
cnn sister your body

One sentence .relationresultSu Zhiyu sees that theChong Ding waved sat on his bed holding Jasper don sad ink sister center is it right? What changes to let you all embarrassed ?You might as well tell us to think of ways might be able to help you share one or two .
, relationresultSu Zhiyuthen see morion still closed eyes without trial - and asked: ink sister you back in after seeing your master ?He visited the island Sheng Ping ?He is it right? What happened? , relationresultSmoky Quartzcould not help tears stream warble said: I sorry Sheng Shixiong to keep flat island reputation I only that he is the murderer .
.. ... Sheng Shixiong in order to show that the innocent even in his own body with nine blade penalty by soldiers wearing body pain also provoked anger ,light pale words two live together for him to share the .
, relationresultDing Yuan grabbed thebed column : what did you say ?You should set a brother? Does your conscience tells lard with ! , relationresultSmoky Quartzslowly open absence of eyes looked at zenith to oneself : I was in this world the most no cardiopulmonary woman you killed my brother revenge for Sheng ! , relationresultDing Yuan sneered: since you to save Gunn as the animal sacrifice Sheng Shixiong should become the island savior to how will the body toxic adrift at sea? , relationresultSmoky Quartzshook his head : do not ask all my own because no wonder people you kill me .
, relationresultDing Yuangrunted coldly in the world for him close to people is a old monk and prime is one of the few .relationresultSu Zhiyu looked atthe Ding eyes flashing gently persuades: Ding brother Zhi jade like there must be something ink sister is not the kind of person you see her now devoid of gratitude is regret .
If you hurt her not only it doesn A brother know will not agree . , relationresultSuZhenhan : jade to say good .I view this female baby face surface is actually the cold turkey is Shangyi people will not make the return kindness with ingratitude evil for good .
No need to ask to be the flat island that help fish for fame old undead are forced to come to that ! , relationresultWateris also advised: if you want to revenge for his brother Ding elution grievances could find is main is the Mexican girl is just a poor man .
, relationresultDing Yuantook a deep breath and have a look lying in bed with eyes closed die morion thought : if I killed her. Maybe exactly the island the brutes .The water horse aunt said bad debt has the main account also the count in the island .
, relationresultReadso far he coldly looking at Jasper : desperate and I had nothing to do but one thing if you have more conscience should try to wash you to a brother grievances to die since he in Xifeng valley you find him to be .
And turned to go outside .relationresultSu Zhiyusaid : Ding brother behind what you gonna do ? , relationresultDing Yuanhey sneered : you say ?The island is so mean and having no sense of shame my master happy senior nine edge is white to large I don raise a big stink how to have to rise the people? , relationresultSu Zhiyuhurried to the side of Ding Yuan : Ding brother you calm down and then make a decision too late !The island is known as the day Luqi big sword sends one of talented men still remained in concealment of it and do not say today Sheng brother has been wronged you argue again alone in a row can only increase their attacks Cui Xia pretext .
Zhi jade thought the most sensible approach is to matter to announce that their crimes completely unmasked . , relationresultSureally Fuzhang : good love when it comes to the heart .
I have a look at the help they Geng Southern hypocrite and that is how a pair of face ? ,cnn, relationresultSuddenly heard themorion faint voice : I will not be sorry master ! , relationresultThe first sixth partsin Chapter seventh tiger fall back , relationresultThe novelBus update: 2010-7-31 16:09:17 chapter number :10570 , relationresultDing Yuan Wenyansuddenly turned to stare coldly : don morion Pingsha faction are vicious heart you were let Sheng Shixiong bear life infamy more no reentry Cui Xia door wall !? , relationresultHestarted the first thing is to be old Taoist forced the door gauge back pat certainly knows nine blade penalty means what .
relationresultBecause of thishe more than others in a rage !Although only a few days and prime intersection Dante yuan Zhao for prime heroic chivalrous admiration of indomitable spirit is admired him for the way .
relationresultPerhapsbecause of own personality never as prime so Xinhuai magnanimous generous selfless but in the heart did not feel that a brother is really good things pile .relationresultSmoky Quartzto still want to hide the truth to his grievances hopeless and how to make Ding Yuan not angry ?relationresultSmoky Quartzjust close my eyes slowly : this is all because of me but Sheng Shixiong grievances more is what I hurt but I can not betray the master .
If you hate will kill me as your brother out Sheng . , relationresultDing Yuan cold sing: I kill you are afraid of dirty his hands but in order to fill senior person even if you kill him he is not willing to kill you out .
relationresultYou are not welcome hereyou go ! , relationresultJasperheart grieved more do not know day landing longitudinal large and can where to go ?She tried to prop up a pair of warm hands from by stretching to hold her eyes look is Su Zhiyu black lacquer show at looking at her .
relationresultJust listen tothe voice of Su Zhiyu said : my sister ,brother also ink for brotherhood really Sheng Shixiong concern can say the things .Whether you are going to have to the body is now in good condition .
, relationresultRenZheng stood aside and shook his head and said : love others who also don be unyielding . It is also about to move a cough quietly turned out to .relationresultSu Zhen sees thatalso pulled out of the house after the water light heel .
relationresultJasperheart warm gently sighed : Miss sue you and brother and Ding Shidi, they are rare . , relationresultThere Ding Yuandidn answer a low hum .relationresultSmoky quartzwith a talking lips had said: but I did was to go in any case I also go Lingzui Sheng Shixiong let him do is supposed .
, relationresultSu Zhiyuworries : but the ink sister your body now which can withstand miles Edgeworth ? , relationresultSmoky Quartzdid not know what I was thinking Yurong smile : can a moment hate not immediately flew to fill senior to him confess admit before finished this thing in this world I no longer care .
, relationresultSu Zhiyu listen to thewords of her death heart sighs: ink sister you why so ?Maybe a big brother did not really hate for you no matter what is difficult and there will always be the solution .
, relationresultSmoky Quartzshook his head : the fear is a knot untied the but I will eventually see Sheng Shixiong side ! , relationresultDing Yuan suddenlysaid : I take you to see a brother .
, relationresultHewas going to ask her mother things to think about civilian masters with smoky quartz may also wish to say to each other to change the idea for his washing clean is not necessarily say no matter what better than her back to the island .
relationresultSmoky Quartzstartled and didn was willing to accompany her to Xifeng Valley heart slightly moved jaw : thank you ,bro . , relationresultDing Yuan coldlythe eyes a tract : ink girl I don your thanks ! , relationresultSmoky Quartzknow Ding Yuan to his being ill feelings it also can not blame others for all pain can only themselves .
She pretended not to hear Su Zhiyu helped her to stand to the ground .relationresultSuZhiyu see morion haggard helpless appearance in the heart with a sigh gently asked softly: ink sister you can bear it or Zhi Yu also give you a lift ? , relationresultJaspermanaged a smile: no thank you .

