
http://feeds.feedburner.com/yQUu peech arrestment Wan

, Then continue to say:"Wang Yi Zhou says Jing state the situation is urgent, must defend, all of various Mr.s are learned scholars, the chest has Tao slightly, viewpoint all said respectively, speak without any inhibition."
Ni Ma of, good shameless.
After Wang Can listenned to, Fen Fen in heart not already, thoroughly have no language to Liu Biao.Be compared to department Ma Hui of'the face reading talk about', Liu Biao turns over a face not to recognize a person to make Wang Can angry more.
If Liu Biao is public side to put forward, obviously is is want to pass the Jing state text military officer member come answer criticism Wang Can, among them implicit viewpoint, obvious.The officials of Liu Biao's troops is all Chi that the long sleeve dances well, is good at ascertaining intent through word and expres.If they listenned to Liu Biao, immediately knew Liu Biao's viewpoint.
Fiercely the Cai Mei station starts and greatly treads to walk to hall, arch hand way:"Cai Mei pays a courtesy calls on Wang Yi Zhou."
Wang Can used remaining to only sweep eye Liu Biao, but saw old fox to smilingly looking at him.
See this, Wang Can is very anxious to to immediately hurtle up, , painful flat Liu Biao vents the fury in the heart.He deeply absorbs tone and presses down irritable dynamic emotion in heart, the arch hand says:"General Cai has advice?"
Cai Mei clear voice way:"The Mei is the private of river eastern tiny end, some interrogative in the heart, please Wang Yi Zhou's solution?"
Wang Can hears Cai Mei's first words, the heart neutrally engraves to rise a far from good felling.
The Jing big clan inside the state stands up like a forest, dish root wrong stanza, than the benefit state big clan is more very.Send back news in the hero building of Xiang sun and call that the Jing state contains five greatest households, is huge house, Cai Jia and Xi house, Kuai house and Huang Jia respectively according to the establishment.
Among them, the huge house is led by huge virtuous Mr., there is huge influence, but have no an official as officer.
The Kuai house includes the two greatest representatives the person, respectively is that the Kuai is good and Kuai more, 2 people all work in Liu Biao's troops.Real strenght in the Kuai house is strong, the fame is vigorous, Liu Biao can go into lord Jing state, Kuai more and the Kuai Be good to have the achievement that can not obliterate.
Huang Jia's representative's person is Huang Cheng Yan and Huang Zu, all of 2 people are yellow clan persons, one text a martial, have influence.Huang Cheng Yan's free and happy recluse, but the reputation is in the outside, Huang Zu is in Liu Biao's troops an officer, the herding guards a square.There is Huang Cheng Yan that prop up with Huang Zu, Huang Jia's influence is no lower than a huge house, Kuai house.
As for Xi house, although have the Xi the etc. well-known scholar,have no for the officer, not outstanding.
Cai Jia of Cai Mei's place, not only famous in the Jing state, all of the whole big fellows are that the fame is brights, prestige is vigorous, belongs to a He He big clan.Cai Mei, father, Cai Feng , ,'s younger sister marries to be a dynasty too Wei Zhang Wen, Cai Feng 's eldest daughter marries Huang Cheng Yan as wife again.Outside marriage inside Cai Jia belongs to well-deserved a big clan.
Such Mao He vigorous big clan, but Cai Mei burst out'the private of tiny end', make Wang Can not very great.
You pack to force also why the need for pack to force in Lao Tze's in front just?Is very displeased in Wang Can Xin, still the arch hand says:"Does general Cai have a matter?Though the way comes, the Can makes an effort to dispel doubt for general."
Cai Mei says with smile:"The Mei appreciates not to exert."
, Cai Mei's air is one Su, say:"Although the Mei is long in the Jing state, once heard an one year ago of Wang Yi Zhou is a district magistrate in the man, in former days of the benefit state herding is Liu how.However, Wang Yi Zhou serves as the district magistrate in the man however a year, scene, send troops to strike against Chengdu, kill Zhao Wei Yi, imprison Liu how parents and children."
"In former days Wang Yi Zhou is Liu how of inferiority, but be struck against by Wang Yi Zhou, with as for oneself dies, the family possessions withers.If my house the lord Be male to form alliance with you, perhaps need not how long, Wang Yi Zhou will also send troops Jing state.With the Mei view, Wang Yi Zhou doesn't is to form alliance, but schemes Jing state."
Cai Mei says toss ground to contain voice, let Liu Biao's facial expression a become to change again.
Wang Can smells speech, is also facial expression to greatly change.
Wang Can deeply absorbs tone and presses down the wrath in the heart and quickly falls calm.He has no immediately after Cai Mei's words answer, so will fall into a leeway.Wang Can wanted to think, the arch hand asked a way:"General Cai, canned once read 《 is left to spread 》?"
Cai Mei humed a voice, the noodles exposed the color of Ji Feng and said:"Mei although the private of tiny end, a plain soldier, also the perusal is left the rite for spread, understanding a poem book.Wang Yi Zhou has advice, though way to would be."
Take charge of Ma Hui and huge virtuous smell speech, one Tu in heart.
2 people saw eye Cai Mei and peeped out commiserative facial expression in the eye.
Their 2 people once cross-examined Wang Can, but was pursued relentlessly a fierce dozen by Wang Can and ate to order small suffering.Cai Mei hurtles up to beat now first time, difficult Wang Can, saying had to only don't fight Wang Can, be on the contrary humiliated by Wang Can.
Wang Can Wei says with a smile:"Although the Can is Wu Fu,also is to love the person of book, the night once reads 《was left to spread 》 , didn't want to put it away and stared at it for the jewelry.The Can remembers 《is left to spread 》 on, jotted down 1 to call'Wei comfortable Ci Hui'of story, very interesting, treat me to review for general slowly way coming, asking a general point."
Cai Mei immediately turned angry face after listenning to.
Wang Can but ignore regardless of, good don't see Cai Mei's air.
His station starts and stands down step and without telling anyone says:The spring autumn period, ruling big minister Han Xuan Zi of the Jin country dies, the country big minister Wei of Jin is comfortable after allow Han Xuan Zi's official position, become ruling big minister.The Wei after being comfortable ruling cuts up into ten counties of two farm lands of old nobilities and sends artistic talent respectively and have the person of achievement these place, serve as the superior of these counties.There are an officials and Wei comfortable of the same clan nameding Wei's E among the officialdom, be sent Geng sun county to be a superior.
When Wei's E serves as a superior, Geng sun someone beat a lawsuit, very of complications.Wei's E knows oneself ability shortage and thinks this lawsuit, he can hardly break settle, then send a person to report the lawsuit to the Wei comfortable, make the Wei comfortable in person processing.
By this time, the one party of litigation secretly chooses songstress to send comfortable to the Wei.
The Wei after being comfortable see intends to receive."
Wei Wu knows this after the event, to the big minister Yan in the dynasty have no and female the breadth say:"The Wei is comfortable to spread fame various Hou all countries because sweeping Lian is clear, don't accept to bribe, if receive songstress, don't largerly bribe than this.The you two must advise Jian he."
Yan have no and female the breadth see Wei's E saying formally and then promising down."
Back backward on the first, the Yan has no and female the breadth didn't leave.Etc. sent to the attendant of meal to come, the Wei was comfortable to see 2 people still just, receive 2 people to have a meal together, show the respect to 2 people."
The Yan has no and female although the breadth stares at the meal on the table,sigh tone.
The time that waits a dining,http://feeds.feedburner.com/yQUu, 2 people twice sigh again.
After finishing eating for rice, the Wei is comfortable to ask a way:"I listen to the time that the uncle, uncle once say, have a meal and forget worry, why does the you two three times sigh?"
The Wei is comfortable to be at every step lured by 2 people, get into a set of son.
The Yan has no and female breadth after listenning to, unanimous opinion of say:"Yesterday night, someone gave us to the wine two mean persons, so don't have supper."
"Now feels hungry panic, see just- come up meal, perhaps not enough eat, so sigh.Is half the time on the vegetables, we blame their ourselveses and secretly say:The general invite us to have a meal, will be not enough to eat?Therefore, we again sigh.Wait until meal the top is over, we would like to regard as the heart of gentleman to the belly of mean person, just satisfy go!"
The words make reference to here, Wang Can Leng says with a smile:"General Cai, you finish hearing this story, is it what truth to know?"
Cai Mei's facial expression rises red, don't talk.
Wang Can puts a hand and drinks to scold a way:"With the heart of mean person, degree the stomach of the gentleman."A words speak, is also a Sao Cai Mei's looking angry and embarrassed, lower the head, don't dare to face public vision.
Is huge virtuous male and department Ma Hui mutually see a to hope, the corner of mouth is tiny to have muscular spasms.
This guy, talk can really malicious shout.
After today, Cai Mei's name will spread Jing state.
PS:Two of the midnights, again renewal late, sorry admire.

Volume 8 recruits wise Na private chapter 447 heated dispute Jing state(is medium)
The fragrance of books house renews time:2011-8-146:38:48 chapter word numbers:4217

Cai Mei is given sharp advice by Wang Can, the double eyes are suffused with red, spirit want to denounce openly.
He stares at Wang Can and see Wang Can flick to flick gusset to slowly return to sit at table and have already wished and obstructed, but can not find any speech arrestment Wang Can, angry under, the Cai Mei very anxious to dozen hole drills ground.
Wang Can Yi words, let Cai Mei have no face to hall public.
In fact, Wang Can has no question of answering Cai Mei face to face, only relate a story, say

