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Responsible for robbing people contact, Yuan Futong wanted to solve this problem .relationresultNo, not .Since Yuan Daoyou asked ,I have to say .And the four of us familiar shop is the East Zhengyang in Zhengyang under the porch ,if you want to go to Yuan Daoyou ,I lead the way .
See Yuan Futong look to turn cold ,Zhu Xiang hurriedly replied .This time, I was artificially exposed fish ,Zhu Xiang is not what is against the idea .Moreover, in order to give up his own life in three cohorts ,Zhu Xiang is not so noble sentiment ,beats by dr dre pro.
relationresultThat ,let . , relationresultThe fifty-second chapter Zhengyang Xuan , relationresultStepZhengyang Xuan ,Yuan Futong felt a store within the matrix to bring their own pressure .
This does not seem to be very large space ,Yuan Futong found at least three powerful defensive prohibition .As for the attack because of prohibition ,and was excited ,so Yuan Futong could not find .
But from the defense against attack strength to judge ,restraining power must be very small .Even Yuan Futong ,there is no certainty in this powerful prohibition under nondestructive withdrawal .
But as an on-site customer ,Yuan Futong temporarily need not worry about these things .After all, land of confusion even more confusing ,in their own shops within the homicide section goods do not appear .
After all the shops are doing business, behind again how dirty on the surface ,but also maintain a little tenderness .relationresultWhen I who is coming, the original is the Zhu brothers you ah !What is it this time to harvest ?Well, the two is ? Three Yuan Futong just walked in the door ,a cheerful voice sounded from the shop ,then a pleasant man came out ,Zhu Xiang smiled and said hello .
See Yuan Futong two ,yet slightly surprised to asked Zhu Xiang .relationresultThese two are my new friends ,this is Yuan Futong Yuan Daoyou ,and this is down straight to Tang Daoyou .Two are from the Sirius down the hill to experience the friars ,the elite .
This is Zhengyang Xuan is the dispensers ,Zhengyang Xuan a few days can be more close to . Zhu Xiang slightly awkward explained .As a guest of the Zhengyang Xuan ,Zhu Xiang and is very familiar with ,is also know Zhu Xiang a lot .
This time as the Yuan Futong two people present Zhu Xiang didn have any obvious tip, only in accordance with the formal procedures for both the .relationresultOh ,it is a wolf to master, it is I .
Zhu brother you can meet the two friends like this ,it is good luck ! Slightly odd glances at Yuan Futong ,is once again showing a smiling face ,very surprised, envy of voice .For Yuan Futong the Terran monk how are the elite ,is does not cling to a merchant due caution ,not to speak ,so as not to offend anybody .
relationresultMo dispensers are welcome, we two first came to ,also need Mo dispensers in chaos to influential friends exhibitions . Yuan Futong smiled and said : I say yes ?Zhu Daoyou.
, relationresultThis ?Yuan Daoyou said yes, Mo dispensers later please support . Zhu Xiang was terrified, but immediately or along Yuan Futong words said .relationresultOh Yuan Daoyou is really kind of you !Several potential energy to our Zhengyang Xuan itself is for our support ,I this life of Italian people ,nature also should give in return .
When the deep one look at Zhu Xiang ,smiled and said .This set ,when saw the relationship between three people ,I know I have to deal with the protagonist is Yuan Futong instead of Zhu xiang .
But in Zhu Xiang is also roughly guessed Zhu Xiang ,with Yuan Futong two more circumspect .relationresultThat is good .Here today ,to Mo dispensers to buy a few things ,don Mo dispensers to me ? Yuan Futong asked with a smile .
relationresultHere is my shop ,friend to buy anything ,as long as I have you can afford to pay the price ,I am to sell . When the same smiled and replied .relationresultVerynice. I think it is I here to buy the three people such as Xiao He of place of concealment, it should be no problem ? Yuan Futong light said .
See ,when is a careful person .Yan ran a pleasant ,but cling to a merchant criterion .For such people ,Yuan Futong is not very hate .There are times when Yuan Futong also loved by the people ,get some of what he needs .
relationresultThis kind of things friends can directly ask Zhu brother ? Is slightly started ,glanced at Zhu Xiang hesitated .Although looking out ,Zhu Xiang team encountered Yuan Futong hit but as a former partner ,is not easy to betray Zhu Xiang et al .
After all Raiders and shops in the relationship between building up is not easy ,need much investment and time .There have been this way before the test ,is not easy to give up may not be what problem for the Zhu Xiang team .
relationresultIt is not how we believe that Mo dispensers ah !Zhu Daoyou ,you and Mo treasurer said . Yuan Futong light said .The other does not directly sell partner message is a foregone conclusion, but Zhu Xiang in hand ,Yuan Futong doesn worry about anything .
In fact ,can find out and solve the Xiao He ,three, for Yuan Futong is not extremely urgent thing ,Yuan Futong two people just put the matter as the traveling part, try to do it .relationresultThe Mo dispensers ,if there are three of them in the message, or Yuan Daoyou and two of them say .
Zhu Xiang smile is said to .Being forced to betray his companion ,certainly not what good things .After all, in the land of confusion for hundreds of years ,Zhu Xiang team is composed of hundreds of years ,four personal friendships between is very good .
But again good friendship ,and his own life also cannot be compared .Perennial in the land of confusion with people ,always put her life in the first place .At this time Zhu Xiang in the hands of Yuan Futong, he will naturally not because of the friendship and other things ,and against Yuan Futong .
relationresultOh !That Yuan Daoyou is ready to use something for the news ? When seeing Zhu Xiang position ,with a sigh ,turned to Yuan Futong and said .Zhu Xiang said ,is there is no responsibility .
But it also means ,Zhu Xiang in the team New Zealand must from partners list .In the land of confusion to do business, income is much, the main thing is to see a familiar partner actual strength is high ,how big is the harvest .
There was a fairly strong team ,can foreknow ,the future Zhengyang Xuan business will be a lot less .relationresultm not going totake anything. And Mo dispensers exchange . Yuan Futong light said .
relationresultThat is to say, Yuan Daoyou is like fighter on the hard bow ?Afraid that something bad ? Is turned slightly changed, slightly Ping said some threat .Speaking at the same time, shops and restraining a slight fluctuation, a powerful momentum when radiates .
At the same time ,the two gods wish also damaged empty out ,hovering is .relationresultZhengyang Xuan is really good strength !Mo I don I would not for the three men had to pay for anything, but I want to become the Zhengyang Xuan partners ,Mo dispensers that this proposal ? Yuan Futong picked a ,dissolved the rushing of pressure ,and said with a smile .
The saying is half ,enraged ,Yuan Futong to see Zhengyang Xuan surface strength .All development on Yuan Futong expected .Just a moment, when starting a against prohibition ,will also be on the side of the other two Lianshen later monastic existence is revealed .
relationresultThreeLianshen late monk, combined with extremely powerful prohibition law ,in the land of confusion is a strong force, a Guardian shop should be sufficient .Even * Lianshen late monk teamed up to attack, Yuan Futong believes is et al can escape safely . Related articles:

