
Beats By Dr Dre Studio d words the old wom

Dare the tomorrow come!Come right away tonight!""Not bad!Go to, the young girl continued Anne to sleep!"Mao~~~~~~~~The companion wife is like companion tiger, respond slow still really don't go!
10, I and wife's university fall in love, the girl can enter bull pen at that time, the boy then can not enter girl's dormitory.A night of deep autumn, I asked for the wife angry, the wife cast aside me I to return to dormitory.There is no cellular phone at that time, the wife lives the third floors, I appeal to apology to her in the down stairs.Shouting along while didn't also take effect a fruit and on the contrary rounded the person of view more and more.Saw to put out the light, the wife allowed her to give up the friend throw her quilt down(be covered is what I send, my understanding) from the window, once I see situation not good and quickly shout:"The trouble throws a pillows again down!"Which know to have no continuation, companion it since then of is the cachinnation of full building.The good brave fellow doesn't accept short-term loss, I quickly run dormitory once and cover her quilt Qiu be hugged joss-stick a night.The second day morning I haven't come to, the wife stands a Hao rise a quilt to chase me in front of me flat:"You is conscienceless!Harm this miss jelly flow a night nasal discharge, you are still pretty comfortable!"Close relatives~~~~~~You think that I think!
11, have a year winter is particularly cold, a certain weekend I go to park to have fun with wife.See the many people skate on the ice noodles of the lake, hence I invite a wife and I go up together slippery, the wife doesn't dare.In order to prove fructifying of ice noodles, I lead off to hang Fan to run first to played 1 turn in the ice noodles, see wife's in the mind keep Yang Yang and finally had eager to have a try viewpoint.I pick her up from lake center to near the bank, offshore still have one time of or so meter, I for proving more in no way dangerous, I still jump up to start to jump, result listenned to "Pa Ga" a me to drop into ice hole.Not so bad near the bank water is shallow, water the loins that flood me, the wife frightens a scream almost want to cry out.My fee the dint of the tremendous amount just get away from the mire Nao, is ensuring after my whole individual has no matter, the wife asks me very in earnest:"The younger brother younger brother didn't freeze bad?"I endure to drill heart severely cold put out strength to order to nod:"Still go, the runt belongs to Polar bear!"Si~~~~~~I think of to all feel cold now,Beats By Dr Dre Studio!
12, 1 afternoons, I am going to work, suddenly receive wife's telephone, very anxious appearance:"Husband, you come over at once, I bumped a person, in Wall-Mart parking lot!"I really ate a surprised, throw down in hand a work to rush to leave for the spot.The wife just entwines with old woman of a half about 40 years old, the insurance Gang was bumped for a while by wife's car before half old chemisette"golf", the empress insurance Gang of wife's car was also slightly damaged, I give half the old woman compensated 200 dollars and said a good words, the old woman was praised by me pretty happy, joy ha joy ha drive away.I ask a wife:"What about the person whom you bump?Is the severity not?"The wife depends on the ground of Xi Xi to say:"The time that just reversed the car is to run into a handsome boy, a don't be careful and then give° the car of somebody else behind to bump.I don't know again to compensate to the somebody else how much , fear be cheated, had to to call you come!"Godsaveme!~~~~~~Did this also call to bump a person?You can this lewd trouble when change?
13, the wife is always specially interested in my small nipple, go to bed in the evening usually the Nian wear them to fallen asleep.Once, the wife asked me:"You say the man doesn't nurse with milk again and grow so two runts stem what use?"I thought that the along while didn't also think an it's the reason why.The wife hurtles me ha ha silly smile, I am confused to say:" Be give to be like you does the sex maniac like this have fun?"The wife shakes:"Is not right!"I ask:"What is that ?"Wife the language is astonishing:"My seeing is to have already decorated a function!""What?"This eccentricity parlance makes me eat a surprised."You think ah, the man woman is similar, woman not before feeding a kid**what to have is to outside decorate a function, the man's thing is inside decorate a function, if don't grow these two tricks, strip naked before the chest have no so does embellish how to go?Is good-looking?"Is alas~~~~~~~The wife had never done the indoor to repair a design to really bend just!
14, 1 day evening I play games before computer, the wife after death worries at me I accompany her to play, I not from she at a
Destroy beside, in a short while make monitor closing, in a short while pull out a mouse and connect, take advantage o the time that I am too busy to make proper response, secretly withdrew me after death of chair.By this time the kitchen burns of Be getting more boiling, the wife leaps 跶跶 to pour boiled water, secretly pleased in my heart, can calculate to get away from this disaster.Which know to extreme happiness gives rise to sorrow, I"plop" one bottom sit at floor up, almost meanwhile, hear a kitchen a wife "Ao" ground call a , I still think he was burned by the boiled water, could not consider of oneself's bottom painful, Gao Beng gets up to hurtle into a kitchen, the wife is just leaning on in the kitchen door to roar with laughter, annoy me enough Qiang.The wife claps my shoulder:"Do not get angry, this is that investigate and see I am in your in the mind whether is more heavy than yourself.Very honor ground tells you, you passed to test!"Shuai~~~~~~~~I can also say what, earn good fame always is ordered small injury than oneself very some.
15, I all have to sleep over the weekend with wives lazy feel a habit.Once we the head tossed about a half night day evening, I an open
The eye felt to sleep several days, I push to come to tie up to sleep on me kill a piggish wife:"See form, what time?"The wife slept an eye whirlingly underneath to touch a form to took a look from the pillow:"Make what make, just 7:00, slept yours!"I touched touch belly:"How do I feel so hungry?Want to make to order something to eat."Wife a listen to come to strength:"Want to be not let's continue(love love)!You have never seen a somebody else message up say this kind of matter since can be for rice eat again can be wine to drink?We try, you dare?"I return and then defy this kind of to challenge of, hence lift knife top horse, again the Han fought some kind of.The affair just finished, old mama beat to call words, chatted to chat domestic life, asked me at 1:00 at noon much eat don't have a meal.I this just knows originally a wife this saw pour form and saw into 7:00 at 12:30.Hanging a telephone is about to seek a wife to calculate Zhang, the wife makes a facial expression of adoration:"Husband, you are really too brave, this time we unexpectedly did more than six hours ah!"Throw up blood~~~~~~Really want so, I still not get true come to the Jing exert person Wu!
16, university period, once went to the movie in the evening with wife, because a night ago with the elder brothers of dormitory beat poker all night, so the time that sees a film second half department really traps an idea difficult and advertise for the wife agree that the small Mi a short moment is behind.Don't realize mistake how long, a girl(sit on wife's one side) starts egress, wife lightly Tong I for a while, I think that the movie finishes playing, the in a daze uprising pulls the girl's hand to go toward to outside walk.The girl got a fright and tries very hard to outside took out and more took out me the Zuan must be more tight, the in the mind still makes to whisper:Pack before the person so serious do what, just not is hold hands incoming?The girl is finally hasty, simply bottom sits on my seat to depend on not to walk.I see on turning head wife Chi wear a tooth fierce smile, the flank girl's boyfriend(a see is also a student) also angrily the circle stare, I quickly accompany smiling face:"The elder brothers son, the your girl friend hand can be really enough soft of, I say how have a little not rightness!You had blessing too much!"Round is solve~~~~~~~~The wife almost has never give°ed me to beat°to deat after the cinema!
17, have a period of time, the cross-stitch populars, the wife also joined to embroider female battalion, in the evening into house front door not is two don't exceed ground to major in an embroidery, make oneself spin and weave woman worker with.This pours well, finish eating after the supper I was anti- to pour to fall quiet, can be free from interference ground up play what on the Internet.Is good fortune doesn't last long, the wife says his/her own a person that embroidering is dull, doesn't draw in the troops to me, I that doesn't wish ah, but again nothing important way.Luckily we naturally not is to embroider to florally anticipate, the useless half is expelled from the wife in the evening, the comment for getting BE:"Go to and go, the hand is hard heel younger brother younger brother, where pleasantly cool where foolish go!"Pour~~~~~~Originally man also not is where hard all okay!
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