
Beats by Dr Dre solo with a subsequent B

Gang of what to say, does not attract the things with a subsequent B spoon so sensational effect .relationresultTorture . Zhao Long made a fierce look said: I told him ,if he does not say ,I will use the more brutal methods to interrogate him .
, relationresultCut . Zhang Siyu does not believe that man back ,after what the Ministry said ,but don for what he had done .relationresultDonany injuries ,but about Zhao Long for what he did ,he would even falls into a faint .
relationresultYou put this way to tell me ,I can introduce you to sue the maggot ,you have seen the sister su .So beautiful ,beautiful ,successful ,if you marry her ,at least thirty years of struggle ,Beats by Dr Dre solo.
Zhang Siyu suddenly thought of Su Zibing entrusted thing ,suddenly so said, after her own heart suddenly lifted up ,eyes staring at Zhao Long .relationresultI still love yourself .Zhao Longxin said , I have to tell the truth ,you don that I did not have the means .
relationresultTo hearZhao Long refused ,Zhang had heart began to beat ,feeling the heart suddenly put down .relationresultIn fact, Su sister has let me tell you, the last thing was just a misunderstanding ,she is sometimes too busy ,often do not contact people will forget ,but you should not .
Zhang Siyu spoke gently blowing ,coffee ,the eyes are looking at Zhao Long .relationresultAll right ,normal ,successful people . Zhao Long Bryant said, smiling heart was secretly .Because he had thought Su Zibing was hurrying to leave the office ,should be to find a Siyu ,then let Zhang had about yourself, just to feel themselves did not find one double soul this secret .
relationresultZhang Siyu is now alsoin this trial ,Zhao Long is also fit to pretend not to know .Two people chat, time imperceptibly in the past .Zhang Enyu himself did not notice ,since Zhao Long ,from the beginning of the joke to the later helped Su Zibing asked ,then talk about these things ,antique car .
In short ,this time she had been with Zhao Long .relationresultCargo shiparrived at Haicheng port ,receives is a team of the world carry loaded guns ,and the police in this man ,Zhao Dongchuan personally led to .
relationresultSinceknows Zhang Siyu drill dragon away ,Zhao Dongchuan, the first few days of no sleep at all ,until they contact a Siyu ,to know that she is safe after it better .Even so ,he now looks very haggard .
relationresultHe wasthe first time it reported ,because someone up there in fifth days ,in order to find the freighter .These days many things have happened in Haicheng ,holds the post of deputy director general is dual gauge ,it has also been implicated as a deputy mayor .
The police also purges again, the chief also therefore be transferred .Originally thought that this was done by Zhao Dongchuan, beat all the prestige Haidong district police department deputy director .
relationresultThe reason isbecause ,as Zhao Long the relationship between case ,Zhang had in the writing of the report did not give any credit to yourself in central .But someone had to be responsible for it, so Zhang Siyu the most commonly used is the leadership arrangement ,command well, Zhao Dongchuan as Zhang Siyu under the leadership will naturally be rewarded .
relationresultHurry up ,your father who come to Haicheng . , relationresultZhang Siyu got out of the boat,Zhao Longchuan immediately took her away .Just before leaving, Zhang had suddenly turned to look at Zhao Long ,say what was about to speak, but saying nothing ,want than a call sign .
relationresultZhao Longdid not think of is ,even a person himself ,Zhao Long also know the person beside Su Zibing ,is an assistant .relationresultMr. Zhao Hello ,because Miss Zhang rang earlier ,the Soviet Union will let us car ,at the same time in order to apologize ,especially you a double purple line diamond VIP card .
Holders of this card will receive a free lifetime ,repair ,maintenance ,purchase of vehicles will also get t discount ,any models can be ,please take good . The assistant will card with the keys to Zhao Long, some shortness of breath ,finally could not help but added :relationresultThis card we double purple trip ten years in the country issued a total of nine pieces, is this your tenth pieces .
, relationresultRemember me thank you for the Soviet union . Zhao Long smiled and nodded, folded card with the key .This does not need to go to the police, because the ship was boring ,transcripts ,Zhang Siyu has helped Zhao Long did .
relationresultBack to landagain ,there is always a sense of strength ,now reached the peak of martial realm, and is the peak of the strength of the strongest martial artist ,force of nearly 10 thousand jins .
Zhao Long believed that ,as long as you have one to two five of gas mixing body can reach ninth times ,beyond the normal limits the peak martial .But want to break through to the martial arts master ,also really five gas are performed in the first turn .
relationresultSong forty-six million the first mountain river ... ... , relationresultZhao LongChe Zigang entered the city ,a commercial street in the last huge electronic screen ,the direct seeding with an auction ,Zhao Longyi heard the song of the river suddenly brake looked past .
According to the lens at the moment happens ,a very familiar face to appear on camera ,not others ,it is fat .( to be continued ) , relationresultChapter ninety-second auction .relationresultFatnow face considerable tension ,although he has tried to control ,but who can see .
WWW ,especially for his close-up camera when ,in his eyes that excited ,excited ,let many people see tried .relationresultLook at that fat more interesting, he is doing, how always gave him a shot ? , relationresultLook at the seat ,like that painting owner .
, relationresultNot to say that the auction of the money is donated ,nervous stem what ? , relationresultWho knows, but this expression is so interesting ,ha ha ... ... , relationresultZhao Longcould not help but be fat like laugh, mind andao ,this fat is really famous .
You see him beside Hu Zhilin ,Xu Shangyue two people ,when to take that experienced and steady ,impervious to desires and passions ,look at the fat man .relationresultSo called call to much trouble ,I am a billion .
At the same time ,television suddenly heard a voice ,the quiet moment ,even all are watching television are quiet .relationresultEvennow parked in the street watching the big screen Zhao Long also stood ,a billion ,this sound is .
.. ... Yi Jie. , relationresultA billion ,one billion people bid ,it will break the imperial dynasties works is the highest price . At the moment, the auctioneer has finally come, excited ,excited about .
relationresultBut thislens also turned ,immediately close, appear on camera is easy .He is now wearing a dress ,a casual look like sitting there .Even if all people are looking at him ,but with a little bit of pride ,but still maintain a beautiful gesture .
relationresultNow thebuzz ,buzz constantly ,all eyes to see him, many people even stand up .Numerous lens ,flash is a flash .Since this is a charity auction ,live ,also welcome donations .
relationresultThe ... ... At this time ,suddenly there came a sound ,the lens is switched on again .relationresultHa-ha.I relied on, the fat man too powerful . , relationresultI really admire him to death ,he did it at the scene ? , relationresultThe fat man do ? , relationresultJustnervous ,excited ,all of a sudden was to dissolve fat ,because the lens in turn ,fat man has with the chair became entangled in the fall to the ground .
His feet on the chair at the middle ,just heard a billion ,also follow excited to stand up ,accidentally tripped over the heel chair together ,directly down to the ground .relationresultSome Zhao Longspeechless ,fat guy .
But looking at the camera and then switched to the Yi Jie, Zhao Long made a little grimace .relationresultOne hundred million ,one out of one hundred million ,we know that this picture is Related articles:

