
http://feeds.feedburner.com/yQUu very weak otherwis

He climbs, the opponent kicks out one feet again.Lin Qi Yu forces to by hand block, he F through was beaten to cherish, it is with the instinct to impede completely.

"Lane Ca" a frailty rings, Lin Qi Yu's right hand arm broke, 'hospital in disorder medium, the serial Nu of left hand arm projects a white long grass.That person last body suddenly behind Yang.

Lin Qi Yu takes advantage of an opportunity backward on fleeing, a bottom sits to inside in the grove."Split mile Pa" is a burst of to ring indiscriminately, the tree branch of originally withered frailty is pressed ground crack, red of the dust get empty but rise along with disorderly leaf Teng of deadwood.

Lin Qi Yu knows to sit motionless, while falling to sit, he makes an effort a Ning waist to turn over toward the left side.Almost at the same time, he feels that strength dint falls the place that originally falls in at he, the speed of the other party is really too quick.

Lin Qi Yu is painful overwhelmed with work, in the mind the only awake viewpoint is to want to escape.

He in a row constantly vacillating on the ground.

Make him painful BE, connect opponent till now long what appearances haven't seen pure.

Being very not easy won't much of the Cu can compress into serial Nu, he raises to shot into to continuously attackstone his own opponent.

Projected in a row this time three white light, force the opponent have to avoid to let backward.Give the Cu the arrows Shi that can form to shoot, even if wear light A to also can not stand, opponent can evade confrontation with.

Lin Qi Yu is finally steady live body form, he this just has opportunity to see the pure other party is long of what shape.

That is one inside year man, the statures isn't high, strong as if actually must an iron Dun, the width of shoulder soon caught up a height.

His Chang wears a bosom and peeps out an emollient muscle of a piece of piece of burliness and wears a thorn soil Long Pi's coat, Gao Gao sticks out of the collar of dress cover back of the head, a head of Huang Ba Ba's book hair sticks on the head, eyes outwardly drum, as if the copper bell is general, light eyebrow very breadth, spread all over on the garlic nose a little bit red, black of fall Sai Zong to bomb to cover up lips, a pair of big hand of coarsenesses shows people tremble with fear.

What about him wear a mouth, can also resist to express one to Lin Qi Yu silk surprise.

Lin Qi Yu is still experience shortage, with his existing Cu ability, if immediately give out sound cry for help, be good enough to let person Jing in the fort to come to.So for an instant of hesitant, he after death not enough one meter place come out one personal shadow again, the speed is strange to quickly fall he, close behind, that inside year big fellow also flees to come up, a Zhang splits in his neck side.

Lin Qi Yu after all is three color the sky spoil, he spared no effort an one punch to bomb with all strength past, the middle age man is cold to hum a , also to top one punch.Listens to 1 explode to ring, that man repeatedly retreats.

Lin Qi Yu F through Be getting more utterly exhausted, the strength of this one punch is very weak, otherwise the opponent is about to eat heavy Kui.Three kinds of different Cu abilities of impact strength no trivial matter.

The person who falls Lin Qi Yu takes out a piece of black skin and raises hand Wu in Lin Qi Yu's nose place, a foul smell flavor dashes forward to come over, and Lin Qi Yu immediately holds breath.

Unexpectedly that inside year man re- comes forward, the boxing of a burst of storm sort beats Lin Qi Yu in the moment to deliver black, he held not to live to breathe any further.Soon, the flavor of black skin is inhaled, he is gradually collapsed and fainted pass by.

When Lin Qi Yu waked up first eye, what to see was the gold color of the ground Huang Sha, there are also the feet that is next to take a stroll of the bottom to wriggle.

He feels the whole body has no dint, particularly suffered is the whole sceneries all is pouring.Lead several seconds he just respond to come over, oneself is carried on the shoulder on the shoulder.

He slowly fists a fist and thinks malicious sneak attack opponent, the didn't expect a burst of acute pain leads long to pull neck and immediately after feels the pain that the right hand drills heart.He this just realizes his own two hands drive tie~upping of prison prison together, more exorbitant is to still have a skin Suo to connect two hands on the Bo neck, just of the impulse pulled skin Suo and almost broke neck Lei.

He cans not helps in mind denouncing openly, this recruits moon Sun also.

Lin Qi Yu's flounder is immediately realized by the opponent.


Lin Qi Yu's a head of is heavy to enter a sand heap, he makes great effort inside out body the head is from the sand heap in pull out, put out strength to vomit the fine sand of mouthful, scold a way:"Bastard, thousand what?Pei my Pei"

He can not by hand wipe, like in the Cu can resume some, he with the Cu can be tiny tiny in the face on flapping, fall a sand earthquake, this just open eyes.

After seeing the environment of pure surroundings, his in the mind not from get a cool.

This is the desolate big one desert, quiet Mi get terrible, occasionally brush past a burst of breeze, the fine sand in gold yellow is curled up Yang to arrive air, be like a burst of and aureate smoke, reflect Chen to wear the sky in dark red and seem to be very uncanny.

A sand dune continues long boundless, lie waste of the big desert give people a kind of desolate.The Qi oozes of felling.

Those 2 people stand at Lin Qi Yu nearby, the noodles has no facial expression ground to look at him.

Lin Qi Yu is impressed with middle age man, he turns a head to see toward another person, in the mind again is a surprised.

This person knows, be walk alone with the the that the love Lin Nuo military instructor fight, originally he not only[one] person, there is unexpectedly also companion.Just is that he is after death assaulting, and use a piece of smelly black skin smoked fainted himself/herself.

2 people all silently looking at Lin Qi Yu and see he the whole body is uneasiness.A long time, Lin Qi Yu says:"Feed, do you why grasp me?"

His in the mind feels feel suspicious, for the sake of the skin coat of that thorn soil dragon?

Although a thorn soil Long Pi's coat is very worth money, also unworthy especially the idea is in the outside ambush good wait oneself.He has a little not understand they this is why.

The middle age man seems to talk, that walks alone to peep out one silk smiling face and says:"The small guy don't be strange, I not for the sake of that skin coat, I is is that you is since then of."He hit the nail on the head the viewpoint of Lin Qi Yu's in the mind.

Lin Qi Yu could not help beating a cold Ca, this guy was barf city, could guess that oneself was just thinking what.

He says:"I am just a common run of people, how Be worth walking alone to take care of thus?For am I since then?Why?"

Walk alone to shake head a way:"You aren't the common run of people, you are invisible three color the sky spoil, seldom seen super evolution ……you if the common run of people, that we didn't calculate a person."

That inside year man suddenly interrupts conversation a way:"We want to walk faster, now not is talk of time, let him follow us, say again on the road."Say to turn round to go straight up.

Walk alone a catch Lin Qi Yu, say:"Stand good, follow us!Hum, you are an intelligent person, don't play what pattern, otherwise what to suffer a los is yourself, understand?"

Lin Qi Yu says:"You untie the skin Suo of my neck!"

He struggled several times and discovered this kind of rope very strong to the holdout of Cu ability, oneself can not flounce at all and see appearance the other party early get ready.

Walk alone to also be not afraid of him to make ghost, stretch hand to untie a set in the skin Suo of his neck, say:"Small guy, I have no malice, however, if you isn't obedient, don't blame me to suffer loss for you."

Lin Qi Yu feels the arm ache is unbearable,http://feeds.feedburner.com/yQUu, he groans a way:"My arm broke ……"

Walk alone to lightly say:"I F through give you positive bone, had better not move indiscriminately, hum, with the most 45 days of your physical endowment the ability Quan is shriveled."Say, pushed Lin Qi Yu for a while, again way:"Leave quickly, here not is stay a long while of ground, if the sandstorm come over, that bother."

The north bound in desert walks to consume physical strength very much, Lin Qi Yu after silently taking out an assistance to inject, he feels the wound of arm is a burst of and fresh and cool, Cu ability rapid A to break bone place, ache of feel immediately ease a lot.

His in the mind secretly rejoices and if not that at the beginning hitting upon a sudden idea to create the assistance that the instauration is used, the wound of forearm still have to much painful several days.

Lin Qi Yu's discovering serial Nu and bayonets is all walked alone to accept to walk, only a still is putting the boundary knife in taking small of the back.

His long knife didn't be taken out and by this time also could not found what weapon can use, and he knows it in heart, oneself completely isn't these 2 people's opponents, although oneself owns three color Cu ability, usage of the technique didn't°yet control like.

This desert is a free star famous place, the name calls soil desert dragon, and then call to die desert.

Here is a free star most well-known soil habitat dragon, die desert not terrible, terrible of is thorn soil dragon, that is on one's own initiative 1 kind to form into groups the wild beast that will attackstone.

Also ever and anon break out a red sandstorm in desert, even if is an ambulation type the fort don't dare as well to easily get into, here of the dangerous degree compare general wilderness greatly get many.

Lin Qi Yu out of spirits walks at 2 people in the center.

At evolve of world in, he this can force to be regarded as a youth, because he is evolve in advance, therefore intelligence ratio together age the person is a little bit a little bit more mature.

The common run of people from 18 years old start evolving, after evolving 3 F just probably the beginning came to, while Lin Qi Yu used

