
Beats By Dr Dre Studio ound clear thinki

What Yang Ye said is the truth .relationresultYangnight continued: Swire Mozong have to do now is to develop ,want to strength more than once actually not difficult also .If you want to ,five male and five female ascetic monastic order ,with great concentration for thousands of years ,they may have all the fairy realm ,but if five men and five women in the thousands of years breed, after thousands of years more than 10 million population ,only half of them practice ,ten where the immortal where opponents ,with saliva can mask of death they .
, relationresultBrokenroll some understand Yang night mean ,but still some doubts .Yang Ye also did not manage he ,continue to talk with eloquence : the people face ,and the road rules and bound ,population growth is slow .
While the indulgence to longitudinal ,millions of people as the base, with the birth of a child, after hundreds of years to reach one billion ,billions of people is not difficult .At that time, the fairyland .
.. .. I said ,not only beautiful fairyland ,rich Buddhist circles will definitely become the Buddhist foundation . , relationresultAh ! See light suddenly broken roll ,then a hesitation ,and confused : .
.. .. Child thing ,I ,I am not assembly . , relationresultDon break the prince still afraid of a volume of child is not ,to Trinity adults .( Krishna No. two ) where the study of population development and population management knowledge ,many times.
.. Oh ,learn a few times will be ?You should make oneself an example to state . Never make oneself an example of Yang night be good at giving systematic guidance : your fellow director through to the MBA course examination can be assumed, and you the overlord is Trinity adults promoted exceptionally ,don their children than down ,let death adults lose face ah ! , relationresultNever ,never ! Broken roll one very excitedly said: would live up to Trinity broken roll adults trust, the suzerain, do you say how to do ,I will do ! , relationresultYangnight nodded with satisfaction ,pointing mirror said : I told you to conquer the empty small star ,but the fairyland Nine Emperor Palace under the jurisdiction of the ore above star ,perhaps remain immortal ,but as far as I know ,mine star is unfit for human survival .
All you have to do ,is to be immortal ,according to the existing rock star .Swire ghosts do not lack of food ,but the lack of mineral resources ,in the universe in the collection of mineral resources, to promote development of the Pacific is the priority .
, relationresultJust then,the distance light flicker ,a star a shuttle from falling complex continental return .Tail docking ,fall answer Zong Zongzhu Tang Guangyuan, Tao Zong Mammon Ming se-hwa came in ,just see through holy patriarchate, also did not say a few words ,another star shuttle also returns, it is brought about by Oonra Senmunenekoaowoon ,five and Yang night ,in a cabin ,one for three ,Beats By Dr Dre Studio,accurate say ,should be directed toward heaven right at the start of .
relationresultWhat isright ?Is to be open and aboveboard .Yang night glanced around ,clear thinking ,and then gave a little cough ,asked : do you know if taken and magic .What the hell is ? , relationresultTheman was getting ready to concentrate one listening teaching, Yang did not expect night suddenly ask questions ,and this problem is very strange ,time do not know how to answer .
The prince ponders briefly broken roll ,said : the Supreme Lord .But the gift ,crossing into what can be immortal magic ,quality increase, so to say, should be a kind of discipline crossing .
, relationresultYangnight not to say yes or no ,turn the head asks : pale cloud day .? , relationresultArmageddon ... .. pale cloud unconscious look before crossing robbery of Tang Guangyuan ,is an awkward smile said : in fact ,Armageddon .
.. .. Actually taken ,Saint mother should be very clear then . , relationresultHa ha ,since pale cloud feel shy openings ,then by me . Yang night bright smile said: according to my opinion ,Armageddon is immortal fairyland control quantity of a cruel means .
In the realm of rootless duckweed immortals have more than 10 million people ,plus size fairy door ,four emperor palace ,tens of millions of the people ,everyone must practice ,everywhere is the cave of Xianju, if not controlled ,allowing lower bed up ,just a few years ,this Xianjie four delta are hard to find a place all the forces ,immortal ,emperor palace will force is small ,so its punishment in heaven, life is good strength ,good life natural damn it .
, relationresultAt this point,Tang Guangyuan already knew .Immortal law but is a kind of high order cultivation method, the immortal force but also higher order mana .Yang Ye from the day of refined palace gets fairy heart will refine ,quenching Dan baby health realm road repair can practice, and in vivo Aura will gradually converted to the immortal force .
Because the human world order are very public ,if allowed higher order method spread ,fairyland authority will all gone ,but the fairyland region is limited, do not contain numerous spikes bed ,and can only be strong enough to visit the fittest, also to the destiny, number of days to cover this ugly act, is a real one .
relationresultSo ,the fairyland is but a conservative cage, fly into sin is simply a looks beautiful, but a cruel deception ,I st in under the door does not have to rise henceforth ,this immortal where can .
Yang Ye let cubeba cloud heart sank ,feeling that a cloud Cangxian case has no future and hope ... ..relationresultSee Yang Yepointed to the far a blue star ,said to Tang Guangyuan : falling answer in the current task is gradually expansion to go outside .
Take a bright star for example ,you have to do is to Zim dolphin fleet destroyed outer space the gate ,then Minghui Star Ferry . she bed received small fairyland conversion immortal body ,is willing to come will come ,is not willing to come with they .
The lower back after a number of immortals ,they will cling to a rushing to come ,then ,and then the Xianjie hideous mask to expose, hey ,who would be willing to cross ?Unless he don live .
, relationresultTang Guangyuan was delighted,but for all road repair are of great benefit to the righteousness ,the suzerain and selfless ,only for the people in the world ,is thousands of years to find, million years to meet large sage .
Who knows what Yang night next to let Tang Guangyuan back to reality ... ..relationresultOf course ,we also can work . Yang said: want to be in the best of spirits of night of the immortal door must join in do not fall answer ,mother always should some followers ,if some idle bed ,then see their loyalty loyalty .
This is a process you should be very clear on how to deal with complex ,single just fall continent to the other door ,you copy sth. without catching its spirit on the line ,understand? , relationresultTang Guangyuan from theideal to reality ,still more sober ,he knows how to do ,is to concentrate their disciples were to change brain type preaching teaching ,then the older overhead ,pick a loyal to mix a ,finally direct consolidation ,don door disappeared ,into the collection of exercises ,or fusion study .
.. .. , relationresultThis kind of thingTang Guangyuan is no less dry ,see Saint mother is waiting for my answer ,so heavy nod .relationresultWell, well . Only Yang Ye assured ,although Tang Guangyuan heart good, but will make commitments . Related articles:

