
http://feeds.feedburner.com/yQUu eyes seemed to turn

In the not live ?To tell you the truth ,you not only three five days will not die three ,fifty days are not die ! , relationresultDing Yuanstartled asked : what is the reason ? , relationresultFarminggrass : why don ask the East China Sea nine really old nun ?Well thanks to you was Cui Xia six cents back to Liuhe wash the Tianxin method marrow in vivo veins and the viscera is far better than the ordinary people is strong .
Faerie Guo Zhu burn though badly can be a little while still burning death you . , relationresultDing Yuanjoy mingled with surprise. Like Yama commuted the death to think if he can ever live three ,fifty only managed to escape from the monastery in Yunlin will have plenty of time to find out who did it expose a little master plot cunning planning is considered a there is a way out .
relationresultD: so that is what it is. Just do not know the original after three ,fifty on the next still can live how long ? , relationresultAgriculturaleffect : it depends on your good luck maybe two months or three months but but most of the hundred days .
, relationresultDing Yuansongmouth airway : just enough have more than the expected good too much . , relationresultAgriculturalhundred Road : Ding you only 100 days of life .Why not ask old if there was a way to save you ? , relationresultDingRoad : agricultural medical cents if can save the natural will save .
If not in the next why do you ask? , relationresultAgriculturalhundred a silence slowly : to be honest it may not come up with any remedies .But both have ten day old will do everything we can to save your life .
relationresultThat old saying second strange refers to your body of vitality exuberant than old beyond this to a terminally ill person is crucial . , relationresultDing Yuan said: in the next right now is also reluctant to die too many things need to wait to do .
Don agricultural medicine immortal first sound strange refers to what? , relationresultAgriculturalBaicao face angry : your body in addition to burn and a strong cold air should be ten days with .
relationresultI think it is good to the Yin Yang harmony ,http://feeds.feedburner.com/yQUu,and heal your poison .Not knowing how much burn Faerie Zhu fruit which is unusual drug restraint live ? , relationresultHe says more andmore gas to be overcome by one takes a table : so run counter to one but increased the disease also let old treatment more difficult .
relationresultI really do not know which asshole be opinionated so casually to heal old if you see him ,pumping two ear scratching . , relationresultDing Yuan smiled and said: I know who is she is reluctant to start .
Because it was agricultural medical cents granddaughter my girl . , relationresultAgriculturalBaicao face stiff gradually emerging out feel helpless look sighed : quack by accident person .
, relationresultDing Yuancouldn smiling : my kindness and also in the mortal man more so little was nothing . , relationresultAgriculturalBaicao jaw : you look so old rare open here is a bottle of pills you daily take a can lead blood reduced the frequency of fire .
Also can slightly relieve some of the pain .relationresultBut now you should not static dynamic is the most taboo blood line of .Or with increasing fire as the number of your body is too much of a day .
, relationresultDing Yuan received: thanks for agricultural medicine bottle fairy to me every day there to the activities of the body bone is difficult . , relationresultAgriculturalplants through eye white : you are comfortable with the outside already falling out of the sky .
In recent days Yunlin temple has diabolism people cloud but fortunately not dead .In addition ,they also flexor mark Shaw Huanchen in monastery in Yunlin for days waiting for the day after tomorrow trial .
relationresultDing boy you really not general ah let is the two leading figures together to worry about you . , relationresultDing Yuanzao neverblame master office know the news to start out in the form of agricultural Baicao so : agricultural medical cents in and another thing to trouble you .
relationresultPlease go out for the releases said they offer Ding heart but instigate or intercession or Ding will decline .A normal person when Ding Ding since it will try to solve the labor is not everybody adventure .
, relationresultAgriculturalBaicao terrified terrified slowly nods: good kid enough .You too must give out . , relationresultDing Yuansaid with a smile : thanks for Baoquan agricultural medicine immortal .
, relationresultAgriculturalBaicao condensate less white than black eyes looked at the Ding Yuan sink a track : too old to save your life you have never uttered a word of thanks .Old promised only outgoing one sentence to you to thank old .
relationresultDing light made reality no white teaches you a may not come this time ! , relationresultDing Yuan heart ofa excited: agricultural medical cents .Everything has its own days Ding dead Why trouble friend ?Besides Ding didn his own ability would not go out from Yunlin .
, relationresultFarminggrass : Ding old to previously in Cui Xia see Zeng shan .He also asked the old to bring you a word to you think about . , relationresultDing Yuan isa strange old man asked: have to have something to tell me ? , relationresultFarminggrass : said that the so-called six refers to the Greek ,micro ,Yi ,false ,no ,Kongcui Xia six-pulse resulting .
If you can understand this six characters only really be six Excalibur enlightenment . , relationresultDing Yuanmurmur will be six words repeated although at first a strange why once hill at this point also to penetrate six Excalibur but fine Mo under suddenly felt eyes seemed to turn by turn a unlocked door outside the boundless world straight people feel excited hates not to immediately begin to sit ,wu .
relationresultAfter amatrix array light from the original is just an hour has come to no resentment master came to back to farming grass .relationresultHe looked at Ding Yuanwhispered : agricultural donor D donor injury can also be saved? , relationresultAgriculturalBaicao left sleeve : joke the old hand treatment patients haven heard of any cure .
If not today a few days will there is a way .No resentment master you don . , relationresultNo resentmentmaster wondering just farming grass also said that if he couldn a time when they no longer can cure medical .
How suddenly the wind changed ?relationresultHe isa monk natural feel shy direct questioning can face it with a confused .relationresultDing Yuan smiled and said: master assured agricultural medical cents in under this poison at least one thirty will not hurt .
, relationresultNo resentmentmaster is unknown truth like : this is the day you worthy of good agricultural land the first doctor chushoubufan . , relationresultAgriculturalBaicao embarrassed cough : master old throat thirsty we go out of your temple the quiet place let old drink is tea ? , relationresultMaster: without blame is agricultural .
We will get it . , relationresultHe hadto quit : ding ding the donor you rest I had free will come to see you . , relationresultDing Yuanthought about meditation Enlightenment has mountain pass six words then : master might come back tomorrow .
Today in no need . , relationresultFarminggrass look at Ding turned into the method of matrix .relationresultThe houseimmediately quiet down .relationresultDing Yuan took outa farming grass to their Dan pills and water swallow the lower abdomen in a warm up in the systemic spread of warm is very comfortable .
relationresultHe sat cross-leggedback to bed know a good people do not disturb slowly close binocular tranquil mind .relationresultHismeridians have been monastery in Yunlin to cut through the sealing system was really not move like everywhere with heavy lock .
relationresultButShenwu Zeng Shan message six characters only care about in the heart of it and it can walk without too much .relationresultThe so-calledgas as repairs heart he knew Soyama seemingly laughing but there have a sense of propriety will never be without any cause or reason Tuonong Baicao pass six words .

