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, "Cough along with a few stems, a person signs at that big head human face before, is exactly that Huang Mao Dao is long.
Immediately after, that person's or so both sides appeared Chen Xiao Cong and Huang Sheng Yi whom the battle sword keeps knife at the same time.
"Shout" of a , the withered leaf master also falls at that person's behind, the plum Lin stands on the ground, ha ha a burst of cachinnation:"Ha ha ha ha, This in this world is the greatest today of three mutually the teacher finally gathered together together!"
Plum Lin this boring cachinnation obviously didn't draw on anyone's vision, the visions of owner all concentrated at that big head Human body up, but big head the person's vision looks at Huang Mao Dao's long eyes.
"You lost!"2 people say towards seeing a short moment, Huang Mao Dao being long suddenly.
"I lost!"The big head person slowly puts the seedling it snows of back at ground up.
The plum Lin of unwilling to remain out of the limelight can not help learning the long appearance of Huang Mao Dao and interrupt conversation a way:"You surrender!"
"That pours not definitely!"That big head person big head in a flash, don't know why, burst upon at 4 people's ring of encirclement outside, immediately after once the hand flick, the air suddenly flicks to come over four sparkling Duo souls to fly claw.
Chen Xiao Cong comes forward an one step, the horizontal sword blocks at long Huang Mao Dao before the body, withered leaf one Zhang shot to fly claw seven inches, Huang Sheng Yi shouts at top of voice and dance one regiment knife light, killing the ghost claw block at the body is outside.
Once the Huang Mao Dao's long hand lift, a thunder and lightning splits bottom, make the cover splitting into two halfs the top of head is toward 4 people a ground of black cloth, fell from the black cloth four black dress persons.
The one of four black dress persons turns over a body to start to jump, the bright is four killing ghost claws, anti- round these 4 people at in the middle.
Huang Sheng Yi fends off ghost claw and shouts at top of voice, one knife splits to go to an among those and fights to immediately launch.
4 hangs up soul emissary to resist Huang Mao Dao to grow 4 people, four hang up how soul emissary is the meeting is these 4 people of enemy, don't arrive ten to recruit, then feeling not enemy.An among those blow a whistle, 4 people suddenly is one Zong to the air, now disappear.
Plum Lin concern of but is a seedling it snows, oneself walks to°from the south north and has already become the biggest fault for of being her, if she hasing a misfortune, how oneself being giving an account to the Ba in sky, this consumedly of achievement, canning.
The plum Lin lies prone on the ground and loudly calls a way:"The elder sister of the seedling, seedling elder sister!"But didn't hear one silk echo, connect a breath voice also didn't hear.
The withered leaf is tiny to squat down body, lightly on exploring the breath of seedling it snows, unexpectedly have been already drawn last breath.
The withered leaf shook to shake head, the hands match Shi and sighed tone:"Amitabha, square Zhang, the person dies to return to life!"
"What, did the seedling elder sister die?This how do, how does this do?Your grandmother of, affirmation is that big head the ghost of the fox Dao, Lao Tze must ate you can not!"Plum Lin the tooth for hating bite of"Ca Ca" keep ringing.
Chen Xiao Cong also the body in past Fu, cautiously saw for a while, the station is started and also shakes to shake head, air gloomy way:"Even if have will come round of big Luo the gold fairy is here,www.buybeatsbydrdreheadphone.com, perhaps is also don't save!"
"Come round?"The plum Lin is suddenly excited, " to, am I still small to come round Dan, am I still small to come round Dan!"
Plum Lin side excitement say, the side took out from the bosom many consumedly small small bottle of, all of these are what plum Lin no man managed refined come prepare to use for oneselfs, among them small came round Dan to do some help in the calamity moment for many times, and then had many times in the urgent juncture but because of have no small come round a Dan mistake matter, therefore is small to come round Dan is what plum Lin first prepares, have never thought the true parties ascended now use.
The plum Lin finally gropes for one is small bottle of, pass to withered leaf, call a way:"Feed her quickly, feed her quickly, no matter more than two hours was used!"
The withered leaf is low body, pick up Chen Xiao Cong to pass over here of body up take of water, lightly of fed into the small tablet in a grain of black the mouth of the seedling it snows inside.
The seedling it snows has already canned not swallow at this time, the withered leaf master uses ten dint absolute being achievement, small come round Dan to turn to open, follow water current to keep on flowing.
Four pairs of eyes' adding two ear eyes doesn't become fair of stare at the face of seedling it snows, led time of one pillar joss-stick, the Tu listenned to "murmur" of a , the throat of seedling it snows moved for a while and overflowed a little water.
Shouting loudly of plum Lin excitement:"Live, lived, Lao Tze of small come round Dan is a tube to use and defy not to go!"
Along with eyes of seedling it snows also Zheng open, vacantly looking at on all sides, wait until to see a top four pairs of eyes while staring at oneself in the head, can not help a Nu way:"What do you see to see?"
At this time, four talented persons are long long of one breath, moved head to open.
The seedling it snows stood to stand body, momentary but don't rise of, tiny moved several bottoms in, suddenly "shout" of a , a person fell seedling it snows in front, a copied seedling it snows, the bearer is exactly a Zhi just.
The long taste of Huang Mao Dao is one Shan, but doesn't say what.
The seedling it snows is sweet sweet on smiling, towarded Zhi to just say:"Thank you!"
Zhi just still the noodles was expressionless, the half embraced her slender waist.
"Feed, lord in the seedling valley, you request to do of matter I attained, I still saved your life, you should cash your words?"The plum Lin often knows a forward asking of the duty way.
The seedling it snows smiles a to smile:"I never fail to keep promise!We this orders Cang mountain!"
"Order Cang mountain?Order Cang mountain stem what?"Mei Lin doesn't understand of ask a way.
"Would not° until break ghost fan big have to want to use some Cang top of hill of whole year round don't turn of ice snow go!"
"Whole year round not turned ice snow?That even if doesn't it turn in the top of hill and take down to still don't turn?How can that get hold of very a joy island to go?"
"That will you thought a way!"The seedling it snows lightly says, " walks or not, you don't walk, and I went first!"
By this time, Chen Xiao Cong suddenly interrupts conversation a way:"I know the in this world has a kind of fighting skill to be called cold ice Zhang, can turn water as ice and use Zhang dint like this can definitely keep ice snow!"Chen Xiao Cong finishes saying this sentence, but eyes keep to straightly hope a withered leaf master.
"Cold ice Zhang?Your grandmother of, Lao Tze also knows, we arrive this time where seek will the person of cold ice Zhang?"
Huang Mao Dao is long also hoarse orotund way:"Not necessarily must cold ice Zhang, want ~only is cold and damply inside the dint become!"
"Amitabha, old Na of ten dint absolute being achievement probably can a try!"
"Your grandmother of, kill a withered leaf, you how late say, harm of Lao Tze's load the heart of along while!"
Order the Cang top of hill white snow Ai Ai, the plum Lin suddenly and loudly calls a way:"Your grandmother of, this place Lao Tze comes to lead!"

Chapter 21 ghost is fond of a big bloody battle ghost door

After a month, seedling it snows heroic bearing direct and simple big step ascended to enjoy very much to start to build in the island of simplely order set.
The wood table in a black puts at order set the center, on a knife of wood table, on the knife thwart of is exactly the absolute being knife that the celestial spirits helps-cut a month.
The right side that is dignity Ba inclined to sit on the wood table in the sky.More than ten celestial spiritses make very neat row at wood table on, the celestial spirits of one row row helps the pupil in high spirits station at under the stage, front row what to line up is a celestial spirits to grow for military adviser, Huang Mao Dao, , pair military adviser plum Lin, in command of cousin son south the temple is concealed, conductor cousin son Huang Sheng Yi, in command of cousin son Chen Xiao Cong and courageous cousin son joss-stick Gu.
The second row is a clear Feng of last two groups of captainses officer, the three groups of captainses take charge of Ma Lan however wait each brigade captain.
The seedling it snows awe-inspiring swept to see a set public, the clear voice says:" After a month of training, you have already mostly understood ghost to be fond of a cracking of big method, it is divided into four, is also four elephants, south Vinaceous Rosefinch, north Xuan martial and eastern green dragon, west woman without pubic hair.Is four in again each hide evil spirit and Chi, Wang and Liang, then fan, poison, fire, copy four kinds of organizations, each time grow an organization again each have four kinds of varieties, total each one to contain 16 kinds of varieties.Each end is a Vinaceous Rosefinch, martial Xuan and green dragon and woman without pubic hair is four eyes, break this, go to for 1:00 of importance be want at same time, order snow of Cang mountain and throw an eye at at the same time in, sprinkle to extinguish a flame in eyes, the passage leading to total Shu of big will open, then kill lord the person of, this broke!Have you all already listenned to understand?"
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