lin Qi Yu's surprise hand over to gather.

The energy that hangs up an ancient star person imitates a Buddha to follow an arrows pole to flow to come out and is like to have a line of invisible, leads these energies and quickly integrated into Lin Qi Yu's life energy inside.

The fee Gu sun applauses a way:"Is fantastic, the first time controled the true meaning of life energy, you tried to use violence machine to attackstone."

The person's energy inside the body that Lin Qi Yu is very not easy to suppress endocentric surprise,http://feeds.feedburner.com/links2rss/LZqc, can seize the star of hanging up the thou, his in the mind doesn't have negative offense feeling.

Make him shocked BE, life energy such violent in action, don't know meeting while fighting with others can't also so, if the life energy that can seize mankind as well, that will be an affair of fearfulness.

The star person's life that seizes to hang up a thou with this kind of means for the first time, Lin Qi Yu feels very excited, in his eyes, hanged up an ancient star person to never and so easily once deal with.

He lets go of hard bow and draws out long knife and shuts eyes and continue to see hurtle with the life energy of another 2 hang up an ancient star person.

The fee Gu sun is nowise worried that his carefully observing Lin Qi Yu is how to attackstone.

Lin Qi Yu imitates Buddha disappearance at air in, wink, then appear outside several 100 meters.

He just in brief flicks two knives, one knife expurgation the left side is the head that hangs up an ancient star person, second knife, but the sting is in hanging up the cuirass of the ancient star person another and abruptly wore deeply to hang up the ancient star person's chest.

Is cripple the shadow still stay in the eye, Lin Qi Yu has already returned to at first.

He cans not help jubilantly happy, just attack, he has been being shutting eyes and see of just hang up the ancient star person's energy motion, is almost an intention to read, attackstone there is two pour lintel of hang up an ancient star person.

When long knife sting into hang up ancient star person's chest of time, he feels that the long knife was like a sting to go into a piece of bean curd, didn't feel any bar.

When he opens eyes, oneself already back again position.

The fee Gu sun also has never thought Lin Qi Yu is attackstone like this, he mumbling to oneself way:"How may?This is the incomparable skill that clean Fu Yin disease in the sky believes in ……joke, I teach the superior whom a Yin disease believes in with the achievement method that the song sun believes in ……"

Lin Qi Yu is very excited, have never listenned to the pure fee Gu sun whisper what, he satisfiedly says:"I this skill how?Is handsome!"

The fee Gu sun in the mind feels to have a little discomfort unclearly.

This small guy makes him really see not and deeply, for the first time study life achievement method, by leap and bound complete, this is already an unimaginable affair, but make moves for the first time, there is unexpectedly no characteristics that song sun believes in, but the attack appearance that the Yin disease believes in.

He can affirm, Lin Qi Yu gets in touch with a clean person of Fu sky for the first time, is also the first-time study life achievement method, but, the all these is too unimaginable, he was made Meng by Lin Qi Yu.

Lin Qi Yu strange fee Gu sun why don't talk, he twists overdo, discover fee Gu sun the full face is shocked, just and foolishly looking at oneself.

He stretches hand at him in the moment rocked for a while, say:"Hi!What's the matter with you?Whether have what not satisfactory?"

Fee Gu the sun Be fiercely surprised to wake up, the wry smile writes to ask a way:"Just are you how to attain?"

The strange way of Lin Qi Yu:"Do not you know how I attained?This ……seem to be very easily to attain."

The fee Gu sun almost needs to throw up blood, he shakes head a way:"Alas, bother big, you kill people of skill, and we clean Fu famous Yin disease in the sky believe in similar, but ……this ……this be not I teach of ……I think impassability why meeting so?"

"Does the Yin disease believe in?"Lin Qi Yu even listen to have never heard, he cross-examines a way:"The Yin disease believes in also and you the song sun believe in similar?"

The fee Gu sun feels hair in the mouth a bitterness, temporarily don't know what speak of.

