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At, again much pure sun Dan the medicine consume, square cold also inattentive.
The square is fully cold, released the Dan medicine of 1,000,000,000,000 amounts, bring up self-discipline.
He now, with square pure snow together, consciousness sinks to immerse at hole in sky, face toward the Kun Peng, gourmand.He burns for 100,000 years, life span, arrest 2 people, wanted to find back from the two greatest absolute beings monster body now.
Chapter 681 Zu fairy sovereign Dan
Kun Peng, gourmand two greatest absolute being monster still just propping up of bitterness bitterness.
However, they were also end of the road end of roads, the square was cold to spare means to deal with him now they, that is to wait dead.
"The square is cold, square cold, you don't want to kill us.We would like to convert to."The Kun Peng, the gourmand, is cracked down on in 8 to float to butcher bottom at this time, move not to get, see square cold to walk out, immediately frighten all over to shiver:"You use a big Pu degree Shu, the Du turns us, we can do 8 to float a Tu for your Ning, we can also give you the Ning to do for 33 days, extremely valued, you want Ning to do for 33 days, extremely valued, is a huge engineering, we are absolute being monsters, the Jing is good at various means of refining magic weapon, if your Du turned us.That Ning does the speed of magic weapon and compare oneself to refine to want quickly numerous times."
"Hum, you are these two absolute being monsters, till now this time, also infatuated crazy idea."Square cold cold way:"What magic weapon do I want?What magic weapon do I have the rare article way the machine to refine in the body now?Than rare article way is the machine still severe?Said again, I for arresting you, fully lost for 100,000 years, life span, have to loot the time rule in the your body.Make I of time rule, greatly satisfactory.Then break state, arrive long living five heavy, build a thing territory, the Ning inside the body does an immortal material.When the time comes, can refine a first grade way machine, all life span, will resume to come over as well.Is also further, I with what, pass you?"
"The square is cold, you are how cruel!"
"I am in the article of death, can't give you the chain to turn, either, Kun Peng from explode, demolish world!"
Kun Peng bellows that the Jing blood inside the body seethes.Attempt from explode, escape from a square cold.
"Do not is useful, under my suppression, dare also thus unrestrained, absolutely is recklessly and blindly do."It was square cold face to urge various magical power in the body to relentless, suddenly for a while cause the dint of the transmigration of soul in the nether world diagram.
The shadow of the dish of transmigration of soul suspends in the Kun Peng, on the head of gourmand, a little bit on revolving, immediately of chase these two bodies of absolute being monsters, must smash for shot.
"The hand of heaven!"
Later on, the square is cold to display "big blue sky Shu", the palm grasps to shoot in the past, the Zhang shadow turned over to fly, in the flesh and blood of those explosions, grasp two hole sky.
These two hole sky, the inside various space rule crystal, time the rule crystal is continuously flowing to turn, these space in, have some a baby, coagulate to take shape, strong magical power, at hole sky on, continuously revolve.
"Like, like!These two absolute being monsters, the everybody Ning did 99 kinds of magical powers, all highest of existence.Swallowing for my small predestination Shu is really comfortable."
Absolute being monster, the life dollar is leisurely long, the vitality swallows to vomit violent.In the coon age, the magical power of self-discipline, pretty much of many.
No matter is a Kun Peng, still a gourmand, all Zhou light territory, the Ning did the superior of the rule of time and at will gobbled up the evil absolute being of deathless body, the myth of space rule wasn't all difficult affair.Often the depredation in year, can chase in the world cosmos, various magical powers of each kind all learn.
It particularly is a Kun Peng.
The magical power in the body of Kun Peng, all of each are very strong, however regret BE, only some 3,000 major ways, if greatly incise Shu, greatly collapse to put out Shu, greatly gobble up Shu etc. the sky is evil the magical power of self-discipline is usually.
"H'm?This, the incredibly small predestination Shus can not gobble up, might it not be is what is more similar than the magical power that the various absolute being creates a life time?" Gobble up the process of magical power at the cold square in, suddenly, the body of Kun Peng in, have a , incredibly can not be gobbled up by the small predestination Shu, resist destiny of strength.
This, is constitute to°from 33 sign texts, each time a sign text, and 33 day, extremely valued, all communicate mutually, or is a wreath form, or is a sword form, or is an ax form, or is a fork form ………33 sign texts, constituted 33 heavy spaces, one seems to be the Qiong building jade Yu of sign text shape, seem a world, and seem an operation to build to turn of to Gao unreal.
"Print Jue for 33 days.This is that the fairyland is sovereign, builds to turn a fairy king, create of, attempting can match in excellence with the door of eternal life of thing.The existence of the door of the eternal life of fairyland is all fairy heads up hang of the benefit sword is all sources that build to turn, the hopes of eternal life.But fairyland of sovereign, build to turn a fairy king, created for a 33 days, attempted to be juxtaposed with the door of eternal life."
Square pure snow, also feel the cold idea in time for gobbling up 33 sign texts of square reads, not from get brain in, gleam such a words.
"What?Does the fairyland build to turn a fairy king, is what things?"The square is cold not from ask a way.
"I didn't remember as well, but in my soul branding, always existence this name of."Square pure snow shakes, " is really also oddness, why this Kun Peng, print Jue for meeting 33 days?And is its this life tradition?Seem its ancestry, come down from the fairyland.Fairyland really is have the absolute being monster that allowing is much more."
Printing Jue for these 33 days isn't a Kun Peng to learn of, but this Kun Peng, from his parents there tradition come of, in the eggshell study meeting.
"This print Jue, is to create a life time with various absolute being, similar astounding.I must conceal in the body, and the various absolute being create a life time to be juxtaposed, hereafter be used as to necessarily kill a skill, the shot kills an enemy."
The square is cold the Qiong building jade Yu that these 33 sign texts constitute, conceal in the body, and the various absolute being create a life time opposition, immediately of, the strength soars.
And, in the wail, Kun Peng's all vitalities, all changed into nourishing, get into square cold body hole sky in.
The gourmand is also similar, his space rule crystal, time rule crystal,http://feeds.feedburner.com/CUZM, also all integrated into cold hole of square the sky, of in a flash, the time rule in the square cold body, immediately greatly satisfactory!
Kun Peng, gourmand of time rule crystal, time rule contain, how extensive?Almost included all time rules.3,000 time rules, 11 of all contain at among them.
These two absolute being monsters, all that time rule, the strong existence of the Zhou light territory highest point, all time rules, all drive square cold after getting, at square cold hole sky in, that time rule, coagulate a time crystal of fist size!
Crystal this time, from 3,000 rule structures but become, contained the dint of very and abundant time among them, time rule of ultimate end and profound meaning, make square cold can at will adjust oneself hole time within sky.
And square cold oneself hole crystal wall within sky, also all have wriggling of innate intelligence, seem a huge crystal placenta, is hatching rare person to come out.
This early sign that wants to promote to "build a thing territory".
The square is cold the whole hole sky, took place to turn over the variety that the sky replies ground.His strength also fully promoted to terrible degree.Arrived 100,000,000,000 on.
And his life span, also slow-movingly increase.Although have never made up back,also increased for few ten thousand yearses.
"I want to close the border!Thoroughly close the border!Chase this Kun Peng, the rule of gourmand, all become own.Che thoroughly the realization of the bottom time rule, a hour, 100 years!I want to close the border for several thousand years, around ten thousand years of!Hopes further, arrives the state of building the thing!Pill of immortality!Come out for me, the pill of immortality in martial database in the sky!Come out!"
Kun Peng, gourmand, whole all disappeared, Che thoroughly the having no of bottom is one silk branding, exist between the world, became inside the square cold body thick savings in the Hun, now square cold body in, the huge vitality is flowing to turn, these vitality, he can not the chain turn, two strength of absolute being monsters,

