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He rushed into the room and Kiara ,Galuomo hair pick to Huo Xiaoyu attacks ,but Xiao cold then put his left rib injury purple sky fox woman a back, and then learn to Li Fengchong opposite direction rushed out ,Kiara, followed by !relationresultHuo Xiaoyu isdumbfounded ,assassins to kill his front foot ,the sister for her sister seriously blocked ,coma ,rear foot unexpectedly came two people ,had to stab sister silent rescued .
relationresultTonight,this is the song which one !relationresultChapter 391st: Huo Xiaotong ( a ) , relationresultBig brother ,you put this woman out stem what ? Xiao Han and Kiara, a fleet ,although the Sky Patrol also found their trail ,but they too quickly ,while in flight and speed wing Terran Kyo ,but they are not God level master ,can send alarm alarm ,chase is unable to catch up .
relationresultCut the crap ,find a safe area ,people first ! Xiao Han impatient said ,although he has been for the special method to lift the woman behind the hemostasis ,but if not timely treatment, her life will be dangerous ,harsh wind spiked a stabbed her heart .
relationresultBrother ,let go to Shu how, there should be a safe place . Kiara suggested .relationresultGo to the comfortable house . Xiao Han nodded ,two people from the air to change direction ,to break the orc emperor of Shu fu .
relationresultNorest ,light marking the memorials of the Orb Thi received the Chamberlain on jade concubine in the eastern suburbs manor was assassinated before ,was furious. Personally ,with a pair of Beamon who rushed to the eastern outskirts of Huangzhuang pro .
relationresultSilver wolfpopulation was almost one of genocide .The murderer without a trace ,Silver King blew himself up ,and now has her assassination, Orb Thi felt good to where? , relationresultOrcs Empiresince its inception, not everything is going smoothly.
,Aobo world know that when the emperor was not an easy job .relationresultLove princess ,how, you get hurt ? Orb Thi loves to cry tears of Huo Xiaoyu into the bosom ,concern and asked .
relationresultHis concubine nothing, just his concubine sister ... ... Hum ... ... Huo Xiaoyu almond-shaped eyes cry red road .relationresultYour sister what she ? Orb Thi asks agog .
relationresultSister in order to save me ,for I am quite deep in the assassins blow ,who know the assassin left, don where to jump out of two individuals ,will elder sister took ! Huo Xiaoyu tract .
relationresultMurder ,save ,how is this to return a responsibility ,love princess ,you confuse me . AOBO I asked .relationresultYour Majesty ,his concubine analysis ,the assassin is to assassinate his concubine ,and later the two person may also directed his concubine to ,their purpose may be to kidnap his concubine .
Huo Xiaoyu sobbed .relationresultSince you were there, you and your sister looks exactly like ,the assassin may only deal with one person, this can be understood ,why later only two people abducted your sister ,but no hands on you ? AOBO I asked .
relationresultMay be the assassin had alerted the guards by surprise their manor ,only to go sister .And if even I want to bind it, they are likely to give the manor . Huo Xiaoyu analysis .
relationresultLove Princess analysis there is probably some truth ,the assassin has what feature, and later the two have what special place ? AOBO I asked .relationresultThe assassin is a master ,beats by dre cheap,very sophisticated ,not far from the blow ,leaving behind two men ,very mysterious ,they are likely to be with the assassin before and after enter the manor ,they are master ,his concubine ignored a place ,they are from there into the manor .
Huo Xiaoyu said .relationresultWhere.relationresultThe manor of sewer, his concubine, always thought that the sewer is filthy place, although also sent to guard the manor ,but too big ,channel one one perplexing ,want to hold to very difficult ,so let take advantage of .
Huo Xiaoyu regretted saying .relationresultImmediately check all the sewer ,must be sent to the monitoring ,no longer appear similar ! Orb Thi ordered .relationresultYour Majesty ,you must help his concubine to sister back ! Huo Xiaoyu pleaded .
relationresultLove Princess assured .As long as your sister still live, I will help you to get her back ! Orb Thi promised .relationresultHis concubine thank his majesty ,you will find her sister ,but by the assassins stab into hurt .
Huo Xiaoyu tract .relationresultIknow. Orb Thi heart of clouds ,the assassination of Huo Xiaoyu ,clear to him, and not to the purohita dark empire before ,jade concubine Huo Xiaoyu has always been the secret of his chief advisers ,this point is not orcs know much .
relationresultTo saythe enemy ,Huo Xiaoyu now rival is that being canonized as the normal dark humour ,but he knew ,dark humor may not planning to assassinate Huo Xiaoyu ,to her identity is not necessary for Huo Xiaoyu to make this assassination means ,will human beings ,like to pick up their battle between two people ?relationresultAlso unlikely,Huo Xiaoyu and dark humor fight still beneath the surface ,the two of them is not a power struggle ,sometimes is more like the two woman in the chat, a battle of wills .
relationresultThere is only onepossible ,provoked by the orc and human total war ,but it is not a fool, one kill Huo Xiaoyu ,can provoke the orc and human full-scale war? , relationresultAssassinidentity is uncertain, and even Huo Xiaoyu two people do not know where sacred ,from Changchun Yuan big work to his love is soundless and stirless at Princess Huo Xiaoyu ,what is all this association !relationresultYour Majesty ,the other very badly, what cues are not staying ! Responsible for on-site inspection of the inner court again grand Chamberlain ,master Hamill told tract than mongolian .
Now we know ,they a three person ,separately from the West and south of the sewer outlet into the manor ,looks like is not a group of people . , relationresultLove princess ,the house is not safe ,you follow me back to the palace .
Orb Thi said to Huo Xiaoyu .relationresultHuo Xiaoyu nodded,with Orb Thi back to the palace .relationresultBrother ,third brother spike is made ,and the barb ,if not to pull out ,the sky fox woman will have life danger .
Xiao Han and Kiara, two people in the Shu landing ,Xiao Han gone, there will be vacant ,the orcs simply sent some people here to guard the clean ,is very lonely .relationresultWell .
.. ... A slight groan from purple girls lose red lips came .relationresultFour, you play ice magic ,put here to partial freezing ! Xiao Han reached over and thorn the purple woman corset died out ,a trembling * * so exposed to two two people .
relationresultKiarasubconsciously gulped slobber ,the purple woman is Huo Xiaoyu sister ,is not only long and Huo Xiaoyu exactly the same ,and figure is more perfect ,any man not tempted to blame .
relationresultFour, come on .She was up soon ! Xiao Han immunity is relatively high ,repeatedly urged .relationresultBrother ,come ! Kiara hurriedly play ice magic purple woman wound frozen ,and careful control of energy ,with as far as possible not to harm purple woman body !relationresultAfter freezing,with certain anesthetic effect ,Xiao Han gently on her back beat ,spiked from purple woman body hot shot out !relationresultFour, melt the ice ! Xiao Han ordered, treatment of reel ! , relationresultOh.
Kiara will quickly frozen lifting ,and handed a senior treatment of reel .relationresultUsedafter treatment .Purple woman outside the wound has healed ,but inside the trauma estimated that it would take some time to complete . Related articles:

