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"Ha ha" sits on the Chu sky's Chen with together clearly in-between old, light on smiling, the flash across in eye is a wisp of glory, light way:"If Chen Yang, old man is to kill to settle, if your 3 insist on to want such, so we only solved problem through use of force."
This old woulds be the mansion lord of castellan mansion, righteousness, fix for extremely of terror, before decade would be have already come to a Wu Shen peak state, at present who all don't understand it of fix for come to a what state.
"Hum" an emperor the male is just cold to hum a , the voice deep and lowly says:"Put out soul teacher the labor union haven't declared, you not good idea of too early, much less Chen Yang is the student of courageous college."
Just the emperor male is an emperor the every family lord fix just for extremely of terror, at Wu Shen peak state, emperor just the house is also the imperial house of Chu's country, while the holy city is also the national capital of Chu's country.
As the lord of the imperial house's emperor, it can not control the national capital of oneself nation, always all let of it very suppresses Yu and suppresses an in mind fury, at present a dynasty explosion, is extremely pre-eminent naturally.
Hear an emperor the words of male just, flash across 1 wisp is afraid of in the righteousness eyes, immediately cold hum one to say:"Don't take to put out soul teacher labor union and courageous college to press old man, arrived an end, they didn't necessarily protect Chen Yang Yi, the mole cricket and ant that didn't make good."
"Not be saying Chen Yang again, everyone knows, these are our ones to chase deer of war, the final outcome of end, pass wear we each alive or dead of influence, the other people fear to your castellan mansion tradition long, the bottom Yun is strong, we aren't afraid, greatly not fish dead the net break."The segment flies air dark, saying of tone iciness.
The castellan mansion mansion lord righteousness is cold cold on smiling, sink a track:"The old man asks once again a , do you really need to protect Chen Yang?"
"Righteousness, in normal times my respecting you is an elder generation, but you also don't insatiably greedy, these are our combats, don't say Chen Yang again, even if we don't protect Chen Yang and fight to still keep taking place, don't say useless words again."Emperor just every family clan emperor just male whole body Long Qi curl up, saying of air dark.
"Like."On connecting three good word export, the castellan mansion mansion lord righteousness' saying of facial expression dark:"Now that you thus unprogressive, that we see in the battlefield in the days to come."
The words sound falls in, a jilt gusset to turn round to leave.
"Do not send."The segment flew to say 1 chillily and looking at several people to left.
"Segment elder brother, are we this gambling party, can have triumphant confidence?"After several people walk, emperor just the male ask a way.
"Emperor just elder brother, if Chen Yang has no magnate to help each other, how can walk to the present one step?If the person of its back can stand out, we can definitely win this bureau."The segment flies a corner of mouth tiny raise, saying of firmness.
"And, Chen Yang also has contending for and deciding is strong of capital, we of investment, absolutely don't be wrong, anyway this fights and all wants approach sooner or later and why not spreads one more road?"The Xiao Lin is charmingly feminine on smiling, immediately after say.
Emperor just the male is much tiny to knit the brows, orders to nod, has no speech.
The affair is already to arrive this situation, even if there is no Chen Yang, fight to also want to break out sooner or later, rather pull the younger generation that may contend for the row of deciding the strong, knot good luck, beneficial harmless.
Hang to fall to in, the Chen Yang still just continuously self-discipline transmigration of soul cuts, at it this kind of assiduous self-discipline under, is also unwillingly can split a ground six cut, although the power that can not integrate,develop a saint rank entry-level martial skill, is have no problem.
Time passes like flowing water, at Chen Yang like this the bitterness fix in, time is to quickly once row, dreamlike space time passes of the effect was already also in the past for nine days, had been already ended as well for a day of the external world, came the second day.
Hang to fall to in, Chen Yang quickly splits seven bright knife long grasses and in the sky blend a several Zhang huge surprised sky of knife long grass.
See the knife long grass model, Chen Yang Wei is tiny on smiling, knife long grass the earthquake spread.
Seven cut fusion, the power is already very terrible, although the power with no the class in saint rank, also absolutely have a saint rank the entry-level the above power.
Is the whole after completing, Chen Yang Shan's body left to hang to fall to and returned to reality in.
But at this time, is already the second day, horizon the first sunlight just spread to fall on the ground, Chen Yang stretched some kind of bodies and towarded exterior to walk.
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Chapter 135 rushes through into a green mountain town
【-Thank beating of the eldest brother of Hao Yu for appreciating-】
Dynasty the sun beginning rise, the morning of deep autumn, fan of one fog spirit of the earth receive.
"Shua Shua Shua" breaks an empty voice and continuously resounds through but rises, three shadow of human figures resist empty the direction of city gate flying a Finland mart, towarding east fly.
The segment flies and Xiao Lin, hearing Chen Yang has to a person alone go to a green mountain town, all very of misgiving, but is also don't obstruct, after all the in home occupies, have to return.
For the sake of safety since see, the segment flies with all of Xiao Lins are an elder that respectively sent inside the household together with Chen Yang together go to and have to look after so much.
Chen Yang is also never brush-off, this time return to origin is dangerous heavily, can have strong concomitant, naturally again good however.
Chen Yang surprise of letting of BE, all of these two elders were Wu Sheng to fix to let for, equal of terror, comparing it that together clearly doing not more is all Huang in the early years.
In Chen Yang Xin whom this lets more of the town settle and have strong confidence, can promise Chen Jia's person's safety.
Chen Yang of"hope Chu the Xiang religion in the sky doesn't have to be so quick ……" simultaneously resist empty fly, simultaneously worry in the heart of from the language.
Green mountain town in China country inside, be apart from here have a not short road, at the beginning with China Wu Tuan together ex- go of, consume go to on the tenth, just arrive a Chu country frontier.
At present, several people fly with all strength, perhaps is also to need two days, so as to arrive a green mountain town.
In Chen Yang Xin very of misgiving, if before it arrive, Xiang the person who believe in in the sky of Chu would is to make moves, so the result is so terrible we dares not thinks about it.
3 people quickly resist empty fly, treat will soon arrive east city gate of, two Qian shadows resist empty since then.
2 people seeing to resist empty since then, in Chen Yang Xin one earthquake, stare big double eye.
The bearer is exactly a Mu to permit ice and Chen Yan Er.
The Mu permits fixing of ice for, Chen Yang before, have been being to have never understood, until arrived courageous college of the reality just understanding it fixs for.
And Chen Yan Er, know in Chen Yang's soul feeling in, have been fixing of inborn middle state for, at present, unexpectedly is also resist empty let since then of Chen Yang Xin in very helpless.
See come to gorgeous son of this and have been concealing and fix and be still never discovered by Chen Yang for, and body up existing the treasure thing to can inhibit its breathing, so.
"Chen Yang's younger brother, you, you how?"Chen Yan Er arrives at a near front, Chen Yang see resist to get empty but sign, in a twinkling would be to shockedly stare big a pair of beautiful eyes, peep out unimaginable air.
"Chen Yang, you ……" Mu permits ice is also extremely and shockedly looking at Chen Yang, a just like iceberg fairy general face on, the flash across is one in fine threads surprise.
All of 2 people are extremely shocked, in 2 people's impression, Chen Yang only peak state the day after tomorrow fix for, even if is that the system is violent, just can fight with the strong of inborn state as well.
At present but is to shockingly discover, Chen Yang incredibly can resist empty fly, two publics for letting in shocked arrived extremity.
And, all of 2 people are always foolish in the courageous college, have never gone out,Cheap Beats By Dre, news concerning Chen Yang, also in the ear that has never spread to 2 people.
Chen Yang's eyebrows is tiny wrinkly, immediately say:"Allow your 2 people to conceal to fix for?"
"You come dry what?"Chen Yang asks a way once again.
The Mu permitted ice to soon would be to resume early times that sort inhospitality and lightly said:"I receive news and say Chu, the Xiang religion in the sky prepares to begin to my Chen Jia, so prepare to return to."The words sound falls in, Chen Yan Er saw one eye Chen Yang after death of two olds, flash across in eye one silk surprise.
"Is so quick?"Chen Yang Xin in a surprised, shockedly from the language way.
"What about you?You come dry what?"
Once the Hey Hey of Chen Yan Er smile and peep out two small dimpleses, flash across in eye one silk is crafty, say:"This young lady comes to help yours."
"Chu Xiang the sky believe in why want to begin to my Chen Jia?"The Mu permits an asking of ice doubt way.
"Now have no time, there is opportunity on the road telling you again."Chen Yang quickly said a , immediately would be to become a ray of light Related articles:

