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Can lose not to rise these hands.

His low voice ordered severals, an under charge noded to promise to turn round to leave.

Deprave the king's fat face up full is oil sweat, he stands on the stairs and says to Lin Qi Yu:"How do you want?"

Lin Qi Yu receives the wine shop owner's way:"Put a few tables over there, let these friends sit, ha ha, I pay to have a meal."

He is placed in exciting status and thinks that the other party has already canned not succeed in escaping.If he immediately begins, degenerative king's returning is really hard to cope with, regrettable, an extremely good the opportunity lost like this.

Degenerative dark king wears a face and no longer says more and take to begin next walk to an empty table of side, in the center but sit, hello way:"Now that someone pay, everyone doesn't be polite."

Then small voice order way:"Small demon prepares to break through siege."

In a little bit free and unfettered nod, public immediately the cent how many tables sit down.

The local food flowing water sort of various each kind sends to come up.Wine shop owner for fawning on Lin Qi Yu, putting all of last foods is the best in the wine shops.

Lin Qi Yu hasn't had a meal for many days, he also ignores degenerative those people of Wang, attends to oneself to head in work, the heavy heavy ground eats meal, as for the good wine on the table, he even see all attend to not and up see.

This meal, only Lin Qi Yu is a to greatly eat, the others just symbolically ate 1:00.Degenerative Wang Deng Ren eats not to know flavor and always measures at the little voice company what.

Lin Qi Yu exactly experience shortage, he feels so many temple of the gods superiors at, the degenerative king is affirmative to can not escape, but he forgot, degenerative those people of Wang are similar to him, to control an advanced technological person, and they have the means of native son inconceivability.Waited until him to have a meal, depraved a king to also get ready.

In free and unfettered is invisible double of colorses the sky spoil, the real strenght is very violent, he slowly the station start to say:"Small guy, stays human feelings at, everything hereafter say so much and hum ……"

Up his body beginning gleams a red and blue double of colors glories.

Lin Qi Yu eats fully satisfiedly, he claps to say with smile:"Think that at the beginning you send a person to catch me ……at present, you are to be seized without putting up a fight, still a confused conflict a ,http://feeds.feedburner.com/yQUu, this ……BE chosen by you, ha ha."He feels that he ate to settle these guys.

The degenerative king suddenly drinks a way:"Begin!Hold tight this little bastard!"

Capture a thief to capture a king first, as long as holding tight Lin Qi Yu, can get away from an at present predicament, to this, he is all very good at 1:00.

In free and unfettered fly body but at the same time with Wu Yao Feng, didn't lead long to face with boring 2 people around cent up.

The plump body of degenerative king as if move a fort sort to press up, Lin Qi Yu sees power far from good, a bring about the dining table of in front.

Have never led long a five fingers round to shoot, light Chi 1:"Ning!"Wu Yao Feng as if encounter electric shock, whole body play Zhan write pour to turn over to return to.Have never led long a lightning flash sort to hurtle up, flick Zhang to hit.

"Bomb!"The road lifts second hard pick him up one Zhang.

Have never led long earthquake connect back 3.

Wu Yao Feng this is just strange to call to make a noise:"Mama of, very fierce guy!"

The road lifts second mouth a smile.

In free and unfettered have never thought boring real strenght is also thus violent, on making moves, he knows to meet a strong enemy.

Is boring to bind one regiment purple aureate glory, keep to pretty stand ground to bump.He was suppressed by Lin Qi Yu to bend too longly, the filled with fury hurtled in free and unfettered go into action.

Should also in free and unfettered pour lintel, his real strenght originally and boring mutually about, 2 people half catty and eight ounces, but sparing no effort was boring with all strength, he then stayed enoughly, hard put together under, naturally is that he suffered a los.

Degenerative Wang Shen Qian is abrupt however upsurges red glory, that is strong and tough big table of suddenly ground fission to come.Lin Qi Yu greatly drinks a way:"Begin together!"Have no shadow, have no Zong, have no several people, such as voice and card Sen...etc., make moves at the same time, Lin Qi Yu also spares no effort to tee off one Zhang.

Degenerative king surprisingly Lin Qi Yu will come to this skill, in of is all superior who attains certain level, public 1 makes moves to offend toward oneself, does that return how to beat?

Sharply roar and shout a voice to mix up with each color Cu ability, as if avalanche a sort to fly to shoot since then.The degenerative king sees far from good, shout loudly a , fat of the body rise upward, strength dint that has no is forward billowing.

The road lifts second see a form strange to call 1:"Shan …… mama of ……" hurriedly rushes toward to the flank.

That strength the dint is really some abnormal condition, a connect deep-fried ground several open widely table, and then bomb to open together together with the window a wall, in a flash, the houseful is full of smog.

Depraved the king's body to in the sky and cleverly turn a turn, drank a way:"Walk!"He knows hard keep on putting together to have no some advantage, big hole be blasted open on the wall, let him have the way out to escape, his a head of flees wine shop.

Lin Qi Yu shouts loudly a way:"Hold tight them!"

The violent explosion voice connects a string to ring out, miserably the Hao voice continues to continuously spread.

Degenerative king at the down stairs also arranged many hands, they used Gao Bao to play to open a new road, those temple of the gods escort arrives to can not hold up against and wink fall flop a big slice of, overwhelming majority person drive bomb shocked.Take their at a loss what to do of, the degenerative king leads public quickly escape.

Degenerative what king brought isn't a general superior, all is at life and death on-line dozen the person who roll, fight experience very abundant.Compare under, Lin Qi Yu is a little bit delicate.

Lin Qi Yu's eye sees a depravity Wang Yi Huo unexpectedly can break several depths besieged to escape, not from get a foolish, he suddenly thinks of, the degenerative king owns modern weapon, let temple of the gods warrior and their Dou, the real strenght still kept differing 1.Although the celestial spirits warrior isn't afraid they, those are common of the temple of the gods escort, can not with modern the weapon match.

Lin Qi Yu self-effacingly says:"Let them walk!"

Anne works properly a bacterium to see his facial expression some to fall low and concerns ground to ask a way:"Light rain, they all made track for to go out ……you, unimportant?"

If two blue dress warriors have been standing at after death, Lin Qi Yu listenned to Lin Qi Yu, an among those jump a window and immediately inform his order under go to.The courageous private's words can represent oracle and have no anyone to dare to defy oracle.

The boring etc. person fumingly returns to upstairs, Lin Qi Yu's order makes them very angry, boring ask on going upstairs a way:"Why to make them walk?"He was to spoil private in Ta-wu and spoke of words, from have some kind of different generosity of spirits.

Lin Qi Yu lightly asks a way:"How many persons get hurt?"He didn't realize boring interrogation.

Doing not lead long is metal gray face, the Wu wears a chest and sees the appearance eating point Kui.He says:"Do not know that they use of what weapon, the guard death and harm of the temple of the gods is miserably heavy, the house tumbled down several ten ……alas, is us inability."

Lin Qi Yu's in the mind secretly wry smile, knowing by this time can in no way show unintentionally upset facial expression.

He stays calm and collecteds ground to say:"Send a person to follow them, report their movementses at any time."Say, the station is started, again way:"Wine shop and those houses for tumbling down ……BE been responsible for indemnification by the temple of the gods."Finish saying, turn round to come downstairs to leave.

The under charge that depraves a king died 17, another 5 people disappear, most make him angry of BE, die a program teacher, that is a best program teacher, master in various ancient electronics instrument.

The degenerative king has never eaten thus big Kui.The degenerative star is what he gives up on his own initiative, although is unwilling,have a larger advantage, he also endured.This program teacher dead drops, can go crazy his spirit, there is no this program teacher, after getting the host of temple of the gods, have to the great fee is some kind of complicated.

The degenerative king sits on a cake of in the forest to lie a stone up, shout that Chi shouts that the Chi ground breathes heavily thick spirit, the big big hand keeps kneading a tight fist.No one dare talk at degenerative in front king.

In free and unfettered lift toward the road second make an expression of eyes, the road lifts second Song shrug and says:"Wang Ye, we still have a program teacher, similar can use, although the technique is almost, …… the curio host can still deal with of ……"

The degenerative king is after all a superior, he suppresses a filled with fury and asks a way:"What background is that boy ?Who tell me?"

The pole regretted at the free and unfettered in the mind, he how can anyone know Lin Qi Yu will arrive a celestial spirits star and early know, the slap clapped to die him.He speaks hesitatingly ground to say:"Because …… because he is one to go together with a teacher, will prepare an advanced evolution, so ……"

The fatty face that depraves a king had muscular spasms for a while, small eyes stared in free and unfettered, say:"Advanced evolution?Do you say that he will prepare an advanced evolution?You ……small demon ……your bastard!"The words sound didn't fall, at free and unfettered feel one hemp of face, "Pa" of a , he drive malicious took out one box on the ear of recording.

Degenerative king from lie stone up leap, rant way:"That is he how to run to the celestial spirits star to come?"

One silk is fierce at flash across in the free and unfettered eye light, Wu write the face lower the head to say:"I …… don't know as well ……"

Degenerative king