The Yin disease believes in and the song sun believe in although isn't an enemy opponent, each other is in no case friendly.Clean Fu of each big clansmen in the sky, have been dark Dou endlessly, superficial everyone maintains a condition don't too difficult see, privately but who also defy who.

The Yin disease believes in once realizing the meeting of Lin Qi Yu they proprietary attack method, the fee Gu sun returns really not explanation, he is also disdained to to explain to them, from here and very may arouse the point of dispute of two greatest clansmens.

Lin Qi Yu still sinks to immerse among just wonderful pleasant sensation of one shot, he is eager to have a try.

For hang up an ancient star person, education person be subjected to since the childhood of each federal, be kill only them, can kill off a star person who hang up the thou, his felling is very happy.

He says:"See quickly, hang up ancient star person to run to come over here toward us."

;,000 plentiful sit billow of vulture, the low altitude hovers around in the small city of above, she in a short while disappears and in a short while appears in carrying on the back vulture.The air twinkles a Tao Kuang China, that is she carries of two send out peculiar double-edged sword.

The small city inside often has together silvery flashlight to stab toward the sky and sends out to earsplittingly break an empty voice, that is 2 will hanging up of lightning flash the ancient star person is attackstoning to her.

The fee Gu sun says:"The plentiful son is leading them to come out!"

Lin Qi Yu stands on the boulevard among, he again shuts a double eye, release life energy, a breeze of invisible surrounds on all sides.

The fee Gu sun means to say what, the but again shuts ascend mouth.

His in the mind secretly sighs, there is the attack means to wish to make the need not Yin disease of Lin Qi Yu believe in, but again not advise Zu, after all, this is the means that he comprehends by himself.

Another Lin Qi Yu pickeds up hard bow, the arrows pot inside still leaves four steel arrowses, what he used is to connect a bead arrows method this time, a connected to polish off 4 to hang up an ancient star person.

He throws away hard bow, the anti- hand draws out long knife, still keeps shutting eyes and says:"Just come out 13 to hang up an ancient star person ……still remain nine ……ha ha, see mine!"

Along with the laughter, Lin Qi Yu again disappeared at first.

The fee Gu sun in the mind whispers more, Lin Qi Yu unexpectedly lets out a so heavy life turn, although his life turn the energy is still not enough pure,own quantity greatly get astonishing.

The fee Gu sun has such a felling:This time diligently method exchange Yun jade, may make very much a monster.

Lin Qi Yu nine knives, killed off 9 to hang up an ancient star person.13 are hanging up an ancient star person, four be shot the dead by the hard bow, nine be killed off by the long knife.

At a stretch absorbed 13 energies that hang up an ancient star person, Lin Qi Yu felt the strength dint of whole body, imitate Buddhas to all want Man to overflow.

He puzzles after re- appearing that the ground asks a way:"These hang up an ancient star person how so lousy, completely different from my one-time felling, does this have what relation with life energy?"

The fee Gu sun feels a little bit ride a tiger difficult rain, as a switching condition, he has to explain the question that Lin Qi Yu puts forward, but, he intend to teach a common method door to him, relevant song sun religion possess singly of achievement method, he doesn't think again do detailed instruction.

The fee Gu sun says:"These lives turn that hang up an ancient star person at you in, certainly can't and you contest, they were lived by your lives turn controls, your attacks just kill off them, and that accomplishes very easily."

The parlance of life turn is very peculiar, Lin Qi Yu deliberate for a while, this just understand a containing of life turn idea.As long as involves at his life energy of inside the scope, he can control everything.

He continues to ask a way:"If two people all own strong life energy, two life turns touch together ……will take place what circumstance?"

The fee Gu sun endorses ground to repeatedly nod, the in the mind more and more feels Lin Qi Yu is fantastic, this small guy asks question each time, can always hit the vital part.

He says:"Once owning life energy, naturally also own life turn, be like the space that can save a product, all is owning life energy after just form of, other people very difficult comprehension ……"

Lin Qi Yu carefully listens to one of his words, this is his only path that can understand life energy now.

The fee Gu sun continues to say:"……A severe life turn will compress another life turn, if an among those lives turn arrives to can not hold up against