
beats by dr dre pro no malice to him

Piece absolute being machine".
"Your his mama mixs Zhang boy, you think absolute being machine is what things, you want will, not go, this matter says what also can not".
"Since don't go, so invite you to do as one pleases".
Deeply absorbed an one breath, the Gu star evil Zu finally took out the ice box in snow white from the bosom, look in the eyes in show unintentionally a silk deeply don't give up, seem excrescent importance of this thing.
See the snow-white color box that the old takes out, look in the eyes in the leaf sky immediately a bright, need not guess that he can also know, the snow-white color box in the old hand is absolutely extremely rare treasure.
Looking at youth's one face crafty mutually, the spirit of the old doesn't beat a , but he connects a silk ways to all have no, who make oneself really want to accept the in front, this youth as pupil.
"This is the snow lotus, the foot has life span for 1,000 years, you now fix in order to just just come to an one star Wu Wang's territory, but if you take this snow lotus, so you then can in a twinkling break Wu Wang of the SAMSUNG's territory, this can compare what absolute being machine many useful to you".
In heart in the leaf sky very clear, although the snow lotus in the old hand is precious excrescent,the snow lotus in the old hand wants to compare with absolute being machine, absolutely is not on a file time, his heart in also equally clear, the snow lotus compares an absolute being machine more important to him.
"Although this not equal to absolute being machine, I unwillingly accepted, since you have so a sincerity, I force to recognize you as teacher".
After finishing saying, the hesitation that has no any further in the leaf sky, the old that directly towards in front later on kept on kneeling, respectfullly polite respect of Ke three ring head, called a teacher.
And Gu star evil Zu also have no again loathe to give up, immediately gave thousand years snow lotus youth, get hold of a snow lotus, absolutely have some excitements in heart in the leaf sky, after all take a snow lotus, his self-discipline then can connect to break two state and attain Wu Wang of the SAMSUNG's territory.
After all in heart in the leaf sky very clear, Wu Zhe's self-discipline originally be negative sky but go, want to promote to fix for absolutely difficult up add difficult, otherwise world Wu Zhe early all become rare strong.
Ever since his fix in order to attain one star Wu Wang's territory, leaf early dawn white, oneself wants again to promote self-discipline, if only depend on oneself self-discipline still and don't know and wait until when.
But Be getting more different now, the snow lotus foot in the oneself's hand contains thousand years, life span, so huge world spiritual influence, is good enough to let him to connect to break two classes and attain Wu Wang of the SAMSUNG's territory.
But heart in the leaf sky in very understand, if the snow lotus in the hand owns the life span in ten thousand years, so can not only let his self-discipline attain the territory of force religion, can make him do more nine turn Long Shen definitely in of the fifth turn.
But thousand year the snow lotus after all isn't ten thousand years snow lotus, although can let his fix for the territory of attaining Wu Wang of the SAMSUNG,can not let his self-discipline become nine to turn Long Shen the fifth to definitely turn,beats by dr dre pro.
"Your boy still waits what, take a snow lotus at once, protect a method for you here for teacher".
Lightly ordered to nod, look in the eyes in the leaf sky in show unintentionally a silk to appreciate, ignore the old to accept him as Tu to exactly have what intentions, but total come to say, the old definitely has no malice to him.
Thought of here, the leaf sky immediately sits to in the ground, directly kept on swallowing all of the whole snow lotuses, an ice-cold breathing moment but go into, seem to feel into for a thousand years, iceberg inside similar.
Is strong to endure inside the body drive ice-cold breathing round pain-suffering for covering, the leaf sky has no disorderly square inch, the water of seven one of the greatly unique veinses in the body unique vein starts violently shivering later on.
Huge water goes Wu Hun's dint to also crazily revolve, the snow lotus becomes of the icy cold breathing seemed to find out to drain, madness of go Wu Hun's dint with water to tie up to round together.
At by this time, the state that also finally discovers that he or she hasn't been breaking in the leaf sky was incredibly loose to move an evidence and had no half of two-hour period, his fix for have already broken two star Wu Wang's territories.
