
http://feeds.feedburner.com/CUZM The thief bile TXT complete works _472

The young man boss ,as the word ,Xiao Royal psychological still can not accept .relationresultWith thesun together woman pretty and coquettish eyes and tears, to Shaw Yupao several winks .
relationresultXiao Yuto ignore .relationresultYanghas been resurrected ,gray from the arena ,see sports video ,he realized ,the gap between themselves and Xiao Yu much ,two people completely not comparable .
relationresultYangis not too stupid to head start ,you have a bayonet ,and now the oath a Xiao Yu ,think about all know wind field to do, Xiao Yu goal is obviously a bayonet ,oneself and others to play, but is practice .
Like the ancient Sergeant went before the battle, will find a few pheasant hare hand .And he ,and the pheasant hare is .relationresultYangquietly paid the money ,the wind field forces is not inferior to him, although some meat ache ,but there is no way out .
relationresultYour rear is also arranged a few games ? Yang said see wind field .relationresultYes . Wind wild nodded .relationresultI can here to watch ? Yang asked .relationresultJust don video that can be .
Funo said .relationresultI still believe in you but ? Yang smiled and punched the wind field in the chest, and said .Outsiders look ,Yang behaves like a wind field is good friends ,but actually two people know his name ,Yang is trying to curry favor with the wind field ,but the wind field on such a day just idle away in seeking pleasure of rich men no interest in, keep a certain distance .
So make a wishful thinking ,but yang .relationresultWindwild smile ,nor right ,said: the next few people some fame ,tooth blade ,orange and Ye Sheng will come to the .Estimated to be very exciting .
, relationresultWindwild words whether there is a layer of meaning ,just fight is not what to look at ?Yang can only laugh awkwardly ,on one side ,to the side of Xiao Yu glanced, Funo said that a few people he knew ,in the entire league of evil is famous ,ranked in the top ten, than he do not know how many ,do not know what they Yuhe Shaw who is better ,he vaguely look .
relationresultTo the tooth edge . , relationresultYang Chaoresident door look ,a row of six men, a familiar figure greeted ,go right to the thief is tooth blade ,Yang was known ,he challenges the tooth edge ,the result is very obvious, he defeated, because the opponent is tooth blade ,his failure was no psychological burden ,tooth blade reputation in front ,Yang defeated when barely resisted it ,is to earn back face ,unlike today ,polished was done, my bad to said, subconscious hope tooth edge can find a little place ,but he knew ,the hope is frail, Xiao Yu ratio the tooth edge to be much more difficult .
relationresultThe three seven four chapter two Greek , relationresultAhand down ,Xiao Yu only revealed several skills ,Yang somewhat odd .He can ,Xiao Yu how strong ,whether to the bayonet that level ?relationresultIfXiao Yuneng beat tooth blade et al ,that his strength is enough to challenge the bayonet .
Yang would like to see the outcome of .relationresultXiaoYu glanced to come ,tooth blade 30 years old, cheek a centipede shaped scar, added a bit grim and terror .Now the surgery is so high, not to spend money can be scarred face removed, tooth blade did not ,he may be on the scar bitter as if it were malt sugar .
relationresultAgain, old friend . The wind field and a stature somewhat plump thirty greet game player said ,he is a tooth blade .relationresultThe windfield and the people greeting each other .
relationresultNowind field ,Xiao Yuye can know ,this also is at least a level ,if not a hand tens of billions ,all feel shy in the black race that circle .relationresultTheseare able to join the black race are rich ,identity and status ,outsiders have no way to enter the circle .
The rich set of black race rules ,all within the framework of black game .And those who play the game ,such as the bayonet ,tooth blade ,http://feeds.feedburner.com/CUZM,Xiao Yu and so on ,want to be someone wing ,is a simple thing .
The game players of the first game to be self-financing ,help home win the next game ,but also to pay a deposit, only really into this circle .At the same time the game is absolutely not allow cheating if man appeared ,that men did not play the game hard ,have the right to confiscate the deposit ,and it never ejected from the black race .
And once one hand to players ,black race to its registration ,players played a after the absolute cannot switch to other people ,also cannot pass to play home .relationresultXiao Yusuan is a special case,the wind field for Xiao Royal trust ,ignoring the first link .
Xiao Yu thus smoothly into the black race .relationresultThe last timeZhao Lanxin wager that it is not consistent with the rules ,but the wind field is not investigated .relationresultIn the twocase, Xiao Yusuan is owed to the wind wild one ,but he for the wind wild win so much ,this time have also had .
If you can win all the time ,two people have benefited ,nature is to the satisfaction of all things .relationresultThattooth blade thieves eyes glanced at Xiao yu .Xiao Yu unwittingly touched the waist to dagger .
He was such a watch .It was the Hawk Eye on general .Uncomfortable .relationresultYou are my adversary ? The tooth edge asked .Voice is hoarse ,deep .relationresultIs . Xiao Yu boldly staring eyes tooth blade .
Said drily .relationresultVerynice. Come up . The tooth edge jump arena .Say. , relationresultAnd thewind field the game player chat some curious glance tooth blade .It is rare to see the tooth edge has some excitement .
relationresultXiaoYuye arena .The master level game player mostly withdrawn ,continuing to do that .Not too much nonsense .A lot of people .Often the half barrels of water .Be opinionated guy .
relationresultThe most practicalmethod or by the result of the game .relationresultXiaoYuye turn over the arena .relationresultTooth blade and bayonets after playing two ? Wind wild casually look to the next game player .
relationresultWell . , relationresultAnd whatresult .relationresultLost . The game player smiled wryly and said ,it seems to be no suspense .relationresultBayonet shadow yet? , relationresultOut of the .
, relationresultWindwild that nod ,bayonet shadow warrior skills are really strong ,a lot of master level game player is defeated in the trick skills ,Xiao Yu if can not summon ghost Beamon circumstances kill tooth blade ,perhaps with a bayonet to fight the last fight ,and if you do not, it will be very difficult .
The ghost of Xiao Yu Beamon may not be able to spell over the bayonet to shadow warrior .relationresultBegin . Xiao Yu said ,accelerated toward the tooth blade flutter up ,right hand dagger in tooth blade face severely the bar down .
relationresultToothblade body a right hand backhand ,dagger cross baffle .relationresultStingwith a loud crash together ,two dagger .relationresultStaggering figure,suddenly two people have played several times, figure suddenly leave .
Two people with no skills will have played several times, all without the use of skills ,more as two fighting the war between the master .Who also did not account for cheap ,this is just the prophase trial ,two people leave adequate leeway .
relationresultLooking at theShaw Royal ,tooth blade in a daze, just when he played ,almost thought the opponent is the bayonet ,it feels too much like !But there is a difference ,a bayonet attack more hard hard ,one hand is the hard way, often cause destruction to both sides ,chilling ,and Xiao Yudi attack but pay attention to advance and retreat has according to ,give yourself with bridges ,enhanced defense ,attack down .
You can see ,Xiao Yuyou in imitation of bayonet .relationresultIn addition tothat encounter a bayonet ,wind field gave Xiao imperial many bayonet on the video ,let Xiao Yu research

