
Beats By Dr Dre Studio wayThis year was t

!"Liu Qing Feng says with a smile.
The Peng text Han smiles a , Nao Nao head, soon after way:"I am just a little bit more precocious!"
Liu Qing Feng smiled to smile, saying of and then positive color:"Text text, you to our house I am very happy, I originally want to make you live here under, but don't go today, because we have a family affairs to want a processing, you are to return to first!"
Doesn't the Liu Qing Feng's meaning Peng text how can know, he is afraid that he's living is brought trouble here, and after all he still doesn't know his own skill.
Peng text way:"Grandpa Liu tells you honestly, I because of this matter but just come of
"The matter that you point BE?"Liu Qing Feng asks a way and seems to be some strain in the tone.
Liu Mang of the one side lowers the head to say:"Grandpa, I told a text text with the matter that me say you".
"You commit tomfoolery you!"Liu Qing Feng Teng's a station is started, the facial expression is very dissatisfied.
See old appearance Nu, those ladies all left in succession and feared fire in old man's house to be frightened to death child.Liu Mang is also very nervous, don't visit old man's house this year 70 many year old, but light a fire come one Jing good fearfulness.
"I not is once gave repeated advice to you don't tell other people?I know your relationship with text text is very good, but you do so to be harming him."The big paused for breath several bottoms, Liu Qing Feng resolutely said:"Is quick to send text text to walk, we can not bring trouble him!"
The Peng text makes a noise a way:"Grandpa Liu, you first don't Nian I walk!Listen to me finishing saying words."
"Do not go, your a momentses can not stay here and need one more minute for many a dangers, Liu Mang, don't hear my words?It is quick to send text text to walk."Liu Qing Feng greatly drinks a way.
The Peng text is very helpless, the temper of old commander is also too irascible!At least make oneself finish saying words.
"Grandpa, the text text comes is dissolve for I calamitous!, Little Liu Mang's taking old man's house don't talk, loudly the Peng text come to this of the purpose said out.
Hear Liu Mang's this words, of the Leng of green breeze instinct for a while, and then and loudly drink a way:"You are this Zha.Leveret Zai son, be you wered me to make an Alzheimers diseased?The text text is just a common run of people, how does he turn to combine this disaster for us?"
The eye sees the fury of old man's house more and more strong, the Peng text pickeds up a glass cup, pure cough a , way:"Grandpa Liu, don't say an other first of, you see me first here!"
Peng Wen knows that think the terminology speech make the Liu Qing Feng old man believe several rates of he or she's words very if want to make him believe that the best way is to let the his eye see to receive scolding for being true, otherwise Liu Mang's affirmation willing continue.
Deeply take a suck at spirit, Liu Qing Feng alleviated he or she for a while dissatisfied emotion, text become overdo to come to see toward the Peng, not only such, Liu Mang's father, and two uncles are also all full is curiously looking at him.
Put a quilt between two Zhangs, the ornamental text smiles a way:"Was optimistic about this cup".The noodles doesn't change a color, the Peng text hands gradually gather together and see that glass cup in the his hand again, the degree that just gathers together along with the Peng text hands at this time appeared way fracture with barely discernable way and descended a moment to listen to"Pa.Of a , the whole cup is immediately broken up.
Carefully don't harm to begin!"Liu Qing Feng's instinct said 1.
The Peng text stopped moving a line, thin smile a way:"Believe everyone didn't feel unusual to this, after all I by hand can easily knead ground walnut and compare under still the walnut seem to be a little bit emollient, so knead ground cup don't calculate a true skill."
Although several people didn't say what, heart in all is think like this, connect down the Peng text says of a words immediately make present several people bomb a crest like five thunders generally stunned speechless.
"You mutually don't believe do I knead this glass cup into ground end?"If the Peng text young delicate face ascend present one silk earnest facial expression, see this facial expression owners all difficult to expressly believe him and say not and up reason and Be just a kind of felling.
"Text text, we believe, you don't knead, this thing unlike walnut, in case of not good will get hurt."Liu Qing Feng concerns of advise a Zu way.
"Grandpa Liu trusts, I still have confidence very much of the Peng text self-confidence was full to fullly say a , and then hands fierce merger at together, listen to repeatedly Pa Pa of voice ring out, the voice more and more and gradually disappeared, people originally think that the hand of Peng text will bleed, but intact have no Sun.
When the Peng text pickeds up right-hand of time.Left Zhang on present the ground end of religious festival, white of is like face powder general.F!~,Beats By Dr Dre Studio!
520 greatest final outcome
Several public shocked facial expression next, the ornamental female slowly pickeds up right hand.wwW!Is right year of to picked up, left Zhang on present without results ground end, white of is like face powder.
"This, this how may."Liu Qing Feng fell back an one step and shockedly looking at a Peng text.
Other 3 people are also such, although they believe that the Peng text will knead a ground water cup,knead water cup into powder them to dare not believe and accurately say that they don't believe that someone of world can knead water cup into ground end.Because this has already outrun the mankind's extreme limit.
The Peng text blew an one breath, saw those powders immediately float in the sky.
Clapped to clap hands the last powder, Peng text way:"Believe Liu Mou Ye believes that I before once said of words?"
Liu Qing Feng swallowed saliva and shockedly looking at an ornamental text.Ask a way:"Are you also the one who fix fairy?"
The Peng text smiles to shake.Way:"Not yes, I be just than the just a little a little bit stronger mere mister is just!"
Liu Mang interrupts conversation a way in a side:"Grandpa, front some three elders of innocent sun door once sought a text text and let the text text join a true sun door, however be refused by him."
"You, how did you refuse?"Liu Qing Feng shockedly asks a way very much.
The Peng text says with smile:"Fix fairy to have what good?Is bored and dull, wanting to fix fairy has to put heart in of miscellaneous read, I from think to can not do it."
Liu Qing Feng's wry smile is a to no longer talk, he feels sorry for for ornamental text, that opportunity but the opportunity for having a meteoric rise!
"Grandpa Liu stops worrying!I will definitely read to take a glance a front, this difficult situation for you."The Peng text beat a cardiac for him.
"If you can really pass through at present difficult situation for our Liu Jia, you will be our Liu Jia's benefactor, while needing beat one to receive our family Liu's affirmation will make moves to requite favors."See a Peng text by hand knead water cup into powder, green mountain Liu also believed the words of Peng text.
The Peng text smiles to put a hand:"This need not, we aren't outsiders again!"
Time was soon midnight, Liu Qing Feng and three sons, and Liu Mang didn't go to bed and all sat in the hall to wait for the arrival of true sun door.
When the bell of midnight rings out, the sudden blew a burst of uncanny tornado in the hall and descended a moment two wear white tunic of the middle age men present at hall in.
See these 2 people's emergence, Liu Qing Feng quickly station gather, polite Ju one Gong:"Pay respects to two last fairies!"
A middle age vision Chou several people's one eye, and then see toward Liu Qing Feng, light inquiry way:"This year was the last year, don't know thing, can you ready to?"
Saying of the strain of Liu Qing Feng:"Return fairy, this year's thing we don't have in readiness.Still please fairy to see do obeisance"
"Hum!"That middle age is cold to hum a , a strong dignity all over the place and generally inherits.Sweat direct current of the face of Liu Qing Feng of pressing, the bodies all start shivering.
In addition to Liu Qing Feng, other several people also felt strong pressure, they at this time own all beyond control body.Can have a lingering fear of looking at 2 people.
In several people only the Peng text is an exception, although he also felt this strong dignity,did not result in the strong influence on him, after all he was no longer the Qu of ordinary mortal.
The Peng text tiger Qu is one earthquake, 1 explodes to drink to ring out, the air that sees together can see without the aid of instruments all over the body fills the air to open at him and directly ascend Liu Jia Wu's Human bodieses that the Liu Jia Wu people is round and round to surround, descend a moment that kind of play Related articles:

