
monster beats ord is the very

Let Muyun arose in anger ,the power of the world began to surge up crazy .relationresultWith theMuyun in powers of the world crazy surge ,his short sticks are made more dazzling sheen ,a huge momentum from the Muyun radiates ,the impact to the immortal sword array ,which makes the leader suddenly is to feel the strands of the huge pressure ,so that he controls executes the immortal sword array is become hard .
relationresultButthe more such pressure towards him was over, more let the bishop feel excited ,looking at Muyun in world power keeps surging up ,the leader is no longer retained ,but also the body of power of the world crazy surging up ,to put an immortal to death four sword perfusion of the past .
relationresultSuddenly,immortal sword four violent shake up ,and also made a sound of howling shaking heaven and earth ,and then after this put an immortal to death four sword is hard to Muyun split over .
relationresult , relationresultThe 793rd chapter warfare warfare ( ten) , relationresultThebishop felt from Zhu sword array from a pressure ,heart is extremely excited ,the world body force is constantly a gushing ,perfusion to put an immortal to death four sword to ,and put an immortal to death four sword in the world has power immediately after reperfusion ,is sent out a sound shaking heaven and earth of Howling ,rattling to Muyun split in the past, but this is not one of energy aggregation ,but really put an immortal to death four sword in the attack .
relationresultPut an immortal to death foursword the very Sunday world first killing device ,after the founder of world power after quenching and smelting ,power more huge, its accumulate contained evil spirits and murderous is incomparable strong ,being the leader of perfusion world force ,put an immortal to death four sword .
No longer it is simple to the array ,but a completely kill the world ,in the people mind sword array ,but killing is no other .relationresultAlthoughMu Yun and strength than the leader strong many ,just run in the world ,is to let the bishop felt great pressure ,but the leader is believe in themselves the immortal sword four composed of killing world must be affect Mu Yun ,so the bishop felt no .
Panic, just excited control put an immortal to death four sword towards Mu Yun to launch an attack .relationresultBecause Mu Yun wasthe founder of shock back a few steps ,his heart is crazy Chung ,began operation in the world ,perfusion to Qing emperor give down short sticks ,then saw a green light from which the short sticks up ,his whole body wrap ,but this time, put an immortal to death four the sword is split into the series of glaucoma ,but this time no matter put an immortal to death four sword to chop ,is unable to shake the series of glaucoma ,are not able to put Mu Yunzhen back .
relationresultThis resultMuyun heart proud incomparable, and began the body of world power emission ,perfusion into the hands of the short sticks ,making short sticks a glaucoma occupy range is increasing constantly toward the outside ,expand ,attempted to use this method to the founder of the array to death immortal sword burst ,and Muyun such practice is indeed let the bishop pressure again strengthened many .
relationresultAfter allMuyun realm is the god-king metaphase, strength than the guru too many ,in the world than the strong force is also founder of many ,in this case ,the leader just feel the pressure on them more and more huge ,sweat began in the teaching main body flows ,just like this the pressure is still let the leader very excited ,staring at the huge pressure ,the guru sent Yishengchangxiao ,and with this sound word ,the founder of the world body force is also began running wild up .
relationresultPut an immortal to death foursword shines more bright ,four sword arranged in a crisscross pattern toward Mu Yun by strangling Mu Yun ,continuously in the hands of a blue bar ,and as such the battle ,immortal sword four issued shares in and paying is gradually in the influence Mu Yun mood ,making Mu Yun the battle is also began to gradually in the heart had intended to kill ,is no longer satisfied with the passive defense position .
relationresultItis the founder of Muyun than the strength of high strength ,but hold short sticks ,passive defense ,that is Muyun has gained the victory finally ,is not to be praised ,as this victory would be of no value ,so Muyun decide on their own is to take back ,heart .
It continued to unite, then broke out .relationresultWith the hearts ofintended to kill the condensation, Muyun body power of the world began more crazy toward the hands of the short sticks out like a sword ,was a general in glaucoma is from that short sticks to shoot out ,monster beats,will be immortal sword four past ,moment is the immortal sword four flooded .
relationresultAt this moment,the bishop felt himself seems to be pressed on a Kyoho ,so heavy ,his shoulder seems to have is to be bent ,back is a little bit down low ,such pressure makes the tricks of the mind is more excited ,the sound of roaring from the guru out ,just be himself again straight .
relationresultTheleader of a research Kendo ,and the sword is between heaven and earth the most direct objects ,not to be able to have a curved ,so the leader body is never a straight standing there ,like a world will be cut broken sword ,is the very edge ,there ain surrender ,even in the face Muyun burst pressure, there is no may let the bishop bend his back .
relationresultIs this onestrands of unyielding ideas ,constantly pounding the tricks of the mind ,and in such a stimulus contrast, the founder of the world body force is actually a sudden break the shackles ,start growing up ,but in such huge pressure, the leader finally is obtained breakthrough ,reaching the god-king metaphase state, and in a rapidly growing world power makes the leader is sent out a sound exciting .
relationresultThebishop with excitement long whistle ,immediately by Mu Yun short sticks out a light flooded put an immortal to death four sword ,at one fell swoop break the shackles ,again in the sky side ,crazy dancing with the shuttle, then to Mu Yun and is killed in the past, consisting of killing the world will continuously around Mu Yun strangled with glaucoma .
relationresultAnd asthe founder of the breakthrough ,the immortal sword four the power of nature is more powerful, evil spirit overflowing, murderous boiling ,constantly pounding surrounded the Muyun ,makes Muyun mind constantly subjected to shock ,gradually lost his mind ,eyes red ,hold short sticks ,start crazy wave up .
relationresultIn acrazy world Muyun internal force unreserved perfusion in the Qing Emperor gave the short sticks ,a light shining out ,but she is immortal sword four to strangling ,and finally Muyun is depleted the world force ,weakness of the collapsed in the tower .
relationresultSeeMuyun fell on the dais ,the bishop without the slightest hesitation ,mind control to put an immortal to death four sword into a Stegosaurus ,direct is the Muyun to swallowed ,the bowstring into dust ,even the world tree are there to stay ,and thorough will Mu Yunzhan killed .
relationresultDoneall this ,the leader of black wind, an tower ,majestic-looking continue waiting for his last challenger .relationresult , relationresultThe 794th chapter warfare warfare
( eleven) , relationresultDirectlyafter the founder of Muyun strangulation ,standing in the tower ,the black with blowing up around sea breeze fluttered ,although there is no momentum Related articles:

