
http://www.feedage.com/feeds/22517288/beats-by-dre-cheap eer wayI see your

Lun, the bayonet points to sew at him in turned a turn.He is abrupt however acceleration, straightly hurtled up.

Lin Qi Yu feels that the at present purple color twinkles, he the subconscious ground start to flick Laser sword.

"Ding!"The Laser sword is concussed by the bayonet to open.

Lin Qi Yu gets a shock, he knows that the bayonet point of opponent beats on the sword ridge of Laser sword.The together cold breeze keeps stabbing larynx, the speed is strange quickly matchless, Lin Qi Yu's eyes basically see not pure and leave on his retina of just purple dress remnants shadow.

The Cu ability that toughens in blizzard, another time life that saved him, that has already become his instinct.His body as if the gold snake dance indiscriminately, continuous flash across three attacks after, he finally flicks one sword.

"Chi!", " Tinkling!"

Purple dress warrior as if a shrimp for frightenning, the Gong body pours to jump and returns to flee backward.He foolishly looking at the bayonet that the hand interruption drops, surprised whole body cold sweat.

A double-edged sword of opponent is incredibly thus sharp, only and lightly touch for a while, bayonet together the waist split.The skill that Lin Qi Yu's display comes out makes him cut and polish more not and deeply, he can hold up own serial three shotses.

Lin Qi Yu's in the mind is also very frightened, the other party once attackstoning, oneself connects to strike back of leeway all have no.

Just that sword he just along with Cu ability of the reaction by instinct flick, who know at the right moment a bayonet of chopping in two the other party, otherwise he still really has never had confidence to once hide the attack of the other party.

The soldier in the alert is also very surprised, feel unclear discomfort at the same time.The warrior of ability and temple of the gods begins and has a liking for to still visit blade enough to spare, this person is severe.

The purple dress warrior is an almost invincible symbol on this mainland, few someone ability the Dou once got them, at present this young man, have a liking for to have no astonishing place, can be as equal strength as purple dress warrior, all show unintentionally to admire in food for powder eyes of facial expression.

One of purple dress warrior shouts Shao, a silver dress warrior by leap and bound runs to him nearby, the purple dress warrior stretched hand to once take his weapon.That is a metal alloy maul, thigh thick thin mallet head, up spread all over the wood grain of cave convex gravamen.

His Dian Dian, sneer way:"I see your sword have much sharp ……" he is still not understand, Laser sword not because is sharp to just chop in two his bayonet.

Lin Qi Yu is cool on smiling, totally unconcerned ground of say:"You come to try!"

Chapter 4 fights to kill

The metal alloy maul is very heavy, as a result influences the purple dress warrior's speed.He greatly drinks a way:"Connect my one mallet!"Maul's splitting a cranium face ground is failed to come down.

Lin Qi Yu's temper is also very obstinate, his confidence to the Laser sword is hundred percent, shout at top of voice:"Answer and then answer!"Body to left tiny tiny one Shan, the left hand protects right hand wrist, one sword is inclined to pare, immediately after the wrist trembles, continuous seven swordses fly.

"Chi!Chi!Chi ……"seven continuous ring, purple dress long-handled maul within warrior's hand leaves a metal alloy stick.He is caught unprepared, helplessly looking at Laser sword to slice toward own Bo neck, momentary unexpectedly the Leng is over there.

The Laser sword long grass winks to approach, he in the mind flash across a mind:"The gist."A bow string rings, a long arrows goes straight to Lin Qi Yu's forehead since then, and that purple dress miss made moves.

All of Lin Qi Yu's activity like this has never learned person who fight the shot technical ability to him to say with the responding of Cu ability, the Cu ability is everything that protects a life.

He is almost a subconscious ground to stretch hand to grasp that long arrows, the huge impact dint forces him to connect to back several steps, and another Laser sword on hand immediately ends up in nothing.

He sneers at a way:"BE so ……shameless!Is mean!"The palm that grasps arrows, irritable painful.

This recruits to with bare hands grasp arrows, owner all the town lived.

Purple dress warrior to flank hasty Shan, just if not that the purple dress miss projects an arrows to break siege, he almost will one sword is dead.

He has his face raddens all over and becomes angry from embarrassment ground to call a way:"The battle wears weapon to calculate what skill ……hum, have skill and then don't use!"Lin Qi Yu not from must have a fit, this guy talks impervious to reason.He denounces openly a way:"The warrior of the temple of the gods the so that's why is mean, you round so many people, I haven't said what, you have skill ……Hey Hey, make them all spread ……

"The warrior of temple of the gods originally likes few with many deceits, mean!Is shameless!Is mean!Taking to put on the neck to the knife and calculate is a pig also stronger than you!"Temple of the gods the position in this mainland highest dignity and honor, Lin Qi Yu this scolds mercilessly and chase owners all surprised Be getting more foolish.

Lin Qi Yu feels that this is a good opportunity, he shouts at top of voice and turns round to make a pounce upon to live the soldier of road.While turning round, the his anti- hand draws out a kinetic energy gun, a chain of kinetic energies play like raindrop projection.

The mode that he uses is the kinetic energy of power's least to play, beat on the body is not enough die, but moment of the impact dint can make people fall down.

Gleams three color glories on Lin Qi Yu's body, this is the hair dint that he goes all out.Block up in the passive ability gun of front row soldier of street to knock down one.

Purple dress warrior Nu pole, he is scolded mercilessly to haven't come yet and counter-attack, the opponent escaped.He greatly drinks a way:"Block him ……killed him!"Immediately rushed toward to go out.

Those silver dress the warrior dash up.

Lin Qi Yu's in the mind keeps emitting algidity, if this rounds Long to get up, oneself is to put wings also difficult fly.

The silver dress warrior's real strenght also not bad, than warrior badly get many.

His a head of is firm into the soldiers inside, with the Laser sword chop in two to stab come of long pike, disregard ground to outwardly rush.

The food for powder has never seen a kinetic energy gun this kind of terrible weapon, can with the running fire.The armors on their body are all shot lousy,http://www.feedage.com/feeds/22517288/beats-by-dre-cheap, the place flesh and blood shooting is misty, have a liking for to touch eyes shocking, a scare thousand times draws off to the side.

See have already hoped to rush out to go to, dark pleased in the heart of Lin Qi Yu.With his current speed, even if is that it is can hardly for purple dress warrior to also catch up.

Sudden, he hears the bow string ring, and is a connect 3.

When the first bow string rings, the Cu can respond one silk the sharp breeze inherit thigh, the his anti- hand is used once the kinetic energy gun clap, one earthquake in hand, a shoot come of long the arrows be clapped to fly.

Is close behind is two arrows breezes to be inheritted again, Lin Qi Yu fiercely the rock body form avoid, two long arrowses from nearby once wore.

"Burst!", " Burst!"Two poles that soldier is hard to believe ground to looking at arrows on his/her own chest shout loudly to pour on the ground.

Lin Qi Yu speaks an irony way:"Shoot really quasi-ly ……ha ha, continue to shoot!Ha ha!"Serial three arrowseses of the purple dress miss completely end up in nothing, spirit she point voice the Jiao drink:"Connect miss three arrowses again!"The bow string voice hurriedly rings out.Lin Qi Yu sways body Shan to arrive the body side of a soldier, a feet return to Chuai, that soldier makes a pounce upon his after death and at the right moment answer to fly of three long arrowses.

That soldier connects to win three arrowses, a head of falls down on the ground, food for powder immediately one Hua however.

Delayed so in a short while an effort, the purple dress warrior had already approached a body.

Lin Qi Yu spares no effort to flee to go forward, the helpless front still has one heavy cluster of soldier.He suddenly discovers those silver dress warrior, step the soldier's head and shoulder to hurtle, not from get dark scold oneself is an idiot.

He jumps to start, technique use to step wave but go, equally trample the soldier's head and shoulder to outwardly hurtle.

The food for powder bellows a voice to immediately ring into one.The each strength of feet of Lin Qi Yu is all heavy astonishing, be trampled medium soldier even if is deathless severely wounded to also fall on the ground.

Wink, he rushed out a ring of encirclement.

Looking at in the moment empty street, Lin Qi Yu's exultation, he one give a long whistle and deliver dint to run about wildly.

Purple dress warrior's eyes are all red, round can also escape so, let how he deliver personally to generation upward?He sends out a sharp strange roar and imitate Buddha Be invoking what.

Lin Qi Yu runs about wildly all the way, the in the mind is still very satisfied, can break through siege even he all feels surprised by himself.Suddenly, the purple dress warrior's strange roar voice spreads, he involuntarily gives a tremble, and this voice is too unpleasant to hear.

Still have tenth, a rice, can see the countryside out of the small town, Lin Qi Yu knows, as long as escaping an outside, temple of the gods the warrior can hardly catch he or she.He makes an effort some toe on the ground, as if does the body leave the arrows of Xian to fly to project.

Just thinking at him will be out of the woods of time, the shadow in a blue right against the face rushes toward.

Lin Qi Yu's speed, he can not do to serve as what avoid action, he by instinct splits a Laser sword and tries to open thoroughfare.

Blue falsely shadow suddenly, the one sword of Lin Qi Yu ends up in nothing, the body is quickly and forward flying Lue.His Cu can respond foot to contain thing countercheck, but he too late does to serve as what reaction.The ankle is fiercely hanged up, just a little strength, make him lose balance, a head of falls off forward.

Lin Qi Yu spares no effort to transfer a Cu ability with all strength, at fall to the ground of split second, he is successfully inside out to lead body.But that huge impact dint, shake he