Lookinging at in front to sit at the youth on the ground was full of the feeling of applause on the Gu star evil Zu face, from the language way:"The natural endowments of this boy still really isn't generally good, Wu Huang's territory, mama of, compare my to fix in order to all have to be tall, really don't know he is how self-discipline, however is also good, seek a martial emperor to be his/her own pupil, my capital hereafter showed in very old ghost in front in the sky".
(Another Xuan Huan supporting small Du is over this the work 《soul emperor 》 , absolute of fascinatingly incomparable!)
Chapter 273 skeleton depletion
Don't the slightest hang to read, there are thousand years, snow lotus help, just spend time of three hours, the leaf sky then comes to a Wu Wang of the SAMSUNG's territory from a star Wu Wang's territory.)
Slowly open a pair of eyes, have one silk surprise on face in the leaf sky, although just promoted two state, in his heart very clear, if is a normal self-discipline, want to promote two state absolutely difficult up add difficult.
"Thank the snow lotus of teacher".
"Your boy, just isn't still don't want to recognize me this teacher, this just three hours, you how changed idea".
Listen to the words of finishing the old, show unintentionally one silk on face in the leaf sky ashamed, the openings says:"Teacher, just I just played trick and had you so severe teacher, I absolutely begged it not got".
"Unexpectedly your boy still so will flatter, however you have already had a martial Zu teacher and have already recognized a martial Zu teacher now, your life is really good, a Yin sky to not and yes shine on".
Does the sky of the Yin shine on?
When Gu star the evil Zu speak this name of time, don't know why, in heart in the leaf sky immediately Luo Mao is for a while, because the Yin sky shines on this name, he basically has never heard.
But at by this time, a fire red figure immediately comes out from the martial absolute being of his finger quit, when the leaf sky sees this pouring a red figure of fire, the facial expression immediately changes of the surprise is thousand times.
Because the fire that suddenly appears the red figure is exactly to have already disappeared the megalith man for a long time, is exactly also his teacher, 90% is five lines of lords.
The hesitation had no the slightest, the leaf sky directly kept on kneeling and no matter how it is, said, he could crack the bitterness of 100 a life time transmigration of souls, and fix for promote such of quick, completely because own teacher.
Lightly once turned round, megalith man face up was full of to commendatorily order to nod, say:"Have never seen wrong for the teacher you, also know for the teacher there are a lot of doubts in your heart, tell you for all of the teachers now".
Slowly the station starts, until this a moment, the leaf sky finally saw pure the megalith man's positive eyes, although man now just with the soul existence, resolute and firm of face top but write full vicissitudes of life.
"Teacher, are you really lord in the door of five lines of door preceding generations?"
In fact have been having a question in the leaf sky's heart, those are all of total lords in the door of five lines of doors are five lines of of body, but own of the teacher, but the person of the body of just a fire line.
Seemed to see a youth doubt within heart, the man says:"I am born in the fire to go a door, but don't arrive 25 years old have already come to a Wu Di's territory, drive praise as over thousand years most the person of genius".
For this, in heart in the leaf sky have no the slightest of surprise, after all if isn't a teacher is a sky, Zong remarkable talent, how may become total lord in the door of five lines of doors.
"Arriving is 50 years old, my fix in order to have already come to a the territory of Wu Zun, get into 5 lines and work properly a self-discipline later on, use three years and finally break Wu Zu's territory, become five lines of family statuses an isn't five lines of of total lord in the door of body".
"Hum, 53-year-old martial Zu, of but can be regarded as for a sky, Zong remarkable talent, but if have no five lines of work properly, your root impossibly at 53 years old attain Wu Zu's territory".
At by this time, Gu star evil Zu the sudden eccentrically say, after all he use thousand years just come to a Wu Zu's territory, compared with the man of in front, both of the margin of absolutely can not mention in the same breath.
The sky of the Yin's shining on don't manage him, but continue to say:" At I at the age of 783 , I accepted one to let my whole life unforgettable younger brother Related articles:

