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Brush brush drama in the page to move ,and the nib left pages occasion, Eighteen out three characters in the Black Pages suddenly silver now ,and then disappear ,page followed by floating a coordinate .
relationresultXiao Hua hurrieddown the coordinates ,map out ,on the up .Identified eighteen touch position, Xiao Hua put the devil book page .Then out of the sand city !relationresultIn a highlevel monsters refresh ,a six-man team in the group brush with strange .
A .Knight before pulling the five or six monsters hate ,knight ,two soldiers in hard attack ,the priest ,mage and Archer is responsible for its own work .relationresultTwo soldiers,a eighteen touch was a face in which the body ,the a team, it is before and unique war against team .
relationresultTen starlings ,you are my idol ,even phonology that soft and hard not to eat woman can get ,let her come to help you .It was awesome ! Group channel, the wizard is already more than once a prickling scalp of high praise .
relationresultCut ,but is the sound !Don loner usually don catch a weakness ,not capture an enemy easily ! Ten on the praise is not to regard it as right feel proud ,just said .relationresultOh ,you look eighteen brother ,who do not !It is a pity that the props not long ,the woman only rhyme promise to kill them once even, if the jade will battle is matchless that guy killed once ,then it is straightforward .
The master of the prop is clearly heard ,then it is a pity said .relationresultHa ha ,that guy yesterday also let them grow to help think of reconciliation ,is really laugh off my head !Wish for reconciliation ,where there is so easy ,after he was ! Eighteen touch said .
relationresultTen starlings ,us two guild is a guild League ,later the trouble with him ,there is no problem ? In the procession, Archer was a little worried and asked .relationresultAfraid of what !I was in, there is absolutely no problem ! Eighteen touch is resolute and decisive proudly replied .
relationresultEighteen brother you heart ,output high, pull the hatred ! Knight then is urgent sound to remind say bye , relationresultEighteen touchin response to Archer and master issues, his sword was used to attack group of the whirlwind ,desperate to monster cut !He too is cool, but the mob he was also pulled .
relationresultKnighthurried back to hate, but the monster is neat to eighteen touches the body struck one or two, eighteen touch life immediately dropped by a large margin !relationresultThe priest ,quick treatment ! Eighteen touches the heart in a surprised ,though he has instantaneous recovery medicine ,but a priest in nature ,not easily use ,instant medicament .
But the value of not a small sum of money !relationresultThe priestis to restore ,but now ,eighteen touch was slammed ,something suddenly burst open, eighteen touch life be mad out edge guide , relationresultEighteen touchimmediately alarmed ,he now lives only less than one thousand !relationresultEighteen touchhurried to drink the potion, but the agent is also useless, a series of damage suddenly from his head and taking up ,thousands of lives and then discharge and empty !relationresultEighteentouch finished ,Xiao Hua was a disease ,to the priest rushed past !relationresultGoto sand Mantis refresh Office Road, Xiao Hua watched backpack devil book page ,in a small ,devil book page effect disappeared .
relationresultGot yesterdaydevil book page ,for three times .Results ten to touch this guy don what is ,is almost a whole day out to nest in the town ,until today just out to brush strange ,Xiao Hua use devil book page ,got his coordinates, had come ,and then in the side waiting for quite a while ,to get a good under mobile phone will !relationresultThe system prompts: devil book pages curse forces disappear ,become devil Book residue page !relationresultThe third!Twelve thousand had more ,seek the vote !relationresultThank you Chopinsolo ,naughty watermelon Jin ,God less reading distillate ,cloud to destroy ,a cool and nephew, mountain cable ,to reflect the sky eye nephew ,book of Knife w is the package such as urinary nephew reader rewards support !, !relationresultChapter 204th unique war League , relationresultHuaarray at .
He had thought that time evil scrap book !Pages will sharpen fox to become another thing is !relationresultDevil Bookresidue page :collect seven devil Book residue page ,can be synthesized from legendary items devil book .
When can restore each devil book page strength ,and obtained using the devil book , relationresultVolume!relationresultDevil bookpage should have seven ?Do not know the other six devil book page has any special role .
The devil book . He is not heard ,but since it is the legendary items ,like also not bad to go .relationresultThink of here,Xiao Hua put the devil book page into a backpack orange grid to ensure safety ,cheap beats by dre.
It has a chance to slowly collection .Once again came to the Lian Ji, Xiao Hua will then eighteen touch things thrown into the back of the head ,on the other side of no demon book page of this liver props ,he can settle down to practise level .
relationresultAs long asthe level rises again several steps ,using the cloak ,unless they have God level anti stealth skills ,or basically is a few people can break his stealth .relationresultThenXiao Hua after two days quiet days in leveling ,but return to town ,Xiao Hua would choose to avoid popular stealth, God will really make the Shing Mun vendors to the game player help stalking ,come and look for trouble .
relationresultWhenXiao Hua returned to the sand city ,the first time to walk free exchange .Brush all day strange black is hungry growling .relationresultFreeexchange is always one of the busiest places ,Xiao Hua has a bit of effort at all .
Booth selected equipment black eat with it about the same level of blue dress .To be effective in reducing hunger, but now the situation is and he had in mind, feeding the white mounted to the guy ,although in hunger, that guy will eat ,but eat a lot of will point out to hunger .
relationresultAt this stagein the game player mostly grade forty-five or above .Exchange of more than 30 level of blue dress although the price will not be expensive ,but it is much less, after Xiao Hua these days madness sweeps ,can be found in the lower blue dress is less and less ,Xiao Hua always takes a while to buy about twenty blue .
relationresultMore important isthe black this machine .Finally swallowed gold showed effect ,Xiao Hua is now the daily consumption is more than 3 gold coins ,in addition to knife much gold poisons and pharmaceutical expenses .
The rest are let black abruptly swallowed !In the unique war gave him the million gold ,his body was millions of gold coins ,but now after more than twenty days, as gold is consumed more than half !relationresultIncrowds ,Xiao Hua bought nearly twenty pieces of blue dress ,looking at the backpack left the million gold, long time no financial crisis again !relationresultThere was a way to make some money .
, relationresultIn an alleycalled black out black aside excited biting equipment ,Xiao Hua is trying to make money .relationresultIn factwant to cash was also very simple .As long as the warehouse of the golden skull method technical or limit skill book scourge in sand city find an auction ,will take a million !relationresultBut hewarehouse can change the money is the two items ,not have no alternative against one ,Xiao Hua still does not want to move these be the pressure property .
relationresultThink it over and over again.Appears to be the only help steal this method !relationresultThe windhas fast city for a month ,Xiao Hua was still not familiar with how to sand ,although the map there are some elite help with a super help refresh point ,but in a war is matchless this acquaintance ,Xiao Hua will have to go ,how also has to ask what war is matchless help is not break Stealth and better . Related articles:

