
Beats by Dr Dre Pro ns But his hear

How tobe able to account for the nephew uncle ?relationresultSo thebattle river only chose another house ,they the mother of two individuals ,not too much .relationresultThe house is chosenin the days near the headquarters .
A garden villa ,also covering three thousand or four thousand square meters ,although it looks good ,but as a principal residence is shabby ,than who will have slightly inferior .relationresultBut thebattle River low-key act ,there is no prestige in Tianmen erected before ,he does not need to consider individual requirements .
relationresultThis gaveKabila convenience ,if the war in the battle of rain the river main house gate ,it may be in trouble ,guarded the door main house is not so easy to get into, but now a small villa ,guard up to more than twenty people, and in Tianmen Island Regional Center ,hundreds of years without what happened in the worst cases ,so the work is very relaxed ,basically also are very relaxed .
relationresultBattleRiver guard the highest quality is also very similar to Kabila ,even slightly lower so Kabila quickly close to the battle River residential villa three layer ,where in addition to battle River ,no one else .
relationresultVilla threelayer ,a battle River study ,bedroom and bathroom and two small rooms ,lived in the battle river two attendants ,the three layer three .relationresultItwas still dark ,but the study of magic lights ,instead of the bedroom is dark .
relationresultKabilathought the battle River in the study ,and as a light cover from the wall climbing up the atmosphere ,convergence ,from the nostril breathing into the skin to breathe, slowly upside down and the platform canopies above, through the crystal window ,looking towards the inside of the past .
relationresultThe studyhad only a magic lamp ,a pale young man sitting at desk before .relationresultWho ? Battle River although you a night without rest ,the mind to think of the whole planning process ,whether there is any omissions .
But his heart is still very alert alarm ,although Kabila is well hidden ,but was he found someone snooping into his feelings .relationresultKabila sees thetrackway exposure, a roll over from the window ,choose to go in, without making a sound .
relationresultWho are you? Battle River quickly picked up the sword, blade pointing to the floor before the exposed face of Kabila .relationresult,battle of Jiangmen ! Battle river once in neat house in Kabila ,on the regular nature is very familiar with ,Beats by Dr Dre Pro,Kabila out ,he will hear out .
relationresultWhen Kabilawas a chubby face ,battle river that slow down your sword .relationresultKabila ,how did you come ? Battle of Kabila river is a watchful ,even acquaintances ,this time quietly through Tianmen island on many levels, to his study ,can not point alarm heart ?relationresultA battle Master ,you can put the sword away ? Kabila .
relationresultYou say you come from? Battle River Chensheng asked .relationresultOf course is coming . Kabila , a battle master .You drop your sword ,I was in my happy life here, I don ,also have to go back to you .
, relationresultQi command ? Battle River doubts .relationresultOf course ,not he ,how can I from thousands of miles away to you here ? Kabila .relationresultQi brother now where ? Battle River concern asked .
relationresultShould go in the black Seven Island Road, brother of times to breath through channel .The black fleet back ! Kabila .relationresultYouhave to Qi Xuan seven island ? Battle River amazing road .
relationresulta battle Master you don ? Kabila wondered ,was mercilessly took his head up , head ,I forget ,we at sea, this report if it is not returned ! War ,what news ? Battle River surprised and asked .
relationresultIt dwell on it at greater length ,a battle Master ,I do you make short of long bar ,this time we called a Taoism all master , , relationresultUnexpectedly, did not expect it, Qi brother had made such remarkable success ,it is very exciting ,compared with him ,I also to block the battle river sea clan attack pleased with oneself ! Battle River after the excitement ,and can sighed .
relationresultSoon he tied ,sent me to ask is to ask the battle master a few things . Kabila .relationresultYou have anything to ask .Battle river never hide . Battle river a promised down the road .
relationresultThe first question ,have wanted to know ,and church headquarters is it right? There in sea group new combat instructions ? , relationresultIs ,I network from the headquarters returned to a group ,dragon master gave us that command .
Battle River says, which is not a secret ,if Qi Yingfei still Xuanmen headquarters ,he also can know the news .relationresultThe master number people? Kabila asked .relationresultThis is Qi brother saying ? Battle River asked .
relationresultThis is not ,I have asked for . Kabila chuckled ,he is not empty ,although Xiao Han let him ask a few what .Problem ,can be flexible or necessary .relationresultNumber about one hundred, the next two days will be gathered to Tianmen headquarters ,accept ! Battle river .
relationresult? , relationresultYes ,the fastest two days ,because the master from the island transferred ,hard inside short time requisition set . Battle River explained .relationresultIf tomorrow night to call it, that has a number at least master can use ? Kabila asked .
relationresultThis is Qi brother saying ? Battle River puzzled asked .relationresultThis is the happy words . Kabila said solemnly .relationresultIs it right? Have need ? Battle River asked ,imperceptibly ,and also along the river Kabila used to call up to three .
relationresultYes ,my brother needed . Kabila nodded solemnly .relationresult? Battle River eyebrows ,the gate of Heavenly Master he wanted to call must be below the agreed to ,and servants of the master of camp life ground is not familiar ,own and authorization in hand ,mobilize should not be difficult, battle river is the hope that a force as motor power in their own hands .
relationresultThe more, themerrier .relationresultWhen do you need it? Battle River directly asked .relationresultTomorrowevening. Kabila .relationresultGood ,but I only have twenty people ,much of it .
Battle river .This is a very risky thing ,if let Zhan Xiaoci know he be adjustable master to help Qi Yingfei ,will not let him off .relationresultA battle Master ask have hand to do ? Kabila was surprised and asked looking at the river .
relationresultI believe have . Battle river was said firmly . Well ,a battle Master ,have said that you would ask why ,do not hesitate to promise seconded staff . Kabila exclaimed .
relationresultThird brother really say that ? Battle River wonder .relationresultOf course.Three words I dare not tampered with . Said Kabila , but have to the number of at least fifty people ! , relationresultFifty people ,I am afraid not ,suddenly get rid of half of the master ,I have no way to the church ? Battle River head .
relationresultA battle Master ,you just hear me out ,the fifty master does not have to call the past ,but have other uses ! Kabila explained .relationresultAnother useful ? , relationresultTomorrow night will send a large number of sea group master into the Dragon Island Sea attack Xuanmen headquarters ,have worried headquarters defense power is insufficient, therefore to battle the main seconded master .
Kabila used the knowledge of God of war Jiang said .relationresultSorry?Tomorrow night attack on Black Sea group headquarters ,I did not know the news ? Battle River surprised to say a word . Related articles:

