
cnn n swords send two

They are also not necessarily useful Edgeworth launch .Otherwise the village outside the get-away brother in the early the sword killed .relationresultJiBietian listening is the Ge Nan poetry low pit sound didn lattice .
Ge Nanshi secretly smile quietly back after Fang Hongwei hall was in the fog blurred .relationresultPeople in theDing Yuan led out of two courtyards around is always die previously can still hear hill outside of battle cry do not know at what time suddenly disappear .
relationresultEverybodyhas learned all held their breath in the body at the whole body blood red leather living mist exposure to their own .relationresultTibetanpeople hold one to hire the inner condense true element removing toxic both self-study for the restoration of earlier peace out of village life more .
relationresultStopTao reality see for a long time without movement cannot help frowning whispered : strange ghost fairy door where are all the people do what the hell ? , relationresultSuddenly Ding Yuansneered : come ! Said body standing snow immortal sword behind Abstract Ming warning .
relationresultAsorrowful sense of the wind blowing from the depths of everyone by feel slightly cold around the empty night came from far and near uniform thump footsteps as hundreds of people are from all sides as the tide coming to here .
relationresultJiBietian remember Ding Yuan said burst out laughing : little devil with are evil far like desolate ghost to also do not see an early get the professor to hold back bad ! Lithium strange immortal sword taken on such as mountain Wei hl .
relationresultTheysee the enemy force .Originally some hearts .Hear the farewell day bold joke couldn courage immortal sword unsheathed the adequacy of the sound can be heard without end but looking forward to all the demons and ghosts appear sooner just let everybody happy hacking a heart divided with discharge of anger .
relationresultShe heardhim and behind the light ,Luo ravioli : miniature look what it is ? , relationresultOnly fivefeet away very slowly in the fog loomed lined up in a row Lezi to take the gold knife of plastination .
Shake the yellow withered face only a pair of eyes !If it can make eyes flashing red light it at a glance like countless strange jack-o shining .relationresultBitiger hide in the array of warble said: ,you are a ghost is a villa called ghosts to ask our trouble ! , relationresultThe rockyempress Department eyebrow : go head less nonsense !Disturbing ! , relationresultLuoand gasped : not even the ghost is dead ! , relationresultLuoravioli stunned asked: can the dead dead is where to come from ? , relationresultWeeklong smoke forced smile: we are met the ghost fairy door gold knife devils !.
The mummies are all ghosts fairy door dead disciples now manipulated revived have no soul no soul but still should not underestimate the sound quality .Did not think of ghosts ,so vicious even lost with out .
, relationresultThe masterasked : strange without these dry corpse why suddenly stop ? , relationresultAsthe gold knife devils phalanx in the distance and three yards place stopped if holding knife stand empty Sen cold eyes dull stare ahead as if suddenly he survived when doing something .
relationresultFarewell todeath : for what reason play tricks ,cnn! Figure Feizong should greet never hit to kill the past .relationresultDing Yuandisaid : come back ! After the first to in mid-air grab Ji Bietian shoulder will he abruptly pulled back in the array .
relationresultJiBietian one now is Ding Yuan not be thundered : Ding you stopped me dance ? , relationresultDing Yuan coldly: Ji beard since here is a total of thirty-six people is thirty-six lives is not a person you play the hero of time .
You separate out no matter once distress .But all people ! , relationresultJiBietian in so many relatives and friends before Ding Yuan was a fellow through lessons face up to blood red gown sleeve hunting tremor should be .
relationresultHiseyes suddenly exposed to Ding Yuan eyes to the other eyes no mock contempt against hidden at an almost imperceptible concern .relationresultJiBietian was stupefied nasal in heavy humming sound shaking off Ding Yuan asked : say how to do ? , relationresultDingalready do evil by Ji Bietian a roar for preparation and Ji beard was to bear down and have a genuine and sincere desire to their plans .
his face also ease smiled: Ji our people is in when to pull together in times of trouble with the advance and retreat is a total retreat to seek life in the midst of death ! , relationresultFlexorJiannanchun see this case does not become aware of mouth smile secretly wondered : if her sister to see the scene will sincerely pleased .
, relationresultAlthough Ding Yuanand Ji Bietian between grievances could not resolve but no matter how Xi said two people had frozen to the pole end park is beginning to loosen the relationship .
relationresultLuoand current :Ding Yuan is right regardless of the enemy force to change us to not be arbitrary rules do not fight the enemy separately make good ideas .Tonight, this array of factions elite I need a lot of brought it back or for what day then back to ? , relationresultThesilent collar Ding and Luo and the words being said in the color of the heart .
relationresultJustd raw yourselves know last night in the dungeon and flexor arrow South words before he really realized that many .Sometimes give others a chance to actually also give yourself a chance .
But the reason he learned too late .Otherwise perhaps many things would be different .relationresultHesounded the distance is V dry rasping whistle that gold bamboo knife devils eyes Qi discoloration emited green luminescence .
Stand in front of a circle of thirty-six devils mouth out a short sharp scream came flying .relationresultDing Yuansaid : the immortal sword Feizong and follows its position based kill ! , relationresultHe is standing inthe front of the formation of the impact is certainly the most violent .
But a sword in hand match Liuhe eight with demon Babao boisterous in the whole country as mainstay the wave was one crazy ho stand ,knife Shadow Mountain is still won take a pie .
relationresultThesegold knife devils although urban soul by others but her work without losing the singles control not lose to seven swords send two generation disciple .relationresultAnd allthe skill quickly recovered to six into a more just like him and that Cui Xia sent top master strength now also only then God crow people flow .
With eyes of plastination is afraid of pain more defying death sword into his chest with blood also do not see half a drop not to back a half step is difficult very .relationresultJiBietian exhibition power HL immortal sword wave cut gold knife devils head does not prevent other gold knife still head whirl down action did not seem affected nearly let him wounded .
relationresultJiBietian agitated too angry left palm with volley hit before the devils devils heart bray a non-stop flight to seven or eight yards chest bone tendon breaking fracture caves in but dangling back and back to the queue .
relationresultJiBietian see scalp ma he was the battle-scarred tonight so ghosts around death scene was the first time they met .relationresultIt isthe original ghost house experience and Yang Channel : everybody careful these devils kill die not to an unusual means of dealing with .
They are best flesh all destroyed leaving rebirth opportunity .The battle fight at outrance don love tonight ! , relationresultYunlin monkwithout master is ferial seclusion experience to his mercy temple herbs .
He was the two gold knife devils .But has to solve the crisis again and again that signs of danger appearing everywhere .Listen to Ding Yuan said well suddenly up pocket transported onwards ten into the diamond knot is printed in a knife devils mouth .
relationresultBang the devils be reduced to fragments .Ashes to ashes. , relationresultLuoand will stand beside him she couldn exclaim: King Kong but have a well-deserved reputation good practice ! , relationresultMasterport and without forced smile: sin but this I first kill .
, relationresultLuoravioli cannot bear laughs: these guys are saying people dead I do not know how many years to pull . , relationresultTheyhave warned Ding Yuan immortal sword and all objects flying .

