
Beats by Dr Dre solo nresultThisworld thi

Can sit to his side !relationresultWhen Hiltonjuggernaut turned, see it sat Xiao Han ,surprised, he almost didn jump to .relationresultXiao man ,you ,how did you get here? A juggernaut ,surrounded by more than one person has never felt a thing ,that if the enemy ,head would move !relationresultXiaoHan smiled : of course is to come ! , relationresult, brother ,you this day like a ghost ,will scare person to death ! Hilton juggernaut awkward with a smile .
relationresultYou was a juggernaut will be a ghost to death ,say it out if no one would believe that ? Xiao Han mocking smile .relationresultDaosheng that old guy ? Hilton suddenly remembered ,he now is the identity of the referee .
relationresultIt coming ? Xiao Han pointed out and raced to a dark shadow road .relationresultThe voice just fell,people have stood in front of Hilton juggernaut !relationresultAnd followed by thelittle silver is a temporary force ,first step up to the side of the chair of Xiao Han ,a tired expression !relationresultA distance of thirty kilometersto Daosheng is also a piece of cake ,when he was a big dark mage after three thousand kilometers ,the foot had never stopped ,never lick him ,just shocked him ,Xiao Han seemed to have been to like, leisurely attitude seems to tell him ,you this fact !relationresultDaoshenga swarthy face and congestion, and expansion of the red, but he is behind him out ,but still ran in front of him ,even do not know how to surpass his face but lost ,this big ,proud of the two ability to totally lost in the end ,as a relief a gas balloon ,all of a sudden wilting ,Beats by Dr Dre solo!relationresultGuan Laofox behind rushing pant for breath ,the elegant small home !relationresultWho wins out ? An old fox is unable to hold oneself back asked 1 !relationresultDaoshengput on a long face : can you ask ,of course I was lost ! , relationresultGuan Laofox immediately exposed flower-like smile ,asked : God ,God is where are you ,Saimoto dean to see ? , relationresultThis kind of thingit is the artifact in a public occasion under the out look ,not to mention the opportunity makes the thief .
Xiao cold but clear ,and proposed to reside in elegant breakfast ,and then back to school ,find a secret place, let Daosheng out there later !relationresultDaoshenga stomach gas ,lost artifact ,lost face ,when Xiao Hansan people face ,had slowly table breakfast, often the most expensive point ,a point of not enough ,in ten copies !relationresultDaoshengdesperately desperately eat ,drink ,thought to speed you can find a little self-confidence ,but hopes, he now connecting pipe fox this fire grand Magister eating speed faster than him .
relationresultThis isXiao Han practice results ,who hands if slow ,that one morning will be the hungry ,three people have this understanding !relationresultSatiate,four people go back to school ,at the library of the underground a back room ,Xiao Hansan people just stare at Daosheng Chen East ,to see whether he took what artifact !relationresultThe God would have you heard ? Daosheng mouth couldn tic tract .
relationresultYou said one thousand years ago genius thieves Sora is ? Guan Lao fox have great experience ,nature is to know .relationresultHiltonnodded ,obviously this is a very well-known historical figures ,but Xiao Han is not known, but he was unusually calm ,chiseled face can not see what !relationresultThe God that Sola made a sensation on things in the world ,you know ? , relationresultI steal ! The pipe under the old fox made a face, you .
relationresultthe God sola to Dragon Island and steal the treasure ,in the face of pile up like a mountain hand dragon treasure ,he did not get ,but slipped into the Dragon forbidden, stole an artifact, therefore ,broken vow to kill a dragon ,Dragon Island ,the God was angry dragon smash into the meat mud ,but he steals a piece of God but for one ! Daosheng give three opened a period of dust-laden narrate legendary history .
relationresultWhat artifact worth dragon broken oath ,out of the island to kill him ? , relationresultDragon dagger ! , relationresultDragon artifact ,dragon dagger ! Guan Lao Fox and Hilton Juggernaut is a gasp ,no wonder they will have to break the oath at all costs from the island after the God sola !relationresultIs it right? The God crazy ,steal the Dragon dagger ,equal to that of the enemy with Lucullus dragon ,dragon know ,begin to kill him ,take back the Dragon dagger ! Hilton sage road .
relationresultDragon is now in your hand, Daosheng sir ,are you? Xiao Han coldly asked .relationresultWell ,the Dragon dagger is in my hand ,but it is it right? Can really long ,or that it is it right? Really dragon dagger ,I do not know ! Daosheng readily admit !relationresultDaoshengin his left middle finger that gold ring on a dark space ,a dark dagger in hand .
relationresultThisworld thief and brigand use dagger with earth sword almost the length ,may also slightly shorter ,but the blade is some radian ,the body is slightly wider .relationresultAt first glance,the Dragon dagger is nothing special ,because the thieves are walking the dark, their arms always how fancy ,practical give priority to ,with still heavy, but the uploading the filar silk chill and light in a reminder of the dragon , dipped in the blood of no less, as for Dragon blood is more human than some ,it can make nothing of it !relationresultSuch a dark dagger is the artifact Dragon dagger ,Daosheng old you rather also will take us ! Hilton juggernaut dissatisfaction tract .
relationresultGuan Lao wasthe fox carefully read dragon dagger after the Dragon dagger asked: where did you come ? , relationresultDaoshengChen East awkward one laughs: I was in the eastern continental travel time, decline from a noble children hands over to lead away the sheep by the way ,he said ,this is the Dragon dagger ! , relationresultDragon dagger missing nearly thousand years ,dragon also because the Dragon dagger missing broken vow to send the dragon in walk on the mainland ,if this is really what you think the Dragon dagger ,with dragon ability will make him in a rundown noble hands ,let you easily a stolen ? Guan Lao fox expressed serious doubts !relationresultSo ,this artifact is not ,you have to come up with one other thing we can know God ! Guan Lao fox notes that dragon dagger Xiao Han hand feeding tube ,then serious road .
relationresultYou ,you are ... ... Daosheng Chen East Gas straight guy ,but I Dajianshi ,in three st order under siege, no resistance strength ,can only recognize it !relationresultSeeDaosheng become dejected and despondent ,prepare second artifact when, even three individuals face a smile .
relationresultAfeeling was really too good !Especially a strong feeling more beautiful ,more a sense of achievement !relationresultGuan Lao fox isknown ,Hilton Juggernaut is of intense interest ,apparently not previously done such things ,Xiao Han continuously use their hands with the root dragon dagger ,have the feeling in the hands of gold dagger if not true dragon dagger ,afraid to head is not small !relationresultQiaono front ,dragon dagger can break the Dragon * defense ,should be very sharp is ,but Xiao Han do know ,as long as the quality to a certain level, fly leaf picking can be hurtful, and the Dragon dagger ?relationresultThe twenty-fourth chapter: the wind Guardian , relationresultDaoshengvery pain clutching his chest meat and pulled out a thing ,three people ,is a blue necklace ,a very simple necklace ,soft light package ,the roaring wind system mana on the three face is steep shock capacity !relationresultXiaoHan suddenly feel in myself quiet for a long time the wind had a heartbeat ,and more like something telepathically . Related articles:

