
cheap beats by dre d treatment is goo

Great ,great how I teach you this disciple .Put any ratio ,good not sweet is an idiot ,this is not the money ,it just filled with he never mind ,you want to give anybody .Even if it is a national ,who you want to give it also, but this help training resources ,a bit cannot waste .
Others murder robbery ,at all ,you are good ,loading force to send ,you think you high ah . A look at Zhao Long this action ,the teacher immediately burst .relationresultDon ,don . Zhao Long felt his head explodes ,apparently feel the teacher worried a soul power dissipation, Zhao Long said : you first do not worry, it is just his way, I can not say so great and noble .
, relationresultMy brother in these things to me when ever said ,he had found some special person to collect this thing .Those aren we dare to offend ,they accidentally found some people vying for those things ,someone to die .
He wanted to ask if you need ,if necessary, he will let a person secretly to check these things the specific situation .As for the ruby is the older I want you to help me to have a look in my body ,in a few years ago fights with the human suffered some injuries ,is the kind of meridians damage .
It makes me strength to stay .Meridian damaged is the difficult things ,I already have other ideas ,so we often go out with Cao Lao ,but he says that you may have a way to . Pang Shoutian made no effort to conceal ,fast will be out of something that .
relationresultBecause the oldarmy head vaguely has revealed ,Zhao Long and Dan there may have a relationship ,so now Pang Shoutian is with special respect to Zhao Long .More is to him this realm ,the more understand Dan exist .
Or just Zhao Long he hurt him ,I was shocked ,because that is the general martial arts master all the impossible .relationresultBut the thought ofthe old army head said those words, he will feel ,it is worthy of Dan existing disciple ,are beyond the normal top martial arts master too much strength is also very normal .
relationresultPang Shoutian thenadded : of course ,the main thing is my brother thank you saved his life things ,but by the want to have a look me that there is no hope, if anything ,as long as in capacity within the scope of things ,but with a command .
, relationresultPang Shoutian is thehead of Bagua ,Bagua in his hand and his own flourish ,although day copies of the original feeling than the old army head ,but also have fairly good .
There is the opportunity to impact innate martial arts master ,the results because of injuries, first will head to disciple ,followed by years of efforts can only let the injury did not worsen .
If the injury is not cured ,he completely lost impact innate martial arts master opportunity .relationresultFor an ordinaryschool or family ,with martial arts master that is a very good school with family ,while innate martial arts master is able to quell school hundred years and existence .
relationresultZhao Longis not a doctor is not medicine, but he did not mention the meridians impaired strange ,Zhao Long listens directly to the bag away .relationresultThento Pang Shoutian to check up ,now Zhao Long teachers do not help also know how to find out the other meridians with some physical condition ,natural no teacher so precise, but their strength slowly find out each other channels such things as he has .
relationresultIndeed there are three meridians is impaired ,but has a lot of good .As a martial arts master ,Pang Shoutian restoring force should be very strong ,this meridian damage, can be easily cured .
Zhao Long after the examination ,did not immediately told Pang Shoutian ,first communicate with the teacher .relationresultNothing wrong ,but he that several meridians damage has not good root is not here .
The teacher heard ,you still passing voice said .relationresultNot here ? Zhao Long wanted to just find out the life of objects inside the case ,do not have other places there is a problem .
relationresultKnow why many people suffered internal injuries ,or damage to please all meridians .That is because they do not meridians impaired ,more important is the soul also suffered some damage ,which is the root of the problem ,the soul injury is hindered in their ascension progress at all .
Therefore there will be a lot of people ,the wound has healed ,but also more difficult to inch into life .This point you than you that two women were much worse . The teacher is not satisfied with the final .
relationresultI was out when two women ? is one of the two pair of soul ,their soul force strong ,if I teach about a guide ,they can notice . , relationresultYou really when I were omnipotent, like you said ,Zhang had with Su Zibing they are the kind of thousands of years to encounter special physical fitness .
Zhao Long did not want to here entangled ,subsequent road :relationresultWell, there is no way to help him ,after all, we also accept others . is the way some ,but now you can use only one, first with the wood gas to help him recover meridians ,and then refining a panacea slow nourish his soul .
See him injured ,soul is light ,otherwise it won ,soul damaged is the difficult things ,slightly nourishing a plus wood gas help ,if he can break into the top martial arts master realm ,believe that the problem can be thoroughly solved .
, relationresultWith the teacherthat Zhao Long can rest assured, direct road :relationresultllhelp you will meridian impaired treatment is good, but you hurt the root lies in the soul ,this will have to take it easy .
, relationresultJust then,Zhao Long phone rang ,Zhao Long walked away with strength to hold the phone with his ,it received a telephone call .relationresultTelephoneover there just say a few words, Zhao Long was sunk down ,fly into a rage .
relationresult(to be continued ) , relationresultThe 153rd chapter is easy to every variable , relationresultPang Shoutianwas just holding a dead horse do live horse medicine ,although he will Zhao Long said the miraculous ,but after all he is still a top martial arts master .
WWW !relationresultEven ifbehind him may have activated the existence of the shadow ,it does not mean that he himself is the presence of activated .To Pang Shoutian this realm ,have the opportunity to touch the innate martial arts master ,for the soul ,Dan has not generally so strange .
Even he himself ,was also often have some understanding and thinking .relationresultZhao Long justafter the examination was said to his soul ,but said the injured ,Pang Shoutian suddenly be overjoyed .
Not just for themselves, but for their gossip door ,go to the impact of innate martial arts master .Can spread more than 100 years of martial art ,must have innate martial arts master charge .
relationresultPang Shoutiansaw the hope ,see the dawn here happy, Zhao Long there is a fly into a rage .relationresultWith Zhao Long toremind ,Liu six will investigate the target to the easy two brother ,really have found .
Liu six found that do not call the brothers ,recent series have many calls ,time is very long .But investigate male time was also found ,he made several turns after the company ,all with those he investigated the company relationship .
relationresultIt isa mess of course not good looking ,but now find the root cause, the roots of a straight out .relationresultIt seemseasy to male should be the smuggling of rare earth behind ,cheap beats by dre,but also incurs the killer kills himself .
Know these he is not accidental ,the heart is ready ,really make Zhao Long fly into a rage thing is willow six survey says ,in recent days Yi Jie suddenly disappeared .relationresultIn acar accident be rather baffling message, it now covers the very strict .
But home has already started, now the Haicheng much jittery, in the search for the missing three childe .Although now no evidence ,but willow six think it is likely to easily hung on . Related articles:

