
Monster Beats ely die a hero He

A smile, a statue in the undead base .Fear of king two Vampiric Aura ,increases attack damage for their 30% hp .Blood car speed lit with blood .relationresultAmidst the winds of change,a strong rush tin fawn archers instead actually by Ye Yu to play with .
Slack a ,tin started raping a former resistance .With Naga a lightning discharge ,Tin hand hit the number 2 troops of the deer ,and found that the fawn had heavy casualties .Other than the fanatical puppy smoke dope 100m athletes also live .
Many big ass the fawn had died in the dog .But this is not entirely lost to tin leaf yu .Although blood car with Vampiric Aura of dual protection ,but the dog still in reducing blood .
Tin last 2 deer with half the team AC to kill the statues of Ye Yu ,tin relieved .relationresult,the ghost rider to hang up . , relationresultHis rabid dog has courage is also very creative ,but always like the extremely martial arts the last layer ,fantastic but can overstate .
, relationresultWith a master playing so well . , relationresultAudienceshave agreed that leaves Yu will certainly because the puppy all fallen and lost time ,tin back suddenly feel cold ,feel where missing something ,the moment he say .
relationresultUnder the stageFen glad to watch Ye Yu ,his lips curled into funny smile .Anny aside straight, shameless, very shameless .On the stage playing a game can let off stage MM as he crack .
relationresultThe ninety-fourth chapter I find the rogue , relationresultAll the puppiesis buried into the body of the moment, the dead erected numerous skull base .Wizard wield staves ,the overture does not stop in the Dark Dawn hall .
This moment was boiling .The rep became the highest click Rep ,even more than Song Xiaojie ,ice the rep superstar .It is also known as the undead play night textbook ,let people know the undead have no lonely .
The rep popularity even ,female toilet door are written to the battle for skull wild dog .relationresultIs not it,they just need under the skull so excited ?Gu Xiaoyun really wanted to do not understand, a mean and having no sense of shame dirty tactics ,he brought down the house ,get with the use of WCG champion .
relationresultIt was really exciting ,I could not help but praise him !No, I can show it .But this feels really become an immortal portrait as well, his cute dog could even beyond all expectations with enthusiasm ,the skull sea to reverse ,plus the undead unique Overture ,really see me off wave after wave ! A fanatic has been intoxicated .
relationresultYes ,skull at one moment the surging impact force ,as in male trout sperm ,tens of thousands of ,with incessant ! , relationresultWell ,I female trout ,now I full of power .
A suspected Lucy fat MM anthomaniac .relationresult... ... , relationresultOh -- Anny almost vomit ,please, just a tactical reverse just need it to be this much? Even the trout are out .
relationresultIn factthis reversal of this inversion ,tend to do better than the normal win more exciting exciting .relationresultAt this timethe face turned ashy. Tin ,a blood almost spit on the display .
If before less impulsive ,rush with fairy words ,a spell ,the city also spent ,is now a dead horse .If not orangE home ,tin won by Ye Yu that was proudly display bastard .relationresultTalk a lot of nonsensebefore the game ,they lost the game ,but lost people .
Tin mood now can only be used if you and your family ,a big banana to describe .Tin next time faster than anyone else ,he felt didn find a place to vent his depressed mood ,Monster Beats,he can non explosion .
relationresultYe Yu wasthe most enthusiastic audience applause with media reporter countless flash and station .Ye Yu one exception ,if want to use one word to describe his feelings ,is cool !relationresultWell done .
Zhou Chen Yu hit a palm with leaf .relationresultPlease allow us to call you brother . Chen Xing Perry had come up with coke .relationresultRoll ! Ye Yu resort Foshan no shadow kick to kick over two people .
relationresultThe scorecard to 1 to 1 ,the match descended alive .The scene audience has a little blood up ,began to cry .Such scenes are generally only in the main stadium for the Olympic athletes when it is .
So when Zheng Shuai came in Cantonese and said thank you very much !Thank you very much. Here, friend ,the friend there ! , relationresultDranthird on hanJ somewhat tragic .The audience is not on his side ,imposing dran now is not the orangE strong .
relationresultDransingles is the strongest tin with pix ,hanJ singles strength in the first class in middle position can only be .Pix was Chen Xing gave away ,tin defeat at the hands of Ye Yu .
Coach Dran and Wang Laoji are aside .HanJ comes in, coach dran will be on tenterhooks .The orangE almost know nothing at all ,so he didn layout tactics .relationresultZhou Chenthen laugh twice .
relationresultYe Yusudden sweat ,feel suddenly man sinister up still can be like east factory Li father-in-law .relationresultZheng Shuaisingles strength is good .The former Zheng Shuai also basically is with hanJ a grade .
But now Zheng Shuai was beyond all expectations of the pressure hanJ ,the best advantage .Zheng Shuai also felt very surprised ,all competitors are in a serie a player .Look at oneself before playing up double operation ,but now do a job with skill and ease ,Zheng who really feel progress .
relationresultSinglelevel, single harassment .Double level, main branch mine double harassment .Ground forces bombarded .Zheng Shuai double can only emerge in an endless stream to describe .
relationresultJuggernauta gorgeous jump split ,hanJ dead heroes he played GG .The site was originally a lot of dran fanatics ,but because the audience for tin pushed Ye Yu to become a supporter of the orangE .
relationresultThe scorewas 2:1 ,orangE lead .See Ye Yugen Gu Xiaoyun 2v2 combination play, the game atmosphere to the highest point .relationresultAnnysaw Ye Yugen Gu Xiaoyun in the hands of each of them a button on a kind of brain hypoxia .
Will not be so strange ?Button can also win Gone ?? , relationresultNot just Annyfeel strange ,dran all people including coach and leader thought orangE this team is out of the way .Pix was a shiver finally remembered that Chen Xing lost his time base there are a lot of soldiers with No .
Did he deliberately die a hero ?He deliberately lose the game ?relationresultPixincreasingly ,the final conclusion is ,in order not to let orangE dran lose too ugly ,to deliberately lose a game .
Pix thought it was moved a bit, with several players a rest area ,dran instead came a blast orangE gas !OrangE we support you ! Voice .relationresultMany of the audienceon the spot immediately fainted .
Not ?To rival the gas it can also happen ?relationresultYe YugenGu Xiaoyun pipes who refueling ah ,two people sat down and they put on the button .Dran 2v2 players now is sweating .No more than with a male and a female with Bangalore ,Id and chromosome combinations more terrible . Related articles:

