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Withstand so quickly ,so in this case, the demon master Kun Peng wanted to chase after Kong Yu is also very easy .relationresultDemon divisionKunpeng over watching hole jade ,and then to Kong Yu and said, I want to escape from the hands ,you have not this ability ,you your magic weapon, one is speaking words ,let you live ,if not ,if you are free under Saint door how ?I want to kill you and nobody can stop .
, relationresultListen to thedemon division Kun Peng so crazy ,Kong Yu heart is some anger against the demon division ,said Kun Peng , is ?It must have a look you have this ability . Then ,Kong Yu was broken sword and appeared Jiuzilong ring ,a large mana from these two magic weapons being poured out ,so Kong Yu momentum rising with .
relationresultAt the same timetwelve bar all day mumbo jumbo as also at the same time off Kong Yu point light ,into thousands of miles of giant banner ,stands in between heaven and earth ,composed of all gods very large array ,the demon division Kunpeng trapped inside .
This is the most powerful means for Kong Yu today ,can be said to be the best of all and demon division to fight Kun Peng .relationresultWhile thedemon division Kun Peng saw Kong Yu is called out of broken sword and Jiuzilong ring ,that a pair of small eyes are bursting out of the greedily ,looked at the broken sword ,Jiuzilong ring and all the day mumbo jumbo streamers, seemed to be all these things down .
relationresultseek flowers and VIP tickets ,thank you support . , relationresult , relationresultThe 393rd chapter chopped corpse sanctification ( below) , relationresultKun Peng division at the beginning just spotted Kong Yu has all the day mumbo jumbo as the magic weapon, but Kong Yu did not expect even with broken sword and Jiuzilong such magic ring .
Although the two magic weapons like all the day mumbo jumbo streamers in appeared in full power ,but the demon division Kun Peng eyes is than the day mumbo jumbo pennant is satisfied with him .
relationresultThepowerful magic weapon is not outside of the gorgeous to display ,although the broken sword and Jiuzilong ring doesn ,but for the demon division Kun Peng such a weapon is more let his heartbeat ,but this also is aroused the demon division Kun Peng greed eyes ,light at Kong Yu two magic weapons it seems that ,had been his things .
relationresultKong Yuthis time without and demon division Kunpeng nonsense ,direct is the eight ancestor witch called out .And eight ancestor witch appeared, demon division Kun Peng was without a bit surprised ,as if it is already expected ,as Kong Yu said , ,I knew you were the family bloodline ,want to take these to deal with her ,really ridiculous .
, relationresultListening to these words,Kong Yu was not affected by what ,but the move is in control of eight ancestor witch to demon division Kun Peng rushed out ,a variety of magical and martial arts are towards the demon division Kun Peng physical bombardment in the past .
The demon division Kun Peng is just the little old man no body was shown ,and eight ancestor witch is body Wanli ,boxing as big as mountains ,endless mana burst toward demon division Kun Peng to hit .
relationresultWatching thedemon division Kun Peng is to be Kong Yu called out of eight ancestor witch drowned ,while at the same time, Kun Peng division of the body suddenly two green flash, suddenly a shaking heaven and earth Pang * * force from the demon division Kun Peng burst out .
The huge power directly is the demon division ROC space around the ground ,and to his eight ancestor witch is in a moment by the huge mana crushed ,turned into a piece of debris .
relationresultSee such case,Kong Yu was suddenly ,is to become debris ancestor witch Zhenling is absorbed by all the day mumbo jumbo streamers to .These progenitor witch Zhenling is hole Yuhua spent countless painstaking effort in the void of the universe to aggregate ,nature is not lose, if there are any loss ,then we will not be able to play all the day mumbo jumbo as power .
relationresultKun Peng division of the space around the constant annihilation ,Kong Yu didn demon division Kun Peng mana was so huge, now in addition to the Shura Motong force was not used ,has all the power is running again ,but still in the demon master Kun Peng mana and feel enormous pressure ,making hole body in mana appeared block running state .
relationresultYin and YangGong to running resistance ,pore jade that shares the huge pressure ,but at this time ,Kong Yu is seen to make him feel unbelievable scene ,because in the space surrounding the constant annihilation demon division Kun Peng is actually appeared again in two individuals with demon division Kun Peng as like as two peas .
relationresultThat is to saythere is a monster three division Kun Peng ,just above the two demon division Kun Peng A is a benevolent and kind countenance ,another is appear devils ,than the demon division Kun Peng himself more ugly ,while in the two demon division in Kun Peng is holding a piece of ancient stone ,exudes a deep breath .
relationresultSee thetwo demon division Kun Peng, Kong Yu is clear ,this demon division Kun Peng has reached the standard holy realm ,and the selected is chopped into three cadaveric sanctification ,and the most unbelievable is the demon division Kun Peng has cut out of the knowledge of good and evil doppelganger ,so, as long as the further is reached holy realm .
relationresultThis makes Kong Yuheart dismay, originally thought that the demon master Kun Peng even reached the quasi holy realm ,and most are able to cut out a doppelganger is very good ,but did not expect the demon division Kun Peng was cut out of the knowledge of good and evil doppelganger ,achieve quasi Saint metaphase realm, which makes holes in the jade heart secretly complain of suffering ,this time playing the iron can be large ,Cheap Beats By Dr Dre!relationresultWhile looking at thedemon division Kun Peng of good and evil doppelganger in the hands of the two stone tablets ,Kong Yu also knew what it was, my heart more mood swings up .
Because the two demon emperor Jun stone is the river Luoshu ,this is the two part of the original Sunday stars as innate ,large array of eyes and Malay twelve ancestor witch arrangement are God very large array match .
relationresultDemon divisionKun Peng was the two congenital Lingbao stole ,then the day and night to comprehend the mystery ,but in a later period of time ,the demon tribe Mahatma Fu Xi reincarnated as people ,need a thing ,but this thing is the demon division Kun Peng River Luoshu ,so people teach I came from the hands of Kun Peng Division will River Luoshu borrowed .
relationresultFu Xiin the river Luo book is from which realize innate nosy supernatural powers ,this magical leader group became more powerful ,promote the development ,the ultimate success of the emperor paths .
The river Luoshu in fulfilling its mission ,and was I gave demon division of roc .relationresultWhile thedemon division Kun Peng lent me because this river Luoshu ,thereby also got a civilized human merit ,and because of this a merit ,the demon division Kun Peng finally realize River Luoshu of abstruse ,cut out the good and evil doppelganger ,achieve quasi Saint medium-term realm ,mana reached too profound to be understood realm ,in the world of saints is rare under enemy .
relationresultWhile theriver Luoshu mystery is that this two congenital Lingbao together can evolve prior eight trigrams ,calculated that the universe ,present and future .In this world now if the prediction ability, in addition to the world outside of Saint emperor Fu Xi and Emperor Fu Xi ,in addition to the outside is belongs to the demon division of ROC .
relationresultKong Yuxianbeheaded overlying the sea king Kau fiendish thing is the demon division through Kun Peng River Luoshu calculated ,while Kong Yu is a Malay blood, can summon the ancestor witch things natural also cannot hide from demon division Kun Peng .
Today artist Kun Peng will own the good and evil doppelganger all calls out ,all of the mana in the moment came out ,the space around the constant annihilation ,huge pressure continued toward the Kong Yu hung over .
relationresultIn the face ofhas reached a quasi Saint metaphase, cut out the good and evil doppelganger the demon division of ROC ,although Kong Yu hearts hard ,but now is not able to Related articles:

