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One of the holy angels ,Cappella ... !relationresultAlthough Xiao Huaput one the identification of prescription ,but also pay attention to the surrounding atmosphere of the obvious changes .
relationresultThe suddenrise, Xiao Hua see ,the sky above ,Capet pulls the boron Chiang ,is in midair completed projection !relationresultSecond world everybody, everybody is good .Long time no see ,I was getting more and more beautiful angel Cappella !Finally is able to out put ,feel very glad ,tell everybody a good news ,AI microhm she was caught against viruses ,a short period of time is not come out ,so we don want her !After the second world ,I a personal management ,I hope everyone a happy game oh .
relationresultWell,the daily said here ,this is the two important announcement ,is good news .relationresultFirst,the virus thing ,and we do not see this period of time, I and AI micro-hm leader a part of operational capability for the virus to confrontation ,is now found to suppress the virus to kill the virus ,although it is still not possible .
But I can make most of their abilities ,running a I alone have important crisis program !relationresultThiscrisis program called time box estimation of clever game player has to guess what it is .
Well ,from now on ,from the black start ,game time will no longer and real time synchronization !Game time and real time ratio will be .Even if you in the game after five years ,in reality it .
Therefore each will never have to worry about back to reality ,the real world will produce too big change !relationresultThe secondthing ,is beneficial from now on to open again !You ,is it right? Happy ?But I am sorry to tell you ,this is my new design, complete with the original ,the original data is no longer exist .
At the same time ,because the camp have been isolated, rules involving some factions ,each at the time of entry ,please be sure to carefully read the new rules ,otherwise there will be any consequence ,but it oh !Oh ,forget that, just off the assembly line ,back into the space ,you can enter the game ,but in order to ensure the fair ,with each entry, must at least edge minutes to leave ,that also please note .
relationresultWell,I wish all a happy game ,hope that damn virus earlier is cleared ,worship ! , relationresultThe Second WorldGames in different areas ,many people still listen to Cappella .
.. Using different language to notice two things ,for almost all trapped in the second in the world of game player ,the two thing is really too important !relationresultGame timeand real time than it is lifted their greatest fear !If they really are in the game to live ten years ,reality also had ten years ,that ten years after the reality ,in this developing so fast in the world ,what a appearance ,let people can be worried !But now ,Cappella to let these worries game player ,www.cheapbeatsbydrdreheadset.com,finally breathe a sigh of relief .
relationresultButthe reopening, but to most of game player ,but it is certainly extremely inspire people thing !The second world is real ,but because too really sharp, information is very convenient to exchange ,the game now than there was exciting .
Cappella holy figure in the sky gradually disappeared ,in the second world ,numerous game player in Cappella after thinking carefully ,finally convinced this is not set ,then the sound of shouting in the voice ,to offline game player ,from their second world disappears ,went to the carnival to go !relationresultFive monthsaway from the game ,and now finally have a can breathe a sigh of relief ,closer to the reality of the place ,people will be temporarily leave the game put the panasonic !relationresultThe second world,in this moment ,become hitherto unknown deserted ,except those that are duplicates ,killing monsters ,to help or task is temporarily unable to escape game player ,the world suddenly become quiet !relationresultLooked around thegame player and one from the side line disappeared ,Xiao Hua heartbeat is impossible, but look at the backpack left more than 20 sheets without identification of prescription ,Xiao Hua or static under heart to come ,to identification of prescription .
Once the line ,at least thirty minutes to get back in the game ,he also does not know the probability statistics will again .relationresultThe minutesof the past, Xiao Hua backpack without identification of prescription is a little ,Xiao Hua sat quietly on the ground ,until the time is over, to throw a backpack for intraoperative identification .
relationresultTwoturn to last two unidentified prescription .Xiao Hua never again received .�� , relationresultLuck!relationresultFinally two,without any need to hesitate ,Xiao Hua use luck !relationresultIdentification ofa minute cooldown time, Xiao Hua immediately toward the backpack that last two prescription of a lost an intraoperative identification !relationresultIdentification ofsuccess !relationresultSystem hint:you get prescription intermediate instant reply .
relationresultRely on!Just a master recipe !relationresultXiao Hualuck effect still have great expectations ,but did not expect to have the desired effect .relationresultGo ahead.relationresultThere isa piece of !There is a chance !relationresultIntraoperative identification!relationresultOne minutepast cooling time ,Xiao Hua immediately to last one unidentified prescription using intraoperative identification !relationresultIdentification ofsuccess !relationresultSystem hint:you get antidote effective prescription prescription .
relationresultFinished,the last one, or a master !relationresult,take a more universal identified two grandmasters prescription ,but also made a lot of . A little after the disappointment ,Xiao Hua a heavy sigh ,rapid heart quietly changed .
Although the expectation value is almost, but not that bad, then slowly close again is the identification of prescription .relationresultTo have a look of the first prescription identification finished, Xiao Hua on what is happening ,is also very curious .
As there are more than 10 minutes to transfer ,Xiao Hua decided to go to have a look first in the case .From the surrounding situation, now must be very lively ,do not go up under the busy, I after I got very hard .
relationresultBut then,Xiao Hua paid no attention to ,the pack on his back ,the more than 100 prescription ,there are striking changes !relationresultA prescriptionto occupy a backpack plaid ,Xiao Hua backpack ,there are four prescription ,but the four note ,then ,different grid in different prescription ,prescription together every two disappear ,then in the midst of a lattice emerges a new different prescriptions ,and a new prescription followed with the addition of a new prescription disappear together ,and then turned out a prescription !relationresultThis speedis very fast ,unless using the camera records and then replays ,or to the human eye ,is absolutely unable to see clearly !If Xiao Hua then in attention backpack ,will only see .
His bag of those prescriptions .Will fly two pieces two pieces disappear together ,turn into a new ,then the new haven settled down to let him see the emergence of new prescription is a name, and soon disappeared from his eyes !relationresultThis process is onlyfor a very short time, can only be used to describe the possible moment ,and with less than three seconds ,Xiao Hua backpack prescription disappeared half, then in his backpack ,in those vanishing prescription vacated a lattice ,appeared a golden new party !relationresultThe system prompts:congratulations on your prescription ares pharmaceutical synthesis !relationresultThe system promptsa ,Xiao Hua figure is at the same time disappear from the game .
relationresultJust game tips ?Hear listen to the wrong sense ? Although almost at the same time happened ,but the system prompt since issue ,Xiao Hua is still heard something .But this Related articles:

